Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Pap. De adulteriis lib.Papiniani De adulteriis libri

De adulteriis libri

cum Notis Marciani

Ex libro singulari

Dig. 22,5,14Idem libro singulari de adulteriis. Scio quidem tractatum esse, an ad testamentum faciendum adhiberi possit adulterii damnatus: et sane iuste testimonii officio ei interdicetur. existimo ergo neque iure civili testamentum valere, ad quod huiusmodi testis processit, neque iure praetorio, quod ius civile subsequitur, ut neque hereditas adiri neque bonorum possessio dari possit.

The Same, On Adultery. I am aware that it has also been discussed whether one who has been convicted of adultery can give evidence for the purpose of proving a will; and it is clear that he is justly forbidden from testifying in court. Therefore I think that a will which must be proved by a witness of this kind is not valid, either by the Civil Law, or by the Prætorian Law which follows it; so that neither an estate can be entered upon, nor the possession of the property of the deceased be granted on such testimony.

Dig. 48,5,12Idem libro singulari de adulteris. Miles, qui cum adultero uxoris suae pactus est, solvi sacramento deportarique debet. 1Militem, qui sororis filiam in contubernio habuit, licet non in matrimonium, adulterii poena teneri rectius dicetur. 2Ea, quae inter reas adulterii recepta esset, absens defendi non potest. 3Socer cum nurum adulterii accusaturum se libellis praesidi datis testatus fuisset, maluit accusatione desistere et lucrum ex dote magis petere. quaeritur, an huiusmodi commentum eius admitti existimes. respondit: turpissimo exemplo is, qui nurum suam accusare instituisset, postea desistere maluit contentus lucrum ex dote retinere tamquam culpa mulieris dirempto matrimonio: quare non inique repelletur, qui commodum dotis vindictae domus suae praeponere non erubuit. 4Adulterii reum intra quinque annos continuos a die criminis admissi defuncta quoque muliere postulari posse palam est. 5Quidam accusare volebat adulterii mulierem et postulabat, ne sibi computarentur dies, quos in custodiam fecisset: me hoc admittente exstitit qui mihi contradiceret. cuius opinionem an tu probes, rogo maturius mihi scribas. respondit: opinionem tuam et verba legis et sententia adiuvant, cui placuit utiles dies accusatori computandos esse, id est quibus potuit accusationis sollemnia implere. quare sine dubio dies, quibus quis in custodia fuit, extra computationem utilium dierum existimanti tibi constitutos contradici non debuit. 6Sexaginta dies, qui marito accusanti utiles computantur, feriatis quoque diebus, si modo facultatem praesidis adeundi accusator habuit, numerari certum est, quoniam de plano quoque libellus dari potest. quod privilegium si amisit, non prohibetur intra alios quattuor menses querellam suam apud iudicem deferre. 7Quaerebatur, an iure mariti possit accusare vir eam feminam, quae, cum ei desponsa fuisset, alii in matrimonium a patre fuisset tradita. respondit: novam rem instituere huiusmodi accusatorem existimo, qui adulterii crimen obicere desiderat propter hoc tantum, quod priori sibi desponsa puella a patre in matrimonium alii fuerit tradita. 8Defuncto marito adulterii rea mulier postulatur, 9quae propter impuberem filium vult dilationem ab accusatore impetrare: an debeat audiri? respondi: non videtur mihi confugere ea mulier ad iustam defensionem, quae aetatem filii praetendit ad eludendam legitimam accusationem: nam non utique crimen adulterii, quod mulieri obicitur, infanti praeiudicat, cum possit et illa adultera esse et impubes defunctum patrem habuisse. 10Volenti mihi ream adulterii postulare eam, quae post commissum adulterium in eodem matrimonio perseveraverit, contradictum est. quaero, an iuste responsum sit. respondit: ignorare non debuisti durante eo matrimonio, in quo adulterium dicitur esse commissum, non posse mulierem ream adulterii fieri: sed nec adulterum interim accusari posse. 11Licet ei mulier, qui in suspicionem adulterii incidit, nupsisse dicatur, non ante accusari poterit, quam adulter fuerit convictus: alioquin ad hoc vel maxime viri confugient volentes bene concordatum sequens matrimonium dirimere, ut dicant cum adultero mulierem nuptias contraxisse. 12Mulier cum absentem virum audisset vita functum esse, alii se iunxit: mox maritus reversus est. quaero, quid adversus eam mulierem statuendum sit. respondit tam iuris quam facti quaestionem moveri: nam si longo tempore transacto sine ullius stupri probatione falsis rumoribus inducta, quasi soluta priore vinculo, legitimis nuptiis secundis iuncta est, quod verisimile est deceptam eam fuisse nihil vindicta dignum videri potest: quod si ficta mariti mors argumentum faciendis nuptiis probabitur praestitisse, cum hoc facto pudicitia laboretur, vindicari debet pro admissi criminis qualitate. 13Ream adulterii uxorem duxi: eam damnatam mox repudiavi. quaero, an causam discidii praestitisse videor. respondit: cum per legem Iuliam huiusmodi uxorem retinere prohibearis, non videri causam te discidii praestitisse palam est. quare ita ius tractabitur quasi culpa mulieris facto divortio.

The Same, On Adultery. A soldier who has compromised with the seducer of his wife should be released from his oath, and be deported. 1It has very properly been decided that a soldier who lives in concubinage with his sister’s daughter, although this is not marriage, will be liable to punishment for adultery. 2A woman who is classed among those who have committed adultery cannot be defended in court while she is absent. 3A father-in-law who, in a written accusation filed with the Governor, stated that he accused his daughter-in-law of adultery, preferred to abandon the accusation and obtain her dowry. The question arises whether you think that a scheme of this kind should be permitted. The answer was, that it is a very dishonorable example for a person, after he has brought an accusation against his daughter-in-law, to desire to abandon it, and remain content with the profit obtained from her dowry, as the marriage was dissolved through the fault of the woman. Wherefore he will not be unjustly barred who was not ashamed to prefer the advantage of the dowry to avenging the honor of his house. 4It is clear that anyone guilty of adultery can be prosecuted within five years from the time when the crime was committed, even though the woman should be dead. 5A certain person desired to accuse a woman of adultery, and asked that the days which he had passed in prison should not be counted against him. I, having agreed to this, another contradicted me; and, if you approve of his opinion, I ask you to write to me after careful consideration of the question. The answer was, that both the terms and the intention of the law sustain your conclusion; for it has been decided that only available days should be counted against the accuser, that is to say, those in which he can comply with the formalities required by the accusation. Therefore, undoubtedly, when you hold that the days during which the complainant was in prison are not to be included among those available days, no reason exists for opposing your opinion. 6The sixty days that are counted as available and in which the husband can bring the accusation certainly include festivals, provided the accuser has the power of appearing before the Governor, because the information can be given to the latter even when he is not on the bench. If, however, he has lost this privilege, he is not prevented from filing his complaint with the judge during the other four months. 7The question arose whether a man could, by the right of a husband, accuse a woman who had been betrothed to him, and had afterwards been given in marriage by her father to another. The answer was, I think, that the accuser, in a case of this kind, institutes a new proceeding when he desires to bring a charge of adultery, for this reason only, that the girl who had been betrothed to him was afterwards given by her father in marriage to another. 8A woman can be prosecuted for adultery after the death of her husband. 9Should a woman who asks for delay on account of the youth of her son obtain it from the accuser, or ought she to be heard? I answered: This woman does not seem to have a just defence who offers the age of her son as a pretext for evading a legal accusation. For the charge of adultery brought against her does not prejudice the child, since she herself may be an adulteress, and the child still have the deceased for his father. 10When I desired to accuse a woman of adultery who, after having committed the offence, continued in the same marital relation, my position was disputed. I ask whether the opinion was correct. The answer was: “You should not have been ignorant that, during the marriage which existed when the adultery was said to have been committed, the woman could not have been prosecuted for adultery, and that during this time the adulterer himself could not have been accused.” 11Although a woman may be alleged to have married him with whom she is suspected of having committed adultery, she cannot be accused before the adulterer has been convicted. Otherwise, husbands desiring to have marriages, which have subsequently been contracted, annulled, would have recourse to this pretext, and say that their wives had married men with whom they had committed adultery. 12A woman, having heard that her absent husband was dead, married another, and her first husband afterwards returned. I ask, what should be decided with reference to this woman? The answer was that the question is one of law and not of fact; for if a long time had elapsed without any proof of debauchery having been made, and the woman, having been induced by false rumors, and, as it were, released from her former tie, married a second time in accordance with law, as it is probable that she was deceived, and she can be held to have done nothing deserving of punishment. If, however, it is established that the supposed death of her husband furnished an inducement for her marrying a second time, as her chastity is affected by this fact, she should be punished in proportion to the character of the offence. 13I married a woman accused of adultery, and, as soon as she was convicted, I repudiated her. I ask whether I should be considered to have furnished the cause of the separation. The answer was that, since by the Julian Law you are prohibited from keeping a wife of this kind, it is clear that you should not be considered to have furnished the cause for the separation. Therefore, the law will be applied just as if a divorce had taken place through the fault of the woman.

Dig. 48,16,11Idem libro singulari de adulteris. Quaerebatur, an hi, qui ab accusatione tempore exclusi essent, in senatus consultum Turpillianum inciderunt. respondit non oportere dubitari calumnia non puniri eos, qui praescriptione temporis exclusi causam adulterii perferre non potuerunt.

The Same, On Adultery. The question was asked whether those who had been excluded from bringing an accusation by lapse of time come within the scope of the Turpillian Decree of the Senate. The answer was that there is no doubt that persons who are prevented by prescription from bringing a charge of adultery can be punished for calumny.

Ex libro I

Dig. 22,5,13Papinianus libro primo de adulteriis. Quaesitum scio, an in publicis iudiciis calumniae damnati testimonium iudicio publico perhibere possunt. sed neque lege remmia prohibentur et Iulia lex de vi et repetendarum et peculatus eos homines testimonium dicere non vetuerunt. verumtamen quod legibus omissum est, non omittetur religione iudicantium ad quorum officium pertinet eius quoque testimonii fidem, quod integrae frontis homo dixerit, perpendere.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book I. I know that the question has arisen whether those who have been convicted of calumny in public trials can testify in a public prosecution. They are not, however, forbidden to do so by the Lex Remmia; and the Lex Julia relating to violence, extortion, and peculation, does not prohibit such persons from giving evidence, nevertheless, what is omitted by the laws should not be omitted by the conscientious judge, whose duty it is to carefully weigh the credibility of the witness and determine whether he gives his testimony as a man of integrity should do.

Dig. 23,5,12Papinianus libro primo de adulteriis. Etiam si dirempto matrimonio dotale praedium esse intellegitur. 1Soceri voluntas in distrahendo dotali praedio nulla est.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book I. Even though the marriage should be dissolved, the land is still understood to be dotal. 1The consent of a father-in-law to the sale of land belonging to a dowry is of no force or effect.

Dig. 24,2,7Papinianus libro primo de adulteriis. Si paenituit eum, qui libellum tradendum divortii dedit, isque per ignorantiam mutatae voluntatis oblatus est, durare matrimonium dicendum, nisi paenitentia cognita is qui accepit ipse voluit matrimonium dissolvere: tunc enim per eum qui accepit solvitur matrimonium.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book I. Where one party who has given the other notice of divorce repents, and the other is ignorant of the change of mind, the marriage must be held to continue to exist; unless the one who received the notice and is aware of the change of mind, himself or herself desires to dissolve the marriage, for then it will be dissolved by the one who received the notice.

Dig. 46,3,41Papinianus libro primo de adulteriis. Reo criminis postulato interim nihil prohibet recte pecuniam a debitoribus solvi: alioquin plerique innocentium necessario sumptu egebunt.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book I. Where a creditor is accused of a crime, there is nothing to prevent the payment of money by his debtors; otherwise, many innocent persons would be deprived of the necessary means of defence.

Dig. 48,2,2Papinianus libro primo de adulteriis. Certis ex causis concessa est mulieribus publica accusatio, veluti si mortem exequantur eorum earumque, in quos ex lege testimonium publicorum invitae non dicunt. idem et in lege Cornelia testamentaria senatus statuit: sed et de testamento paterni liberti vel materni mulieribus publico iudicio dicere permissum est. 1Pupillis ex consilio tutorum patris mortem, item pupillae avi sui mortem exequi concessum est. lege autem testamentaria nam de patris quidem testamento pupillis agere divus Vespasianus permisit: sed quasi non exhibeantur tabulae, per interdictum possunt experiri.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book I. Women are permitted to bring a public accusation for certain causes, for instance, if they do so on account of the death of any of those persons of either sex against whom they, if unwilling, can not be compelled to appear as witnesses, under the provisions of the law relating to public testimony. The Senate arrived at the same conclusion with reference to the Cornelian Law on Evidence. Women, however, are allowed to testify publicly in a criminal prosecution concerning the will of a freedman of their father or their mother. 1By the law relating to testaments, the right was conceded to wards, with the advice of their guardians, to institute a prosecution for the death of their father, just as a female ward is allowed to institute one for the death of her grandfather, since the Divine Vespasian permitted wards to bring suit with reference to the will of their father; but they could proceed by means of the interdict just as if the will had not been produced.

Dig. 48,3,2Papinianus libro primo de adulteriis. Si servus capitali crimine postuletur, lege publicorum cavetur, ut sistendum vel a domino vel ab extero satisdato promittatur: quod si non defendatur, in vincula publica coici iubetur, ut ex vinculis causam dicat. 1Solet itaque tractari, an postea domino permittendum sit oblata satisdatione servum suum vinculis liberare. dubitationem auget edictum Domitiani, quo cautum est abolitiones ex senatus consulto factas ad huiusmodi servos non pertinere. nam et lex ipsa prohibet eum absolvi, priusquam de eo iudicetur. sed haec interpretatio perdura, pernimium severa est in eo, cuius dominus absens fuit vel quod per inopiam illo momento temporis satisdationem implere non potuit: neque enim pro indefenso derelictus recte dici potest, qui dominum praesentem non habuit vel habuit paratum defendere, pauperem tamen. quod utique facilius admitti poterit, si non post longum temporis spatium hoc desideretur. 2Qui exhibendi postulati sunt propter aliam causam, alterius criminis, quod ante admissum est, rei non recipiuntur ex senatus consulto. quod in privatis quoque causis et hominibus sub fideiussore factis observatur, nisi ex hoc temporalis actio in periculum cadat.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book I. Where a slave is accused of a capital offence, it is provided by the law of criminal prosecutions that he must furnish security for his appearance in court, even though his surety be a stranger. If he is not defended in this way, he should be thrown into the public prison, so that he may defend himself while under restraint. 1Therefore, the question is usually discussed whether the master should afterwards, by giving security, be permitted to release his slave from confinement. The Edict of Domitian, by which it is provided that releases obtained under the Decree of the Senate are not applicable to slaves of this kind, increases the already existing doubt, for the law itself forbids him to be discharged before his case has been disposed of. This interpretation, which is somewhat hard, is too severe when applied to a slave whose master is absent, or who, through poverty, was at that time unable to furnish security. For it cannot be said that a slave is left without defence whose master is present, or is ready to defend him, but is too poor to do so. This can the more readily be admitted, if too long a time to find security has not been taken. 2Those who are required to appear in court on account of some other crime previously committed are not included in the number of accused persons, according to a Decree of the Senate. This rule is also observed in private cases, where the parties have given sureties, unless on this account a temporary action is in danger of being extinguished through lapse of time.

Dig. 48,5,6Papinianus libro primo de adulteriis. Inter liberas tantum personas adulterium stuprumve passas lex Iulia locum habet. quod autem ad servas pertinet, et legis Aquiliae actio facile tenebit et iniuriarum quoque competit nec erit deneganda praetoria quoque actio de servo corrupto: nec propter plures actiones parcendum erit in huiusmodi crimine reo. 1Lex stuprum et adulterium promiscui et καταχρηστικώτερον appellat. sed proprie adulterium in nupta committitur, propter partum ex altero conceptum composito nomine: stuprum vero in virginem viduamve committitur, quod Graeci φθορὰν appellant. 2Filius familiae maritus ab eo, qui sui iuris est, in ea lege non separatur. divus quoque Hadrianus rosiano gemino rescripsit et invito patre filium hac lege reum facere. 3Maritus etsi duo reos ex alio crimine habeat, poterit iure viri tertium accusare, quoniam ea causa non cedit in numerum ceterarum.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book I. The Julian Law only applies to free persons who have been the victims of adultery or debauchery. With reference to female slaves, recourse can easily be had to the action authorized by the Aquilian Law, and that for injury will also lie, and the Prætorian action for the corruption of a slave will not be refused; so that the person guilty of this crime will not escape on account of the multiplicity of actions. 1The law promiscuously and incorrectly designates the same crime by the terms debauchery and adultery. Properly speaking, adultery is only committed with a married woman; this name having been adopted on account of the child being begotten by another than the husband. Debauchery, which the Greeks call “corruption,” is committed with a virgin, or a widow. 2A son under paternal control, who is a husband, is not, by this law, distinguished from one who is his own master. The Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript addressed to Rosianus Geminus, that even without the consent of his father, a son under paternal control could bring an accusation under this law. 3The husband, although he may be already prosecuting two persons for another crime, can, by his marital right, accuse a third party, because this case is not included among the others.

Dig. 48,5,21Papinianus libro primo de adulteriis. Patri datur ius occidendi adulterum cum filia quam in potestate habet: itaque nemo alius ex patribus idem iure faciet: sed nec filius familias pater:

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book I. The right is granted to the father to kill a man who commits adultery with his daughter while she is under his control. Therefore no other relative can legally do this, nor can a son under paternal control, who is a father, do so with impunity.

Dig. 48,5,23Papinianus libro primo de adulteris. Nec in ea lege naturalis ab adoptivo pater separatur. 1In accusationem viduae filiae non habet pater ius praecipuum. 2Ius occidendi patri conceditur domi suae, licet ibi filia non habitat, vel in domo generi: sed domus et pro domicilio accipienda est, ut in lege Cornelia de iniuriis. 3Sed qui occidere potest adulterum, multo magis contumelia poterit iure adficere. 4Ideo autem patri, non marito mulierem et omnem adulterum remissum est occidere, quod plerumque pietas paterni nominis consilium pro liberis capit: ceterum mariti calor et impetus facile decernentis fuit refrenandus.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book I. In this law, the natural father is not distinguished from the adoptive father. 1In the accusation of his daughter, who is a widow, the father is not entitled to the preference. 2The right to kill the adulterer is granted to the father in his own house, even though his daughter does not live there, or in the house of his son-in-law. The house should be understood to mean the residence, as in the Cornelian Law relating to injuries. 3He, however, who can kill an adulterer, has a much greater right to treat him with contumely. 4Hence the father, and not the husband, has the right to kill the woman and every adulterer; for the reason that, in general, paternal affection is solicitous for the interests of the children, but the heat and impetuosity of the husband, who decides too quickly, should be restrained.

Ex libro II

Dig. 3,6,9Papinianus libro secundo de adulteriis. De servo qui accusatur, si postuletur, quaestio habetur: quo absoluto in duplum pretium accusator domino damnatur: sed et citra pretii aestimationem quaeritur de calumnia eius. separatum est etenim calumniae crimen a damno quod in servo propter quaestionem domino datum est.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book II. Where a slave is accused he shall be put to torture, if this is demanded; and if he is acquitted, the accuser shall be condemned to pay his master double his value; and, in addition to double his value, an inquiry shall be made as to whether the prosecution was instituted for the purpose of annoyance, as the crime of illegal prosecution is separate from any loss which has been sustained by the master through the torture of the slave.

Dig. 24,2,8Idem libro secundo de adulteriis. Divus Hadrianus eum, qui alienam uxorem ex itinere domum suam duxisset et inde marito eius repudium mississet, in triennium relegavit.

The Same, On Adultery, Book II. The Divine Hadrian exiled for the term of three years a man who, while on a journey, took the wife of another man to his house, from which she sent to her husband a notice of repudiation.

Dig. 48,5,9Idem libro secundo de adulteris. Qui domum suam, ut stuprum adulteriumve cum aliena matre familias vel cum masculo fieret, sciens praebuerit vel quaestum ex adulterio uxoris suae fecerit: cuiuscumque sit condicionis, quasi adulter punitur. 1Appellatione domus habitationem quoque significari palam est.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book II. Anyone who knowingly lends his house to enable debauchery or adultery to be committed there with a matron who is not his wife, or with a male, or who pecuniarily profits by the adultery of his wife, no matter what may be his status, is punished as an adulterer. 1It is clear that by the term “house” every kind of habitation is meant.

Dig. 48,5,11Papinianus libro secundo de adulteriis. Mater autem familias significatur non tantum nupta, sed etiam vidua. 1Mulieres quoque hoc capite legis, quod domum praebuerunt vel pro comperto stupro aliquid acceperunt, tenentur. 2Mulier, quae evitandae poenae adulterii gratia lenocinium fecerit aut operas suas in scaenam locavit, adulterii accusari damnarique ex senatus consulto potest.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book II. A matron means not only a married woman, but also a widow. 1Women who lend their houses, or have received any compensation for debauchery which they have committed, are also liable under this Section of the law. 2A woman who gratuitously acts as a bawd for the purpose of avoiding the penalty for adultery, or hires her services to appear in the theatre, can be accused and convicted of adultery under the Decree of the Senate.

Dig. 48,16,8Papinianus libro secundo de adulteriis. Abolitio aut publice fit ob diem insignem aut publicam gratulationem

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book II. The dismissal of a criminal case is either made publicly on account of some memorable occasion, or because of some public rejoicing,

Dig. 48,16,10Papinianus libro secundo de adulteriis. aut privatim actore postulante. tertio genere fit ex lege abolitio accusatore mortuo vel ex iusta causa impedito, quo minus accusare possit. 1Abolitione autem publice facta non retractabitur in iudicio repetendo de mariti iure. 2Triginta dies repetendi rei divus Traianus utiles esse interpretatus est, ex die scilicet, quo feriae finitae sunt. et senatus censuit eas dies cedere, quibus quisque reum suum repetere possit. hoc autem repetendi rei tempus non aliter cedit, quam si accusator quoque potuit adire.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book II. Or privately, at the request of the accuser. There is a third kind of dismissal made in accordance with law, that is, when the accuser dies, or is prevented by some good reason from bringing the accusation. 1When a dismissal is made in accordance with a public decree, the husband, in bringing the charge a second time, will not forfeit any of his rights. 2The Divine Hadrian stated that the thirty days prescribed for reviving an accusation should be understood to be available days, that is to say they should be computed from the date on which the festivals terminated. The Senate decreed that these days began at the time when anyone could resume the prosecution of the defendant. This time to revive the case does not begin to run except where the accuser can institute proceedings.

Dig. 48,18,6Papinianus libro secundo de adulteriis. Patre vel marito de adulterio agente et postulantibus de servis rei ut quaestio habeatur, si vere causa perorata testibus prolatis absolutio secuta fuerit, mancipiorum, quae mortua sunt, aestimatio habetur: secuta vero damnatione quae supersunt publicantur. 1Cum de falso testamento quaeritur, hereditarii servi possunt torqueri.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book II. When a father or a husband brings an accusation of adultery, and a demand is made that the slaves of the party accused be put to the question, if an acquittal should result, after the case has been argued, and the witnesses produced, an estimate must be made of the value of the slaves who have died; but if a conviction should be obtained, the surviving slaves shall be confiscated. 1When the case is one involving a forged will, the slaves belonging to the estate can be tortured.

Dig. 48,20,4Papinianus libro secundo de adulteris. et omnes omnino maritus salvas actiones contra fiscum habet.

Papinianus, On Adultery, Book II. Every husband is always entitled to actions against the Treasury.