Regularum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 8,3,2Neratius libro quarto regularum. Rusticorum praediorum servitutes sunt licere altius tollere et officere praetorio vicini, vel cloacam habere licere per vicini domum vel praetorium, vel protectum habere licere. 1Aquae ductus et haustus aquae per eundem locum ut ducatur, etiam pluribus concedi potest: potest etiam, ut diversis diebus vel horis ducatur: 2si aquae ductus vel haustus aquae sufficiens est, potest et pluribus per eundem locum concedi, ut et isdem diebus vel horis ducatur.
Neratius, Rules, Book IV. Ad Dig. 8,3,2 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 210, Note 2.The servitudes of rustic estates include the right to raise a building and interfere with the residence of a neighbor, or to have a drain under the house or residence of a neighbor, or to have a projecting roof. 1The right to an aqueduct, or to draw water in order that it may be conducted over the same place, can also be granted to several persons; and this can be done on different days, or at different hours. 2Where the water-course or the supply of water to be drawn is sufficient, the right may be granted to several people to conduct the water over the same place, on the same days, or during the same hours.