Responsorum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 13,7,39Idem libro quarto responsorum. Gaius Seius ob pecuniam mutuam fundum suum Lucio Titio pignori dedit: postea pactum inter eos factum est, ut creditor pignus suum in compensationem pecuniae suae certo tempore possideret: verum ante expletum tempus creditor cum suprema sua ordinaret, testamento cavit, ut alter ex filiis suis haberet eum fundum et addidit ‘quem de Lucio Titio emi’, cum non emisset: hoc testamentum inter ceteros signavit et Gaius Seius, qui fuit debitor. quaero, an ex hoc quod signavit praeiudicium aliquod sibi fecerit, cum nullum instrumentum venditionis proferatur, sed solum pactum, ut creditor certi temporis fructus caperet. Herennius Modestinus respondit contractui pignoris non obesse, quod debitor testamentum creditoris, in quo se emisse pignus expressit, signasse proponitur.
The Same, Opinions, Book IV. Gaius Seius gave his land to Lucius Titius as a pledge for money loaned, and afterwards it was agreed between them that the creditor should have possession of the pledge for a certain time, by way of setoff against his money. But, before the time had expired, the creditor, in stating his last wish, provided by his will that one of his sons should have the said tract of land, and added, “which I bought of Lucius Titius,” while in fact he had not bought it. Gaius Seius, who was the debtor, along with others signed this will. I ask whether, by the fact that he signed it he prejudiced himself in any way, since no instrument evidencing the sale was produced, but only the agreement that the creditor should be entitled to the crops for a certain time? Herennius Modestinus answered that the contract of pledge was not affected because the debtor had signed the will of the creditor in which he stated that he had purchased the pledge.
Dig. 20,1,26Idem libro quarto responsorum. Fideiussor impetravit a potestate, ut et ante quam solveret pignora ipse possideat quasi satisfacturus creditoribus, nec satisfecit: modo heres debitoris paratus est solvere creditoribus: quaero, an pignora fideiussor restituere cogendus sit. Modestinus respondit cogendum esse. 1Pater Seio emancipato filio facile persuasit, ut, quia mutuam quantitatem acciperet a Septicio creditore, chirographum perscriberet sua manu filius eius, quod ipse impeditus esset scribere, sub commemoratione domus ad filium pertinentis pignori dandae: quaerebatur, an Seius inter cetera bona etiam hanc domum iure optimo possidere possit, cum patris se hereditate abstinuerit, nec metuiri ex hoc solo, quod mandante patre manu sua perscripsit instrumentum chirographi, cum neque consensum suum accomodaverat patri aut signo suo aut alia scriptura. Modestinus respondit: cum sua manu pignori domum suam futuram Seius scripserat, consensum ei obligationi dedisse manifestum est. 2Lucius Titius praedia et mancipia quae in praediis erant obligavit: heredes eius praediis inter se divisis illis mancipiis defunctis alia substituerunt: creditor postea praedia cum mancipiis distraxit. quaeritur, an ipsa mancipia, quae sunt modo in praediis constituta, hoc est in hypothecis, emptor vindicare recte possit. Modestinus respondit, si neque pignerata sunt ipsa mancipia neque ex pigneratis ancillis nata, minime creditoribus obligata esse.
The Same, Opinions, Book IV. A surety obtained permission from the court that, before he paid the debt, he could obtain possession of the pledges, provided he satisfied the creditors. He did not satisfy them, and then the heir of the debtor offered to pay the creditors. I ask whether the surety can be compelled to return the pledges; and Modestinus answered that he can be compelled to do so. 1A father easily persuaded his emancipated son, Seius, who has borrowed a sum of money from Septicius, to write an acknowledgment of indebtedness with his own hand, because he himself was unable to do so at the time, for the purpose of giving a house belonging to his said son by way of pledge to his creditor. The question arose whether Seius could legally retain possession of this house with his other property, since he had renounced the estate of his father, and could be interfered with for the sole reason that he had written the said document with his own hand, by the direction of his father, as he did not give his consent to his father either under his own seal or by any other statement in writing. Modestinus answered that when Seius wrote with his own hand that his house would be hypothecated, it was evident that he gave his consent to the obligation. 2Lucius Titius hypothecated certain lands and the slaves that were attached to them. His heirs having divided the lands between them, substituted other slaves for those who died. The creditor afterwards sold the land together with the slaves; and the question arose whether the purchaser could properly bring an action to recover the slaves which had recently been placed upon the land. Modestinus answered that if the slaves were not themselves pledged, and were not the offspring of female slaves who had been encumbered, they were, by no means, bound to the creditor.
Dig. 20,6,9Modestinus libro quarto responsorum. Titius Sempronio fundum pignori dedit et eundem fundum postea Gaio Seio pignori dedit, atque ita idem Titius Sempronio et Gaio Seio fundum eundem in assem vendidit, quibus pignori ante dederat in solidum singulis. quaero, an venditione interposita ius pignoris exstinctum sit ac per hoc ius solum emptionis apud ambos permanserit. Modestinus respondit dominium ad eos de quibus quaeritur emptionis iure pertinere: cum consensum mutuo venditioni dedisse proponantur, invicem pigneraticiam actionem eos non habere. 1Titius Seio pecuniam sub pignore fundi dederat: qui fundus cum esset rei publicae ante obligatus, secundus creditor pecuniam rei publicae eam solvit: sed Maevius exstitit, qui dicebat ante rem publicam sibi fundum obligatum fuisse: inveniebatur autem Maevius instrumento cautionis cum re publica facto a Seio interfuisse et subscripsisse, quo caverat Seius fundum nulli alii esse obligatum: quaero, an actio aliqua in rem Maevio competere potest. Modestinus respondit pignus, cui is de quo quaeritur consensit, minime eum retinere posse.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book IV. Titius pledged a tract of land to Sempronius, and afterwards pledged it to Gaius Seius; and then Titius sold the identical land to the said Sempronius and Gaius Seius in its entirety, to each of whom he had formerly pledged it as a whole. I ask whether the right of pledge was extinguished through the sale having taken place, or if, on this account, only title by purchase remains in both creditors? Modestinus answered that, by the right of purchase, the ownership vests in the parties mentioned; since, according to the facts stated, both of them had consented to the sale, but that they would not have the right of action on pledge against one another. 1Titius loaned money to Seius on a pledge of land, the said land having been previously encumbered to the State; the second creditor paid the money due to the State, but Mævius appeared and asserted that the land had been mortgaged to him before it had been encumbered to the State. It was, however, ascertained that Mævius had been present and had signed the undertaking executed by Seius to the government, by which instrument Seius guaranteed that the land was not encumbered to anyone else. I ask whether any action with reference to the property can be brought by Mævius. Modestinus answered that he could, by no means, retain any right to the pledge in question, after he had consented to the above mentioned transaction.
Dig. 48,10,28Idem libro quarto responsorum. Si, a debitore praelato die, pignoris obligatio mentiatur, falsi crimini locus est.