Quinti Mucii Scaevolae Opera
ὅρων [definitionum] liber singularis
Dig. 41,1,64Quintus Mucius Scaevola libro singulari ὅρων. Quae quisque aliena in censum deducit, nihilo magis eius fiunt.
Quintus Mucius Scævola, Definitions. When anyone enters property belonging to another in his accounts for taxation, it does not by any means become his.
Dig. 43,20,8Scaevola libro singulari ὅρων. Cui per fundum iter aquae debetur, quacumque vult in eo rivum licet faciat, dum ne aquae ductum interverteret.
Scævola, Observations. He who is entitled to a right of way through land for the purpose of conducting water is permitted to construct a canal through any part thereof that he wishes, provided he does not interfere with some other aqueduct.
Dig. 50,16,241Quintus Mucius Scaevola libro singulari ὅρων. In ‘rutis caesis’ ea sunt, quae terra non tenentur quaeque opere structili tectoriove non continentur.
Quintus Mucius Scævola, Definitions. Movable property is such as is not attached to the soil, that is to say, everything which does not form part of a building or other structure.
Dig. 50,17,73Quintus Mucius Scaevola libro singulari ὅρων. Quo tutela redit, eo et hereditas pervenit, nisi cum feminae heredes intercedunt. 1Nemo potest tutorem dare cuiquam nisi ei, quem in suis heredibus cum moritur habuit habiturusve esset, si vixisset. 2Vi factum id videtur esse, qua de re quis cum prohibetur, fecit: clam, quod quisque, cum controversiam haberet habiturumve se putaret, fecit. 3Quae in testamento ita sunt scripta, ut intellegi non possint, perinde sunt, ac si scripta non essent. 4Nec paciscendo nec legem dicendo nec stipulando quisquam alteri cavere potest.
Quintus Mucius Scævola, Rules. Guardianship is derived from the right of inheritance, except where there are female heirs. 1No one can appoint a guardian for anyone except for his proper heirs, or unless he had such heirs at the time of his death, or would have had them if he had lived. 2That is considered to be done with violence which anyone does after having been prohibited; and he acts clandestinely who proceeds without the knowledge of the other party, if he has a controversy with him, or thinks that he will have one. 3Anything which is stated in a will in such a way that it cannot be understood is just the same as if it had not been mentioned at all. 4No one can benefit another to the detriment of a third party, either by an agreement, by prescribing a condition, or by entering into a stipulation.