Responsorum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 15,1,55Neratius libro primo responsorum. Is cum quo de peculio agebam a te vi exemptus est: quod tunc cum vi eximeres in peculio fuerit, spectari.
Dig. 16,3,30Neratius libro primo responsorum. Si fideiussor pro te apud quem depositum est litis aestimatione damnatus sit, rem tuam fieri.
Dig. 19,5,6Neratius libro primo responsorum. Insulam hoc modo, ut aliam insulam reficeres, vendidi. respondit nullam esse venditionem, sed civili intentione incerti agendum est.
Dig. 26,7,52Neratius libro primo responsorum. Curator pro minore non tantum dotem dare debet, sed etiam impendia, quae ad nuptias facienda sunt.
Dig. 38,1,50Neratius libro primo responsorum. Operarum editionem pendere ex existimatione edentis: nam dignitati facultatibus consuetudini artificio eius convenientes edendas. 1Non solum autem libertum, sed etiam alium quemlibet operas edentem alendum aut satis temporis ad quaestum alimentorum relinquendum et in omnibus tempora ad curam corporis necessariam relinquenda.
Neratius, Opinions, Book I. The nature of the services to be rendered depends upon the status of the person who renders them, for they must conform to his rank, his means, his mode of life, and his occupation. 1Moreover, a freedman, and everyone else who is required to perform services, must be supported, or he must be given sufficient time to provide for his maintenance; and, in every instance, time must be granted him for the proper and necessary care of his person.
Dig. 39,6,43Neratius libro primo responsorum. Fulcinius: inter virum et uxorem mortis causa donationem ita fieri, si donator iustissimum mortis metum habeat. Neratius: sufficere existimationem donantis hanc esse, ut moriturum se putet: quam iuste nec ne susceperit, non quaerendum. quod magis tuendum est.
Neratius, Opinions, Book I. Fulcinius: A donation mortis causa can be made between husband and wife, if the donor has an exceedingly well-founded apprehension of death. Neratius: It is sufficient if the donor has a belief of this kind, and thinks that he is going to die, and no inquiry should be made whether his opinion was well grounded or not. This rule should be observed.
Dig. 47,2,84Neratius libro primo responsorum. Si quis ex bonis eius, quem putabat mortuum, qui vivus erat, pro herede res adprehenderit, eum furtum non facere. 1Ei, cum quo suo nomine furti actum est, si servi nomine de alia re adversus eum agatur, non dandam exceptionem furti una facti.
Neratius, Opinions, Book I. Where anyone, thinking that a person is dead, who in fact is still living, takes possession of his property as his heir, he does not commit a theft. 1If, after having begun an action for theft against a man in his own name, you bring another against him for some article stolen by his slave, he cannot plead an exception on the ground that both thefts were committed at the same time.