Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Neratii Opera

Neratii Opera



Responsorum libri(13 fragmenta)
Regularum libri(7 fragmenta)

Membranarum libri

Ex libro I

Dig. 9,2,53Neratius libro primo membranarum. Boves alienos in angustum locum coegisti eoque effectum est, ut deicerentur: datur in te ad exemplum legis Aquiliae in factum actio.

Ad Dig. 9,2,53ROHGE, Bd. 20 (1877), Nr. 96, S. 382: Schaden durch Ausbringen eines Ankers im Hafen ohne Bezeichnung.Neratius, Parchments, Book I. You drove oxen belonging to another into a narrow place which caused them to be thrown to the ground and injured. An action resembling that brought under the Lex Aquilia will be granted against you.

Dig. 20,2,4Neratius libro primo membranarum. Eo iure utimur, ut quae in praedia urbana inducta illata sunt pignori esse credantur, quasi id tacite convenerit: in rusticis praediis contra observatur. 1Stabula quae non sunt in continentibus aedificiis quorum praediorum ea numero habenda sint, dubitari potest. et quidem urbanorum sine dubio non sunt, cum a ceteris aedificiis separata sint: quod ad causam tamen talis taciti pignoris pertinet, non multum ab urbanis praediis differunt.

Neratius, Parchments, Book I. It is our practice that whatever is placed on urban estates is considered to be pledged, as it were, by tacit agreement; in rustic estates, however, the contrary rule is observed. 1Ad Dig. 20,2,4,1ROHGE, Bd. 6 (1872), S. 281: Pfandrecht des Vermiethers an den eingebrachten zum Verkaufe bestimmten Waaren des Miethers. Zeitweise und dauernde Bestimmung der Verwendung.Can it be doubted whether stables which are not joined to other buildings should be considered as being included in these estates? And, indeed, there is no question with respect to urban estates, since they are separated from other buildings. However, with reference to a tacit pledge of this kind, they do not differ greatly from urban estates.

Dig. 27,10,9Neratius libro primo membranarum. Cuius bonis distrahendis curatores facere senatus permisit, eius bona creditoribus vendere non permisit, quamvis creditores post id beneficium bona vendere mallent: sicut enim integra re potestas ipsorum est utrum velint eligendi, ita cum alterum elegerint, altero abstinere debent. multoque magis id servari aequum est, si etiam factus est curator, per quem bona distraherentur, quamvis nondum explicato eo negotio decesserit. nam et tunc ex integro alius curator faciendus est neque heres prioris curatoris onerandus, cum accidere possit, ut negotio vel propter sexus vel propter aetatis infirmitatem vel propter dignitatem maiorem minoremve, quam in priore curatore spectata erat, habilis non sit, possint etiam plures heredes ei existere neque aut per omnes id negotium administrari expediat aut quicquam dici possit, cur unus aliquis ex his potissimum onerandus sit.

Neratius, Parchments, Book I. When the Senate permits the appointment of curators for the sale of property, it does not authorize the creditors to dispose of the same, even though they prefer to sell it after this privilege has been granted; as, while the latter have the right to choose whichever one they may desire, still, after they have selected one curator, they must not apply to another. It is much more just for this rule to be observed where the curator, after having been appointed for the sale of property, dies before the transaction has been concluded; for, in this instance, another curator must be appointed for the settlement of the entire matter, and the heir of the first curator cannot be entrusted with it, since it may happen that the heir may not be fitted for the business, either on account of sex, or the infirmity of age, or the higher or lower rank, of the former curator; and, moreover, there may be several heirs to the first curator, and it may not be expedient for all of them to transact the business, or some reason may be alleged why one of them should be charged with this duty rather than the others.

Dig. 28,5,55Neratius libro primo membranarum. Pater filio impuberi servum heredem substituit liberumque esse iussit: eum pupillus vendidit Titio: Titius eum iam primo testamento facto in secundo testamento liberum heredemque esse iussit. superius testamentum Titii ruptum est, quia is servus et heres potest esse et, ut superius testamentum rumpatur, sufficit ita posterius factum esse, ut aliquo casu potuerit ex eo heres existere. quod ad vim autem eius institutionis pertinet, ita se res habet, ut, quamdiu pupillo ex ea substitutione heres potest esse, ex Titii testamento libertatem hereditatemque consequi non possit: si pupillus in suam tutelam pervenerit, perinde ex Titii testamento liber heresque sit ac si pupillo substitutus non fuisset: si pupillo heres exstitit, propius est, ut Titio quoque, si velit, heres esse possit.

Neratius, Parchments, Book I. A father substituted his slave as heir to his minor son, and at the same time granted the latter his freedom, and the minor sold the said slave to Titius. Titius, who had already made one will, in a second ordered the slave to be free and his heir. The first will of Titius was broken because the said slave could be his heir; and as the first will was broken, it is sufficient that the one subsequently executed provided that the heir appointed by it should, in a certain contingency, succeed to the testator. With reference to the effect of this appointment, the result will be that as long as the heir can succeed to the minor by reason of this substitution, he can not obtain his freedom and the estate under the will of Titius. If the heir should obtain control of himself, he would then obtain his freedom, and the estate by the terms of the will of Titius, just as if he had not been substituted for the minor; and if he should become the heir of the minor, there is the best reason to conclude that he could also be the heir of Titius, if he was willing.

Dig. 47,2,65Neratius libro primo membranarum. A Titio herede homo Seio legatus ante aditam hereditatem Titio furtum fecit. si adita hereditate Seius legatum ad se pertinere voluerit, furti eius servi nomine aget cum eo Titius, quia neque tunc, cum faceret furtum, eius fuit, et (ut maxime quis existimet, si servus esse coeperit eius, cui furtum fecerat, tolli furti actionem, ut nec si alienatus sit, agi possit eo nomine) ne post aditam quidem hereditatem Titii factus est, quia ea, quae legantur, recta via ab eo qui legavit ad eum cui legata sunt transeunt.

Neratius, Parchments, Book I. Titius, an heir, having been charged with the legacy of a slave to Seius, the said slave committed a theft against Titius, before the estate was entered upon. If, after it had been entered upon, Seius should wish to have the legacy, Titius could bring an action for theft against him, on account of the act of the slave, because when the latter committed the crime, he did not belong to Titius; and even though anyone should hold that if the slave had begun to belong to him against whom he committed the theft, the right of action for theft would be extinguished, so that even if he was alienated, suit could not be brought on this ground. The slave did not become the property of Titius until after the estate had been entered upon, because legacies pass directly from the person who leaves them to him to whom they are bequeathed.

Dig. 50,5,4Neratius libro primo membranarum. Tempus vacationis, quod datur eis qui rei publicae causa afuerunt, non ex eo die numerandum est, quo quis abesse desiit, sed cum quodam laxamento itineris: neque enim minus abesse rei publicae causa intellegendus est, qui ad id negotium vel ab eo revertitur. si quis tamen plus iusto temporis aut itinere aut in alio loco commoratus consumpserit, ita ea interpretanda erit, ut ex eo tempore vacationis dies incipiat ei cedere, quo iter ex commodo peragere potuisset.

Neratius, Parchments, Book I. The term of exemption which is conceded to those who are absent on business for the State should not be calculated from the day on which the person ceased to be absent, but some time should be allowed him to rest after his journey; and he is still understood to be absent in the public service if he transacts any business either while going or returning. But if anyone delays longer than is proper while on his way, or in any place, in this instance, the time of exemption should be understood to begin from the date when he could have conveniently concluded his journey.

Ex libro II

Dig. 2,11,14Neratius libro secundo membranarum. Si procurator ita stipulatus est, ut sistat dumtaxat eum quem stipularetur, non etiam poenam si status non esset stipularetur: propemodum nullius momenti est ea stipulatio, quia procuratoris, quod ad ipsius utilitatem pertinet, nihil interest sisti. sed cum alienum negotium in stipulando egerit, potest defendi non procuratoris, sed eius cuius negotium gesserit utilitatem in ea re spectandam esse: ut quantum domini litis interfuit sisti, tantum ex ea stipulatione non stato reo procuratori debeatur. eadem et fortius adhuc dici possunt, si procurator ita stipulatus esset ‘quanti ea res erit’: ut hanc conceptionem verborum non ad ipsius, sed ad domini utilitatem relatam interpretemur.

Neratius, Parchments, Book II. If one man, as the agent for another, stipulates that he will merely produce him whom he agreed to produce without mentioning a penalty, and he should not appear, a stipulation of this kind can hardly have any weight; because the agent, so far as it relates to himself, has no interest in his appearance. But since, in making the stipulation, he is transacting the business of another, it may be stated that the benefit which must be considered in the matter does not accrue to the agent, but to the party whose business he was transacting; so that if the party does not appear, there should be due to the agent an amount equal to the interest of the principal in the suit in accordance with the terms of the stipulation. The same rule can be said to apply even more strongly, where the agent had stipulated in the following terms: “Whatever compensation is proper”; as we understand these words to have reference not to the benefit of the agent himself, but to that of the principal in the action.

Dig. 12,4,8Neratius libro secundo membranarum. Quod Servius in libro de dotibus scribit, si inter eas personas, quarum altera nondum iustam aetatem habeat, nuptiae factae sint, quod dotis nomine interim datum sit, repeti posse, sic intellegendum est, ut, si divortium intercesserit, priusquam utraque persona iustam aetatem habeat, sit eius pecuniae repetitio, donec autem in eodem habitu matrimonii permanent, non magis id repeti possit, quam quod sponsa sponso dotis nomine dederit, donec maneat inter eos adfinitas: quod enim ex ea causa nondum coito matrimonio datur, cum sic detur tamquam in dotem perventurum, quamdiu pervenire potest, repetitio eius non est.

Neratius, Parchments, Book II. With reference to what Servius states in his book on Dowries; that is, if a marriage has taken place between persons neither of whom has yet reached the proper age, whatever in the meantime has been given by way of dowry can be recovered; we must understand by this that if a divorce is obtained before either person has reached the lawful age, the money may be recovered, but so long as they remain in the state of matrimony the property cannot be recovered any more than where it is given as dowry by a betrothed woman to her betrothed husband, so long as the connection exists between them; for when anything is given on this account before the marriage has been consummated, then, (since it is given in such a way that it may become a dowry) it cannot be recovered as long as it is possible that this may happen.

Dig. 16,3,18Neratius libro secundo membranarum. De eo, quod tumultus incendii ruinae naufragii causa depositum est, in heredem de dolo mortui actio est pro hereditaria portione et in simplum et intra annum quoque: in ipsum et in solidum et in duplum et in perpetuum datur.

Neratius, Parchments, Book II. In case a deposit is made on account of a tumult, a fire, the destruction of a house, or a shipwreck, the action brought against the heir on account of the fraud of the deceased is for his share of the estate, and for simple damages, and it also must be brought within a year; but where it is brought against the heir himself it is granted for the entire amount, for double damages, and without reference to time.

Dig. 25,1,15Neratius libro secundo membranarum. Quod dicitur impensas, quae in res dotales necessario factae sunt, dotem deminuere, ita interpretandum est, ut, si quid extra tutelam necessariam in res dotales impensum est, id in ea causa sit: nam tueri res dotales vir suo sumptu debet. alioquin tam cibaria dotalibus mancipiis data et quaevis modica aedificiorum dotalium refectio et agrorum quoque cultura dotem minuent: omnia enim haec in specie necessariarum inpensarum sunt. sed ipsae res ita praestare intelleguntur, ut non tam inpendas in eas, quam deducto eo minus ex his percepisse videaris. quae autem impendia secundum eam distinctionem ex dote deduci debeant, non tam facile in universum definiri, quam per singula ex genere et magnitudine inpendiorum aestimari possunt.

Neratius, Parchments, Book II. Where it is stated that necessary expenses incurred with reference to dotal property diminish the dowry, this must be understood to mean where anything is expended on such property over and above what is necessary for its preservation, that is to say, for its benefit. For a man should preserve dotal property at his own expense; otherwise, provisions furnished to dotal slaves, and any moderate repairs of buildings, or even the cultivation of the soil, would diminish the dowry; for all these things are included under the head of necessary expenses. The property itself, however, is understood to yield a certain income, so that you appear not to have expended money upon it, but, after having deducted the expenses, you have received a smaller return therefrom. It is not easy, generally speaking, to decide in accordance with this distinction what expenses should be deducted from the dowry, but they can be estimated in detail according to their nature and amount.

Dig. 29,2,59Neratius libro secundo membranarum. Qui patri heres exstitit si idem filio impuberi substitutus est, non potest hereditatem eius praetermittere: quod sic recipiendum est etiam si vivo pupillo mortuus erit, deinde pupillus impubes decesserit. nam is qui heres exstiterit pupillo quoque heres necessario erit: nam si ipsum invitum obligat, coniungi eam paternae hereditati et adcrescendi iure adquiri cuicumque patris heredi existimandum est.

Neratius, Parchments, Book II. Where anyone becomes the heir of his father, and is also appointed the substitute of a child under the age of puberty, he cannot reject the estate of the latter. This must be understood to apply, even if the heir should die during the lifetime of the minor, and then the minor himself should die; for whoever becomes the heir will necessarily also be the heir of the minor. For if the second heir binds himself against his will, it must be held that the estate of the minor is united with that of the father, and, by the right of accrual, it is acquired by whoever becomes the heir of the father.

Ex libro III

Dig. 2,14,58Neratius libro tertio membranarum. Ab emptione venditione, locatione conductione ceterisque similibus obligationibus quin integris omnibus consensu eorum, qui inter se obligati sint, recedi possit, dubium non est. Aristoni hoc amplius videbatur, si ea, quae me ex empto praestare tibi oporteret, praestitissem et cum tu mihi pretium deberes, convenisset mihi tecum, ut rursus praestitis mihi a te in re vendita omnibus, quae ego tibi praestitissem, pretium mihi non dares tuque mihi ea praestitisses: pretium te debere desinere, quia bonae fidei, ad quam omnia haec rediguntur, interpretatio hanc quoque conventionem admittit. nec quicquam interest, utrum integris omnibus, in quae obligati essemus, conveniret, ut ab eo negotio discederetur, an in integrum restitutis his, quae ego tibi praestitissem, consentiremus, ne quid tu mihi eo nomine praestares. illud plane conventione, quae pertinet ad resolvendum id quod actum est, perfici non potest, ut tu quod iam ego tibi praestiti contra praestare mihi cogaris: quia eo modo non tam hoc agitur, ut a pristino negotio discedamus, quam ut novae quaedam obligationes inter nos constituantur.

Neratius, Parchments, Book III. There is no doubt that the parties can withdraw in all contracts relating to purchase, sale, leasing, hiring, and other similar obligations, where everything remains the same by the common consent of those who have bound themselves. The opinion of Aristo goes still farther, for he thinks that if I have performed all the acts which it was necessary for me to perform as vendor, with regard to the property sold to you; and, while you still owe me the purchase money, it is agreed between us that you shall restore to me everything relating to the property sold, which was delivered to you by me, and that you shall not pay the purchase money; and, in accordance with this, you do return it to me, you will cease to owe me the money; because good faith which governs matters of this kind admits of this interpretation and agreement. It does not matter whether the agreement is made to abandon the contract, all things as to which we bound ourselves remaining the same; or whether you return everything which I delivered to you, and we then agree that you shall not give me anything on account of the contract. It is certain that the following cannot be accomplished by a contract which has reference to annulling what has been done; that is, that you may be compelled to return to me what I have already given you; since, in this way, the business would be transacted not so much by annulling our former contract, as by creating new obligations between ourselves.

Dig. 6,2,17Neratius libro tertio membranarum. Publiciana actio non ideo comparata est, ut res domino auferatur: eiusque rei argumentum est primo aequitas, deinde exceptio ‘si ea res possessoris non sit’: sed ut is, qui bona fide emit possessionemque eius ex ea causa nactus est, potius rem habeat.

Neratius, Parchments, Book III. The Publician Action was not invented for the purpose of depriving the real owner of his property (and this is proved in the first place on equitable principles; and in the second place by the use of the exception: “If the property in dispute does not belong to the possessor”); but, for the reason that where a man purchases anything in good faith and has obtained possession of it, he, rather than his adversary, should be entitled to hold it.

Dig. 7,1,44Neratius libro tertio membranarum. Usufructuarius novum tectorium parietibus, qui rudes fuissent, imponere non potest, quia tametsi meliorem excolendo aedificium domini causam facturus esset, non tamen id iure suo facere potest, aliudque est tueri quod accepisset an novum faceret.

Neratius, Parchments, Book III. An usufructuary is not permitted to put fresh plaster on walls which are rough; because, even though by improving the house he would render the condition of the owner better, he cannot do this through any right of his own; for it is one thing for him to take care of what he has received, and another to do something new.

Dig. 10,2,54Neratius libro tertio membranarum. Ex hereditate Lucii Titii, quae mihi et tibi communis erat, fundi partem meam alienavi, deinde familiae erciscundae iudicium inter nos acceptum est. neque ea pars quae mea fuit in iudicio veniet, cum alienata de hereditate exierit, neque tua, quia etiamsi remanet in pristino iure hereditariaque est, tamen alienatione meae partis exit de communione. utrum autem unus heres partem suam non alienaverit an plures, nihil interest, si modo aliqua portio alienata ab aliquo ex heredibus hereditaria esse desiit.

Neratius, Parchments, Book III. You and I were both joint heirs to the estate of Lucius Titius, and I sold my share of a tract of land belonging to the estate, and then an action for the partition of the estate was brought between us. In this instance, the share which was mine will not be included in the case, since when it was sold it was no longer a part of the estate; nor will your share be taken into consideration, because even if it remains in its former legal condition and belongs to the estate; still, by the sale of my share the ownership of it ceased to be common. Whether one heir does not sell his share or several do not do so, is of no importance; provided a certain portion which has been alienated by one of the heirs and has ceased to form part of the estate.

Dig. 19,1,31Neratius libro tertio membranarum. Si ea res, quam ex empto praestare debebam, vi mihi adempta fuerit: quamvis eam custodire debuerim, tamen propius est, ut nihil amplius quam actiones persequendae eius praestari a me emptori oporteat, quia custodia adversus vim parum proficit. actiones autem eas non solum arbitrio, sed etiam periculo tuo tibi praestare debebo, ut omne lucrum ac dispendium te sequatur. 1Et non solum quod ipse per eum adquisii praestare debeo, sed et id, quod emptor iam tunc sibi tradito servo adquisiturus fuisset. 2Uterque nostrum eandem rem emit a non domino, cum emptio venditioque sine dolo malo fieret, traditaque est: sive ab eodem emimus sive ab alio atque alio, is ex nobis tuendus est, qui prior ius eius adprehendit, hoc est, cui primum tradita est. si alter ex nobis a domino emisset, is omnimodo tuendus est.

Neratius, Parchments, Book III. If the property which I am obliged to deliver in accordance with the contract of sale is taken from me by force, although I am required to be responsible for its safe-keeping, it is still more proper that I should only be required to transfer to the purchaser my rights of action for the recovery of said property; because its safe custody is of very little advantage where violence is employed. I should assign to you not only the rights of action which relate to profit, but also such as have reference to loss, so that you may obtain all the gain as well as be responsible for the expense. 1I should assign to you not only what I myself have acquired by means of the said property, but also what the purchaser would have acquired if the slave had been delivered to him at once. 2Ad Dig. 19,1,31,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 199, Note 13.Two of us purchased the same property from a party who was not the owner, the purchase and sale were concluded without bad faith. and the property was delivered. Whether we both made the purchase from the same person, or from two different ones, he must be protected who first acquired his right; that is to say, the one to whom delivery was first made. Where one of two parties makes a purchase from the owner of the property, he must by all means be protected.

Dig. 23,3,53Neratius libro tertio membranarum. Cum vir uxori donare vellet, debitor mulieris qui solvendo non erat dotem ei promisit. ad id dumtaxat, ad quod solvendo fuit, viri periculo ea res est: et si quid debitori ad solvendum facultatis accesserit, periculum ad eam summam quae accesserit crescet permanebitque etiam, si rursus pauperior factus erit: quia neque tum, cum dos promitteretur, donatio facta est nisi eius pecuniae quae a debitore servari non poterat, neque cum solvendo is esse coepit, donationis causa permaneat, cum eo loco res sit, quo esset, si tum quoque, cum promitteretur dos, locuples fuisset.

Neratius, Parchments, Book III. A man wished to make a present to his wife, and a debtor of hers, who was not solvent, promised her a dowry. The husband will only be responsible to the extent that the debtor was solvent, and if the latter should acquire anything which might enable him to meet his obligations, the responsibility will increase in proportion to the amount which he acquired. And it will continue to exist, even if he afterwards became more indigent because when the dowry was promised, the donation consisted only of what could not be collected from the debtor, and when the latter became solvent, the obligation still persisted, on account of the donation; since the matter is in the same condition as it would be if the debtor had been wealthy at the time when the dowry was promised.

Dig. 40,7,17Neratius libro tertio membranarum. Si decem heredi dedisset, iussus est liber esse: decem habet et tantundem domino debet: dando haec decem non liberabitur. nam quod statulibero ex peculio suo dare explendae condicionis causa concessum est, ita interpretari debemus, ut non etiam ex eo dare possit, quod extra peculium est. nec me praeterit hos nummos peculiares posse dici, quamvis, si nihil praeterea servus habeat, peculium nullum sit. sed dubitari non oportet, quin haec mens fuerit id constituentium, ut quasi ex patrimonio suo dandi eo nomine servo potestas esset, quia id maxime sine iniuria dominorum concedi videbatur. quod si ultra quis progredietur, non multum aberit, quin etiam eos nummos, quos domino subripuerit, dando statuliberum condicioni satisfacturum existimet.

Neratius, Parchments, Book III. A slave is ordered to be free if he pays ten aurei to the heir. He has the amount, but he owes an equal sum to his master. He will not be free by payment of these ten aurei, because where a slave is permitted to pay money out of his peculium for the purpose of complying with a condition, we must understand this to mean that he must not pay what does not belong to his peculium. I am perfectly aware that this money can be said to form part of his peculium; although if the slave had nothing else, he would have no peculium. But it cannot be doubted that the intention of those who established the rule was that the slave should have the power of making payment out of his peculium, just as out of his patrimony, because this could be conceded as being done without any injury to his master. If, however, anyone should go farther, the case would not differ much from one where a person might hold that the slave complied with the condition by the payment of money which he had stolen from his master.

Dig. 43,20,6Neratius libro tertio membranarum. De interdicto de aqua aestiva, item cottidiana quaerentes primum constituendum existimabamus, quae esset aqua aestiva, de qua proprium interdictum ad prioris aestatis tempus relatum reddi solet, hoc est aestiva aqua utrumne ex iure aestivo dumtaxat tempore utendi diceretur, an ex mente propositoque ducentis, quod aestate eam ducendi consilium haberet, an ex natura ipsius aquae, quod aestate tantum duci potest, an ex utilitate locorum, in quae duceretur. placebat igitur aquam ob has duas res, naturam suam utilitatemque locorum in quae deducitur, proprie appellari, ita ut, sive eius natura erit, ut nisi aestate duci non possit, etiamsi hieme quoque desideraretur, sive omni tempore anni duci eam ipsius natura permitteret, si utilitas personis, in quam ducitur, aestate dumtaxat usum eius exigeret, aestiva recte diceretur.

Neratius, Parchments, Book III. While we are examining the interdicts which have reference to water used during the summer, we think that we should first determine what summer water is, concerning which an interdict is usually granted relating to the preceding season; that is to say, whether summer water should be decided to be such as one only has a right to use during the summer, whether the intention of him who has the right to conduct it during that season ought to be taken into account; whether this designation depends upon the nature of the water itself, which can only be conducted during the summer; or whether the advantage to the places to which it is conducted should be considered. Hence it was held that the water was properly so called on account of two things; namely, its nature, and the benefit of the land upon which it is conveyed; so that if its nature is such that it can only be conducted during the summer, even though it is also desired to do this during the winter; or if its nature permits it to be conducted during any season of the year, and the benefit to the places where it is taken only requires its use during the summer by the persons entitled to it, it is very properly called summer water.

Dig. 46,7,16Neratius libro tertio membranarum. Ex iudicatum solvi stipulatione ob rem non defensam cum uno ex fideiussoribus agere volo: is, quod pro parte eius fit, solvere mihi paratus est: non debet mihi in eum dari iudicium. neque enim aequum est aut iudicio destringi aut ad infitiationem compelli eum, qui sine iudice dare paratus est, quo non amplius adversarius eius per iudicem ab eo consecuturus est.

Ad Dig. 46,7,16Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 479, Note 10.Neratius, Parchments, Book III. When I desire to institute proceedings against one of several sureties, under a stipulation to pay the judgment because the case has not been defended, and the surety is ready to pay his share, judgment should not be rendered in my favor against him. For it is not just for him. to be annoyed by an action, or be compelled to interpose a denial, where he is ready to pay what he owes without a judgment by which his adversary could not compel him to pay a larger sum.

Dig. 50,1,9Neratius libro tertio membranarum. Eius, qui iustum patrem non habet, prima origo a matre eoque die, quo ex ea editus est, numerari debet.

Neratius, Parchments, Book III. He who has not a legitimate father derives his origin from his mother, which should be reckoned from the day on which he was born.

Ex libro IV

Dig. 44,1,21Neratius libro quarto membranarum. Rei maioris pecuniae praeiudicium fieri videtur, cum ea quaestio in iudicium deducitur, quae vel tota vel ex aliqua parte communis est quaestioni de re maiori.

Neratius, Parchments, Book IV. One action is said to prejudge another, with reference to a larger sum of money, when a question arises in court which is connected either wholly, or in part, with a suit involving a larger amount of property.

Dig. 44,4,11Neratius libro quarto membranarum. Si procurator agit, de dolo eius excipi non debet, quia aliena lis est isque rei extraneus, neque alienus dolus nocere alteri debet. si post litem contestatam dolo quid fecerit, an exceptio eo nomine in iudicium obicienda sit, dubitari potest, quia litis contestatione res procuratoris fit eamque suo iam quodammodo nomine exequitur. et placet de procuratoris dolo excipiendum esse. idem de tutore, qui pupilli nomine aget, dicendum est. 1In universum autem haec in ea re regula sequenda est, ut dolus omnimodo puniatur, etsi non ali cui, sed ipsi, qui eum admisit, damnosus futurus erit.

Neratius, Parchments, Book IV. Where an agent brings an action, an exception based on his bad faith should not be interposed against him, because the suit is that of another, and he is a stranger to it, and the bad faith of one person should not injure another. If he commits a fraudulent act after issue has been joined, it may be doubted whether an exception on this ground can be pleaded; because, by the trial of the case, it becomes that of the agent, and he conducts it, to some extent, in his own name. It has been decided that an exception can be pleaded on account of fraud committed by the agent. The same rule will apply to the case of a guardian who brings an action in the name of his ward. 1In general, however, the following rule should be observed in matters of this kind, that is to say, that fraud should always be punished, even if it will not injure anyone but the person who committed it.

Dig. 46,6,11Neratius libro quarto membranarum. Cum rem salvam fore pupillo cavetur, committitur stipulatio, si, quod ex tutela dari fieri oportet, non praestetur: nam et si salva ei res sit, ob id non est, quia, quod ex tutela dari fieri oportet, non solvitur.

Neratius, Parchments, Book IV. When security is furnished to a ward for the preservation of his property, the stipulation will become operative if anything which should be given or done on account of the guardianship is not executed. For although the property itself may be secure, it is not so where something which should be paid or done on account of the guardianship is not carried into effect.

Ex libro V

Dig. 17,1,35Neratius libro quinto membranarum. Si fundum, qui ex parte tuus est, mandavi tibi ut emeres mihi, verum est mandatum posse ita consistere, ut mihi ceteris partibus redemptis etiam tuam partem praestare debeas. sed si quidem certo pretio emendas eas mandaverim, quanticumque aliorum partes redemeris, sic et tua pars coartabitur, ut non abundet mandati quantitatem, in quam tibi emendum totum mandavi: sin autem nullo certo pretio constituto emere tibi mandaverim tuque ex diversis pretiis partes ceterorum redemeris, et tuam partem viri boni arbitratu aestimato pretio dari oportet,

Neratius, Parchments, Book V. If I directed you to purchase for me a tract of land in which you have a share, it is true that, in compliance with this mandate, you are also required to deliver me your share, after the remaining shares have been purchased. If, however, I should direct you to purchase the said shares at a certain price, and you have bought some of them at any price whatsoever, your share of the proceeds will be subject to diminution, so that the total amount will not exceed that for which I directed the property to be purchased. But if I directed you to make the purchase without fixing any price, and you buy the shares of the other parties at different prices, you should also sell your shares for a sum which would be approved by the judgment of a good citizen.

Dig. 18,3,5Neratius libro quinto membranarum. Lege fundo vendito dicta, ut, si intra certum tempus pretium solutum non sit, res inempta sit, de fructibus, quos interim emptor percepisset, hoc agi intellegendum est, ut emptor interim eos sibi suo quoque iure perciperet: sed si fundus revenisset, Aristo existimabat venditori de his iudicium in emptorem dandum esse, quia nihil penes eum residere oporteret ex re, in qua fidem fefellisset.

Neratius, Parchments, Book V. Where it is stated in the contract for the sale of land that if the price is not paid within a certain time, the property will not be considered sold; it must be understood to be the intention that the purchaser shall, in the meantime, be entitled to the crops of said land, but if it is restored to the vendor, Aristo is of the opinion that an action for the recovery of the crops should be granted to him against the purchaser, because nothing derived from the property should remain in the hands of the party who has not complied with his contract.

Dig. 22,6,2Neratius libro quinto membranarum. In omni parte error in iure non eodem loco quo facti ignorantia haberi debebit, cum ius finitum et possit esse et debeat, facti interpretatio plerumque etiam prudentissimos fallat.

Neratius, Parchments, Book V. Error in law should not, in every instance, be considered to correspond with ignorance of the fact; since the law can, and should be definitely settled, but the interpretation of the fact very frequently deceives even the wisest men.

Dig. 24,1,44Neratius libro quinto membranarum. Si extraneus rem viri ignorans eius esse ignoranti uxori, ac ne viro quidem sciente eam suam esse, donaverit, mulier recte eam usucapiet. idemque iuris erit, si is, qui in potestate viri erat, credens se patrem familias esse uxori patris donaverit. sed si vir rescierit suam rem esse, priusquam usucapiatur, vindicareque eam poterit nec volet et hoc et mulier noverit, interrumpetur possessio, quia transiit in causam ab eo factae donationis. ipsius mulieris scientia propius est, ut nullum adquisitioni dominii eius adferat impedimentum: non enim omnimodo uxores ex bonis virorum, sed ex causa donationis ab ipsis factae adquirere prohibitae sunt.

Ad Dig. 24,1,44Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 365, Note 5.Neratius, Parchments, Book V. Where a stranger gives property belonging to a husband to the wife of the latter, both of them being ignorant of this fact, and where the husband also does not know that he has donated property belonging to himself, the woman can lawfully acquire said property by usucaption. The same rule of law will apply where anyone who is under the control of the husband, believing himself to be independent, makes a gift to his father’s wife. If, however, the husband should ascertain that the property was his before its title by usucaption vests, he can recover it, and her possession will be interrupted; even though the husband does not wish for this to be done, and the woman becomes aware that it is his; because this is an instance where the woman herself knows that the donation was made by her husband. It is more proper to hold that no impediment to the acquisition of the ownership of the property by her exists; for women are not absolutely prohibited from acquiring the property of their husbands, except where donations are made to them by the latter.

Dig. 30,124Neratius libro quinto membranarum. Si heredes nominatim enumerati dare quid damnati sunt, propius est, ut viriles partes debeant, quia personarum enumeratio hunc effectum habet, ut exaequentur in legato praestando, qui, si nominati non essent, hereditarias partes debituri essent.

Ad Dig. 30,124Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 626, Note 11.Neratius, Parchments, Book V. If heirs who are expressly mentioned are charged with the delivery of property, it is more reasonable to suppose that they are charged with equal portions, because the enumeration of the persons has the effect to make them all equally liable for the payment of the legacy, for, if they had not been expressly mentioned, they would be liable only for their respective shares in the estate.

Dig. 41,1,14Neratius libro quinto membranarum. Quod in litore quis aedificaverit, eius erit: nam litora publica non ita sunt, ut ea, quae in patrimonio sunt populi, sed ut ea, quae primum a natura prodita sunt et in nullius adhuc dominium pervenerunt: nec dissimilis condicio eorum est atque piscium et ferarum, quae simul atque adprehensae sunt, sine dubio eius, in cuius potestatem pervenerunt, dominii fiunt. 1Illud videndum est, sublato aedificio, quod in litore positum erat, cuius condicionis is locus sit, hoc est utrum maneat eius cuius fuit aedificium, an rursus in pristinam causam reccidit perindeque publicus sit, ac si numquam in eo aedificatum fuisset. quod propius est, ut existimari debeat, si modo recipit pristinam litoris speciem.

The Same, Parchments, Book V. Whatever anyone builds upon the shore of the sea will belong to him; for the shores of the sea are not public like the property which forms part of the patrimony of the people, but resembles that which was formed in the first place by Nature, and has not yet been subjected to the ownership of anyone. For their condition is not dissimilar to that of fish and wild animals, which, as soon as they are taken, undoubtedly become the property of him under whose control they have been brought. 1Where a building which has been erected upon the seashore is removed, it should be considered what the condition of the ground on which it was situated is, that is to say whether it will remain the property of him to whom the building belonged, or whether it will revert to its former condition and again become public; just as if it had never been built upon. The latter should be deemed the better opinion, provided it remains in its former condition as a part of the shore.

Dig. 41,10,5Neratius libro quinto membranarum. Usucapio rerum, etiam ex aliis causis concessa interim, propter ea, quae nostra existimantes possideremus, constituta est, ut aliquis litium finis esset. 1Sed id, quod quis, cum suum esse existimaret, possederit, usucapiet, etiamsi falsa fuerit eius existimatio. quod tamen ita interpretandum est, ut probabilis error possidentis usucapioni non obstet, veluti si ob id aliquid possideam, quod servum meum aut eius, cuius in locum hereditario iure successi, emisse id falso existimem, quia in alieni facti ignorantia tolerabilis error est.

Neratius, Parchments, Book V. The usucaption of property which we have obtained for other reasons than because we think that we are entitled to it as our own has been established in order to put an end to litigation. 1A person can acquire by usucaption the property of which he has possession, thinking that it belongs to him; even if this opinion is false. This, however, should be understood to mean that a plausible error of the party in possession does not interfere with his right to usucaption; for instance, if I possess some article because I erroneously think that my slave, or the slave of someone whom I have succeeded as heir at law, purchased it, as ignorance of the act of another is an excusable mistake.

Dig. 47,10,41Neratius libro quinto membranarum. Pater, cuius filio facta est iniuria, non est impediendus, quo minus duobus iudiciis et suam iniuriam persequatur et filii.

Neratius, Parchments, Book III. A father, against whose son an injury has been committed, should not be prevented from bringing suit for his own injury and that of his son, by two different proceedings.

Ex libro VI

Dig. 1,3,21Neratius libro VI membranarum. et ideo rationes eorum, quae constituuntur, inquiri non oportet: alioquin multa ex his quae certa sunt subvertuntur.

Neratius, Parchments, Book VI. Hence it is not necessary to seek for the reasons of those laws which have been established; otherwise many rules which are based upon the same and which are now accepted, will be overthrown.

Dig. 12,6,41Neratius libro sexto membranarum. Quod pupillus sine tutoris auctoritate stipulanti promiserit solverit, repetitio est, quia nec natura debet.

Neratius, Parchments, Book VI. Where a ward, without the consent of his guardian, promises in a stipulation to make payment and does so, he will have a right of action for recovery; for the reason that he did not owe the money even under natural law.

Dig. 21,2,48Neratius libro sexto membranarum. Cum fundus ‘uti optimus maximusque est’ emptus est et alicuius servitutis evictae nomine aliquid emptor a venditore consecutus est, deinde totus fundus evincitur, ob eam evictionem id praestari debet quod ex duplo reliquum est: nam si aliud observabimus, servitutibus aliquibus et mox proprietate evicta amplius duplo emptor quam quanti emit consequeretur.

Neratius, Parchments, Book VI. Where a tract of land is bought as being absolutely unincumbered, and the purchaser obtains anything from the vendor on account of some servitude to which the land was subject, and afterwards the entire tract is evicted, the vendor should refund the amount remaining from the double damages, on account of said eviction. For, if we do not observe this rule, the vendor can recover more than double the sum paid for the land, in case of eviction; in the first place, on account of certain servitudes, and afterwards on the ground of ownership.

Dig. 25,1,16Idem libro sexto membranarum. Et ante omnia quaecumque inpensae quaerendorum fructuum causa factae erunt, quamquam eaedem etiam colendi causa fiant ideoque non solum ad percipiendos fructus, sed etiam ad conservandam ipsam rem speciemque eius necessariae sint, eas vir ex suo facit nec ullam habet eo nomine ex dote deductionem.

The Same, Parchments, Book VI. And, by all means, any expenses incurred by the husband in harvesting the crops must be paid by him out of his own purse, even though these expenses may have been incurred for the purpose of cultivating the land; and therefore not only those made in gathering the crops are included but also such as are necessary for preserving the property itself, and the husband is entitled to no deduction from the dowry on this account.

Dig. 37,10,9Neratius libro sexto membranarum. Quod Labeo scribit, quotiens suppositus esse dicitur pupillus, cum quo de patris eius hereditate controversia est, curare praetorem debere, ut is in possessione sit: de eo puto eum velle intellegi, qui post mortem patris familiae, qui se sine liberis decedere credidit, filius eius esse dici coepit: nam eius, qui adgnitus est ab eo, de cuius bonis quaeritur, iustior in ea re causa est quam postumi.

Neratius, Parchments, Book VI. Labeo stated that whenever a minor is said to be supposititious, and a controversy arises with reference to his right to his father’s estate, the Prætor should be careful to place him in possession of the same. I think that Labeo intended this to be applicable to a child born after the death of his father, who alleges that he was his son, even though the deceased thought that he had no children; for he who has been acknowledged by the person whose estate is in dispute has a more equitable claim to it than a posthumous child.

Dig. 39,2,47Neratius libro sexto membranarum. Quod conclave binarum aedium dominus ex aliis aedibus in aliarum usum convertit, non solum si contignatio, qua id sustinebitur, orietur ex parte earum aedium, in quarum usum conversum erit, earum fiet, sed etiam si transversa contignatio tota in aliarum aedium parietibus sedebit. sed et Labeo in libris posteriorum scribit binarum aedium dominum utrisque porticum superposuisse inque eam aditu ex alteris aedibus dato alteras aedes servitute oneris porticus servandae imposita vendidisse: totam porticum earum aedium esse, quas retinuisset, cum per longitudinem utriusque domus extensa esset transversae contignationi, quae ab utraque parte parietibus domus, quae venisset, sustineretur. nec tamen consequens est, ut superior pars aedificii, quae nulli coniuncta sit neque aditum aliunde habeat, alterius sit, quam cuius est id cui superposita est.

Neratius, Parchments, Book VI. If the owner of two houses restricts the use of a passage which had been common to both of them, to one alone, it will only belong to the house to whose use it has been restricted, not only where the timbers by which it is supported form part of it, but even where they all rest upon the walls of another building. Moreover, Labeo, in his Last Works, says, where the owner of two houses built a portico attached to both of them, and made an opening to one of the houses from said portico, and then sold the other house, after imposing upon it the servitude of supporting the portico, that the entire portico will belong to the house which the vendor retained; even though it may extend the entire length of both houses, and is crossed by timbers supported on both sides by the walls of the house which was sold. He, however, says that this rule will not apply when the upper part of the building, which is not joined to the portico, and has no other entrance, belongs to another house than the one by which the portico is supported.

Ex libro VII

Dig. 5,3,57Neratius libro septimo membranarum. Cum idem eandem hereditatem adversus duos defendit et secundum alterum ex his iudicatum est, quaeri solet, utrum perinde ei hereditatem restitui oporteat, atque oporteret, si adversus alium defensa non esset: ut scilicet si mox et secundum alium fuerit iudicatum, absolvatur is cum quo actum est, quia neque possideat neque dolo malo fecerit, quo minus possideret quod iudicio revictus restituerit: an quia possit et secundum alium iudicari, non aliter restituere debeat quam si cautum ei fuerit, quod adversus alium eandem hereditatem defendit. sed melius est officio iudicis cautione vel satisdatione victo mederi, cum et res salva sit ei, qui in exsecutione tardior venit adversus priorem victorem.

Neratius, Parchments, Book VII. Where the same party defends two actions against the same estate, and judgment is rendered in favor of one of them, the question sometimes arises whether the estate should then be surrendered to him who gained the suit, just as would have been done if no defence had been made against the other; so that, in fact, if judgment should afterwards be rendered in favor of the other party, the defendant would be released from liability; since he was neither in possession, nor had acted fraudulently to avoid being in possession, as he had surrendered the property when he lost the case; or because it was possible that the other plaintiff might be able to obtain a decision in his favor, the defendant should not be obliged to surrender the estate unless security is given him, for the reason that he was compelled to defend the action for recovery of the estate against the other party. The better opinion is that it should be the judge’s duty to come to the relief of the defeated party by security or a bond, since in that way the property remains for the benefit of him who is slow in asserting his rights against the successful plaintiff who preceded him.

Dig. 15,3,18Neratius libro septimo membranarum. Quamvis in eam rem pro servo meo fideiusseris, quae ita contracta est, ut in rem meam versaretur (veluti si, cum servus frumentum emisset quo familia aleretur, venditori frumenti fideiusseris), propius est tamen, ut de peculio eo nomine, non de in rem verso agere possis, ut unius dumtaxat in quoquo contractu de in rem verso sit actio, qui id ipsum credidit quod in rem domini versum est.

Neratius, Parchments, Book VII. Although you have become surety for my slave in a contract which was made with reference to my business, for example, if where a slave had purchased grain for the maintenance of the entire body of slaves, you gave security to the vendor of the grain; still, the better opinion is that you may bring the action De peculio on this account, but not an action based on the employment of property in the affairs of another; so that an action on the latter ground will lie in any contract solely in favor of the person who loaned the very property which has been employed in the affairs of the matter.

Dig. 17,1,39Neratius libro septimo membranarum. Et Aristoni et Celso patri placuit posse rem hac condicione deponi mandatumque suscipi, ut res periculo eius sit qui depositum vel mandatum suscepit: quod et mihi verum esse videtur.

Neratius, Parchments, Book VII. It was held by both Aristo and Celsus, the father, that property could be deposited, and the performance of a mandate assumed, under the following condition, namely: “That the property should be at the risk of the party who received the deposit, or undertook the performance of the mandate.” This appears to me to be correct.

Dig. 36,3,13Neratius libro septimo membranarum. Ei quoque, cui legatorum actio datur in eum, qui praetermissa institutione ab intestato possidet hereditatem, legatorum satisdatur et, nisi satisdabitur, in possessionem legatorum servandorum causa mittitur: nam haec quoque praetor perinde salva esse vult atque ea quae iure civili debentur. idem Aristoni placet.

Neratius, Parchments, Book VII. Security may also be given for the payment of legacies to him to whom an action is granted on account of said legacies as against one who, having rejected his appointment as heir, has acquired the estate on the ground of intestacy; and, unless security is furnished, he will be placed in possession of it for the purpose of preserving the legacies, as the Prætor desires them to be secure, just as in the case of those due under the Civil Law. Aristo holds the same opinion.

Dig. 41,3,41Idem libro septimo membranarum. Si rem subreptam mihi procurator meus adprehendit, quamvis per procuratorem possessionem apisci nos iam fere conveniat, nihilo magis eam in potestatem meam redisse usuque capi posse existimandum est, quia contra statui captiosum erit.

The Same, Parchments, Book VII. If my agent recovers property which has been stolen from me, although, generally speaking, it is now almost conclusively settled that we can obtain possession by means of an agent, the property, nevertheless, will not again come under my control so that it can be acquired by usucaption, because to decide otherwise would be fallacious.

Dig. 44,2,27Neratius libro septimo membranarum. Cum de hoc, an eadem res est, quaeritur, haec spectanda sunt: personae, id ipsum de quo agitur, causa proxima actionis. nec iam interest, qua ratione quis eam causam actionis competere sibi existimasset, perinde ac si quis, posteaquam contra eum iudicatum esset, nova instrumenta causae suae repperisset.

Neratius, Parchments, Book VII. When, in a second action, the question arises whether the property is the same as that which was the object of the first one, the following things must be considered: first, the parties interested; second, the property for which suit was brought; and third, the immediate cause of action. For now it is of no consequence whether anyone believes that he has a good cause of action, any more than if, after judgment had been rendered against him, he should find new documents to strengthen his case.

Responsorum libri

Ex libro I

Dig. 15,1,55Neratius libro primo responsorum. Is cum quo de peculio agebam a te vi exemptus est: quod tunc cum vi eximeres in peculio fuerit, spectari.

Neratius, Opinions, Book I. He whom I was suing on the peculium was forcibly carried away by you; what was the peculium at the time that you removed him by force must be considered.

Dig. 16,3,30Neratius libro primo responsorum. Si fideiussor pro te apud quem depositum est litis aestimatione damnatus sit, rem tuam fieri.

Neratius, Opinions, Book I. If your surety has judgment rendered against him for damages on account of property deposited with you, the said property becomes yours.

Dig. 19,5,6Neratius libro primo responsorum. Insulam hoc modo, ut aliam insulam reficeres, vendidi. respondit nullam esse venditionem, sed civili intentione incerti agendum est.

Neratius, Opinions, Book I. I sold you a house on condition that you would repair another. The opinion was given that there was no sale, but that a civil action could be brought for an uncertain amount of damages.

Dig. 26,7,52Neratius libro primo responsorum. Curator pro minore non tantum dotem dare debet, sed etiam impendia, quae ad nuptias facienda sunt.

Neratius, Opinions, Book I. A curator not only should give a dowry for a minor, but should also pay the expenses incurred by the marriage.

Dig. 38,1,50Neratius libro primo responsorum. Operarum editionem pendere ex existimatione edentis: nam dignitati facultatibus consuetudini artificio eius convenientes edendas. 1Non solum autem libertum, sed etiam alium quemlibet operas edentem alendum aut satis temporis ad quaestum alimentorum relinquendum et in omnibus tempora ad curam corporis necessariam relinquenda.

Neratius, Opinions, Book I. The nature of the services to be rendered depends upon the status of the person who renders them, for they must conform to his rank, his means, his mode of life, and his occupation. 1Moreover, a freedman, and everyone else who is required to perform services, must be supported, or he must be given sufficient time to provide for his maintenance; and, in every instance, time must be granted him for the proper and necessary care of his person.

Dig. 39,6,43Neratius libro primo responsorum. Fulcinius: inter virum et uxorem mortis causa donationem ita fieri, si donator iustissimum mortis metum habeat. Neratius: sufficere existimationem donantis hanc esse, ut moriturum se putet: quam iuste nec ne susceperit, non quaerendum. quod magis tuendum est.

Neratius, Opinions, Book I. Fulcinius: A donation mortis causa can be made between husband and wife, if the donor has an exceedingly well-founded apprehension of death. Neratius: It is sufficient if the donor has a belief of this kind, and thinks that he is going to die, and no inquiry should be made whether his opinion was well grounded or not. This rule should be observed.

Dig. 47,2,84Neratius libro primo responsorum. Si quis ex bonis eius, quem putabat mortuum, qui vivus erat, pro herede res adprehenderit, eum furtum non facere. 1Ei, cum quo suo nomine furti actum est, si servi nomine de alia re adversus eum agatur, non dandam exceptionem furti una facti.

Neratius, Opinions, Book I. Where anyone, thinking that a person is dead, who in fact is still living, takes possession of his property as his heir, he does not commit a theft. 1If, after having begun an action for theft against a man in his own name, you bring another against him for some article stolen by his slave, he cannot plead an exception on the ground that both thefts were committed at the same time.

Ex libro II

Dig. 7,1,61Neratius libro secundo responsorum. Usufructuarius novum rivum parietibus non potest imponere. aedificium inchoatum fructuarium consummare non posse placet, etiamsi eo loco aliter uti non possit, sed nec eius quidem usum fructum esse: nisi in constituendo vel legando usu fructu hoc specialiter adiectum sit, ut utrumque ei liceat.

Neratius, Opinions, Book II. An usufructuary cannot attach a new gutter to a wall; and where a building is not completed, it has been decided that a usufructuary cannot finish it, even if he is unable to make use of that portion of it without doing so. And indeed, it is considered that he has not even an usufruct in said building; unless, when it was created or bequeathed, it was expressly added that he could do either of the two above mentioned things.

Dig. 32,24Neratius libro secundo responsorum. Creditori ita potest legari, ne indebitum ab eo repeteretur.

Neratius, Opinions, Book II. A bequest can be made to a creditor in order to prevent his heir from recovering money which is not due.

Dig. 33,7,23Neratius libro secundo responsorum. Cum quaeratur, quod sit tabernae instrumentum, interesse, quod genus negotiationis in ea exerceri solitum sit.

Neratius, Opinions, Book II. When the question is asked what is the equipment of a shop, it is usual to ascertain what kind of business is transacted therein.

Dig. 45,3,22Neratius libro secundo responsorum. Servum fructuarium ex re domini inutiliter fructuario stipulari, domino ex re fructuarii utiliter stipulari.

Neratius, Opinions, Book II. A slave, subject to an usufruct, cannot, by employing the property of his master, make a valid stipulation for the benefit of the usufructuary, but he can make a valid one for the benefit of his owner, by employing property belonging to the usufructuary.

Dig. 45,3,24Neratius libro secundo responsorum. Et si duorum usus fructus sit, quod ex operis suis alteri eorum stipulatus sit, pro ea dumtaxat parte, ex qua usus fructus eius sit, adquiri.

Neratius, Opinions, Book II. If the usufruct belongs to two persons, and the slave stipulates for his services with one of them, the latter will acquire only to the extent of his share in the usufruct.

Dig. 47,9,8Neratius libro secundo responsorum. Ratis vi fluminis in agrum meum delatae non aliter potestatem tibi faciendam, quam si de praeterito quoque damno mihi cavisses.

Neratius, Opinions, Book II. If your boat has been carried by the force of the stream upon my land, you cannot remove it, unless you give me security for any damage which may have been caused by it.

Regularum libri

Ex libro III

Dig. 26,1,18Neratius libro tertio regularum. Feminae tutores dari non possunt, quia id munus masculorum est, nisi a principe filiorum tutelam specialiter postulent.

Neratius, Rules, Book III. Women cannot be appointed guardians, because this is an office which belongs to men unless they obtain the guardianship of their children through an express application to the Emperor.

Dig. 26,3,2Neratius libro tertio regularum. Mulier liberis non recte testamento tutorem dat: sed si dederit, decreto praetoris vel proconsulis ex inquisitione confirmabitur nec satisdabit pupillo rem salvam fore. 1Sed et si curator a matre testamento datus sit filiis eius, decreto confirmatur ex inquisitione.

Neratius, Rules, Book III. A woman cannot legally appoint a guardian by will, but if she should do so, he shall be confirmed by the decree of the Prætor or the Proconsul, after an examination has been made; and he shall not be required to give security to the ward for the preservation of his property. 1If a curator should be appointed by the will of a mother for her children, the appointment will be confirmed by a decree after an investigation has been made.

Ex libro IV

Dig. 8,3,2Neratius libro quarto regularum. Rusticorum praediorum servitutes sunt licere altius tollere et officere praetorio vicini, vel cloacam habere licere per vicini domum vel praetorium, vel protectum habere licere. 1Aquae ductus et haustus aquae per eundem locum ut ducatur, etiam pluribus concedi potest: potest etiam, ut diversis diebus vel horis ducatur: 2si aquae ductus vel haustus aquae sufficiens est, potest et pluribus per eundem locum concedi, ut et isdem diebus vel horis ducatur.

Neratius, Rules, Book IV. Ad Dig. 8,3,2 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 210, Note 2.The servitudes of rustic estates include the right to raise a building and interfere with the residence of a neighbor, or to have a drain under the house or residence of a neighbor, or to have a projecting roof. 1The right to an aqueduct, or to draw water in order that it may be conducted over the same place, can also be granted to several persons; and this can be done on different days, or at different hours. 2Where the water-course or the supply of water to be drawn is sufficient, the right may be granted to several people to conduct the water over the same place, on the same days, or during the same hours.

Ex libro V

Dig. 41,1,15Idem libro quinto regularum. Qui autem in ripa fluminis aedificat, non suum facit.

The Same, Rides, Book V. He, however, who erects a house on the bank of a stream does not thereby make it his own.

Dig. 41,3,40Neratius libro quinto regularum. Coeptam usucapionem a defuncto posse et ante aditam hereditatem impleri constitutum est.

Neratius, Rules, Book V. It has been established that where usucaption has been begun by a deceased person, it can be completed before the estate has been entered upon.

Ex libro VI

Dig. 41,1,13Neratius libro sexto regularum. Si procurator rem mihi emerit ex mandato meo eique sit tradita meo nomine, dominium mihi, id est proprietas adquiritur etiam ignoranti. 1Et tutor pupilli pupillae similiter ut procurator emendo nomine pupilli pupillae proprietatem illis adquirit etiam ignorantibus.

Neratius, Rules, Book VI. Ad Dig. 41,1,13 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 155, Note 6.If my agent, by my direction, should purchase anything for me, and it is delivered to him in my name, the ownership of the article, that is to say, the title to it, is acquired by me, even if I am not aware of the fact. 1The guardian of a male or female ward, just like an agent, acquires property for him or her by purchasing it in the name of the ward, even without his or her knowledge.

Ex libro X

Dig. 30,118Neratius libro decimo regularum. Et eo modo relictum: ‘exigo’ ‘desidero, uti des’, fideicommissum valet: sed et ita: ‘volo hereditatem meam Titii esse’ ‘scio hereditatem meam restituturum te Titio’.

Neratius, Rules, Book X. Where a trust is expressed in the following terms: “I require; I desire; that you give,” it is valid, or where it is expressed as follows, “I wish my estate to belong to Titius; I know that you will deliver my estate to Titius.”