Regularum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 26,1,18Neratius libro tertio regularum. Feminae tutores dari non possunt, quia id munus masculorum est, nisi a principe filiorum tutelam specialiter postulent.
Dig. 26,3,2Neratius libro tertio regularum. Mulier liberis non recte testamento tutorem dat: sed si dederit, decreto praetoris vel proconsulis ex inquisitione confirmabitur nec satisdabit pupillo rem salvam fore. 1Sed et si curator a matre testamento datus sit filiis eius, decreto confirmatur ex inquisitione.
Neratius, Rules, Book III. A woman cannot legally appoint a guardian by will, but if she should do so, he shall be confirmed by the decree of the Prætor or the Proconsul, after an examination has been made; and he shall not be required to give security to the ward for the preservation of his property. 1If a curator should be appointed by the will of a mother for her children, the appointment will be confirmed by a decree after an investigation has been made.