Responsorum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 19,1,39Modestinus libro quinto responsorum. Quaero, si quis ita fundum vendiderit, ut id venum datum esse videatur, quod intra terminos ipse possedit, sciens tamen aliquam partem certam se non possidere non certioraverit emptorem, an ex empto iudicio teneatur, cum haec generalis adiectio ad ea, quae specialiter novit qui vendidit nec excepit, pertinere non debeat, ne alioquin emptor capiatur, qui fortasse, si hoc cognovisset, vel empturus non esset vel minoris empturus esset, si certioratus de loco certo fuisset: cum hoc et apud veteres sit relatum in eius persona, qui sic exceperat: ‘servitutes si quae debentur, debebuntur’: etenim iuris auctores responderunt, si certus venditor quibusdam personis certas servitutes debere non admonuisset emptorem, ex empto eum teneri debere, quando haec generalis exceptio non ad ea pertinere debeat, quae venditor novit quaeque specialiter excipere et potuit et debuit, sed ad ea, quae ignoravit et de quibus emptorem certiorare nequivit. Herennius Modestinus respondit, si quid circumveniendi emptoris causa venditor in specie de qua quaeritur fecit, ex empto actione conveniri posse.
Modestinus, Rules, Book V. I ask if anyone should sell a tract of land under the condition that all should be considered to be sold which he possessed within certain boundaries, and the vendor, nevertheless, well knew that he did not possess a certain part of said land, and did not notify the purchaser of the fact; would he be liable to an action on sale, since this general rule ought not to apply to those portions of the land which the party who sold them knew did not belong to him, and yet did not except them? Otherwise, the purchaser would be taken advantage of, who if he had known this, would perhaps not have purchased the property at all; or would have bought it at a lower price if he had been notified with reference to its true amount; as this point has been settled by the ancient authorities, with respect to a person who made an exception, in the following terms, “Any servitudes that are due, shall remain due.” For persons learned in the law gave it as their opinion that, if a vendor, knowing that servitudes were due to certain persons, did not notify the purchaser, he would be liable to an action on purchase; for this general exception does not refer to matters which the vendor was aware of, and which he could and should expressly except, but to things of which he was ignorant, and concerning which he could not notify the purchaser. Herennius Modestinus was of the opinion that if the vendor in the case stated did anything for the purpose of deceiving the purchaser, he could be sued in an action on purchase.
Dig. 21,2,63Modestinus libro quinto responsorum. Herennius Modestinus respondit non obesse ex empto agenti, quod denuntiatio pro evictione interposita non esset, si pacto ei remissa esset denuntiandi necessitas. 1Gaia SeiaaDie Großausgabe liest Seia statt Sei. fundum a Lucio Titio emerat et quaestione mota fisci nomine auctorem laudaverat et evictione secuta fundus ablatus et fisco adiudicatus est venditore praesente: quaeritur, cum emptrix non provocaverat, an venditorem poterit convenire. Herennius Modestinus respondit, sive quod alienus fuit cum veniret sive quod tunc obligatus, evictus est, nihil proponi, cur emptrici adversus venditorem actio non competat. 2Herennius Modestinus respondit: si emptor appellavit et bonam causam vitio suo ex praescriptione perdidit, ad auctorem reverti non potest.
Modestinus, Digest, Book V. Herennius Modestinus was of the opinion that the purchaser, in bringing an action on sale, would not be barred because notice of the eviction had not been served upon him, if the necessity for notifying him had been released by the agreement. 1Gaia Seia purchased a tract of land from Lucius Titius, and proceedings having been instituted against her in the name of the Treasury, she had recourse to the vendor, and eviction having taken place, she was deprived of the land which was adjudged to the Treasury, the vendor being present at the time. The question arises, as the purchaser did not appeal, whether she can sue the vendor? Herennius Modestinus answered that if the land belonged to another when it was sold, or if it was hypothecated at the time it was evicted, there is no reason why the purchaser should not be entitled to an action against the vendor. 2Herennius Modestinus gave it as his opinion that if the purchaser appealed, and lost a good case through prescription by his own fault, he cannot have recourse to the vendor.
Dig. 23,2,26Idem libro quinto responsorum. Respondit reas adulterii factas nec ante damnationem vidente marito uxores duci posse.
Dig. 23,3,62Modestinus libro quinto responsorum. Titia cum esset minor viginti quinque annis, quartam hereditatis matris suae communem sibi cum fratribus mutavit et accepit pro ea parte fundum quasi emptione inter se facta: hunc fundum cum aliis rebus doti dedit. quaero, si in integrum restituatur et partem suam accipiat quartam et reddat fundum, quid debeat maritus facere? an contentus esse debeat aliis rebus in dotem datis? item quaero, si haec decesserit et heredes eius in integrum restitutionem ex persona eius petierint et ipsi petant quartam partem et illi fundum, an maritus cogatur restituere fundum contentus in retentione lucri dotis ceteris rebus? Modestinus respondit nihil proponi, cur marito dos auferenda sit: sed in veram aestimationem praedii mulier vel eius heredes condemnandi sunt in hoc tempus referendam, quo in dotem datus est.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book V. Titia, a minor under twenty-five years of age, exchanged the fourth part of the estate of her mother, which she held in common with her brothers, and received a tract of land instead of her share, just as if a sale had taken place. This land, together with other property, she gave as dowry. I ask if complete restitution should be granted to her, and if she should receive her share of one-fourth of the estate; and should she return the land, what course must her husband pursue, or ought he to be content with the other property given by way of dowry? I also ask, if he should die, and her heirs, as her representatives, should bring suit for complete restitution, and some of them should demand a fourth part of the estate, and others the land, whether the husband would be compelled to return the land, and remain satisfied with the other property of the dowry as his profit. Modestinus answered that there is nothing in the case proposed to justify the husband being deprived of the dowry, but the woman of her heirs should have judgment rendered against them for the actual value of the land, and the appraisement of the same should be made with reference to what it was worth at the time it was given by way of dowry.
Dig. 25,3,7Idem libro quinto responsorum. Si neget qui maritus fuisse dicitur matrimonium esse contractum eo, quod eam quae se uxorem fuisse dicit ancillam esse probare paratus sit, alimenta quidem liberis praestare interim compellendum, sin autem constiterit eam servam fuisse, nihil ei, qui pascendos curavit, ex hoc praeiudicium generare respondi.
The Same, Opinions, Book V. If he who is alleged to have been the husband of a woman denies that the marriage was contracted, for the reason that he is ready to prove that she who claims to be his wife is a slave, he shall be compelled to support her children in the meantime; but if it should be established that she was a slave, he who was charged with their support will not be prejudiced on this account.
Dig. 45,1,102Idem libro quinto responsorum. Venditores emptori caverant pro evictione, quanti eius interesset: sed et specialiter adgnituros, si in lite mota sumptus fecisset, emptori stipulanti promiserant. post mortem emptoris unus ex venditoribus ad iudicium vocavit, pretium sibi deberi dicens, heredes eius: qui sumptus in defensione causae factos, cum probarent pretium solutum fuisse, ex stipulatione petebant. Modestinus respondit, si in eas impensas venditores promiserunt, quae ob litem de proprietate institutam factae essent, minime ex stipulatu peti posse, quod erogatum est, dum alter ex venditoribus pretium, quod iam fuerat exsolutum, petit.
The Same, Opinions, Book V. Vendors furnished security against eviction to a purchaser to the extent of his interest, and they also specially promised that they would be responsible for all expenses which might be incurred by the purchaser, who was the stipulator, if the matter should come into court. After the death of the purchaser, one of the vendors brought suit, alleging that the price was due to him; and the heirs of the purchaser, who proved that the price had been paid, demanded, under the terms of the stipulation, that they should be reimbursed for the expenses incurred in defending the case. Modestinus gave it as his opinion that if the vendors promised to pay the expenses incurred in an action brought to determine the ownership of the property, such expenses could, by no means, be collected under the stipulation where one of the vendors sued to recover the price which had already been paid.