Responsorum libri
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 44,1,11Idem libro tertio decimo responsorum. Qui adgnitis instrumentis, quasi vera essent, solvit post sententiam iudicis, quaero, si postea cognita rei veritate et repertis falsis instrumentis accusare velit et probare falsa esse instrumenta, ex quibus conveniebatur, cum instrumentis subscripserat ex praecepto sive interlocutione iudicis, an praescriptio ei opponi possit? cum et principalibus constitutionibus manifeste cavetur, etsi res iudicata esset ex falsis instrumentis, si postea falsa inveniantur, nec rei iudicatae praescriptionem opponi. Modestinus respondit ob hoc, quod per errorem solutio facta est vel cautio de solvendo interposita proponitur ex his instrumentis, quae nunc falsa dicuntur, praescriptioni locum non esse.
The Same, Opinions, Book XIII. A man acknowledged as genuine certain notes which were, in fact, forged, and paid them after judgment was rendered against him. I ask, if the truth should subsequently be ascertained, and the notes found to be forged, and the defendant should desire to prove this in accordance with the order of the court, or an interlocutory decree; and, as he had admitted the genuineness of the said notes, whether he could be opposed by an exception, as it is clearly established by the Imperial Constitutions that although a judgment may be obtained by means of forged documents, and they are afterwards ascertained to be false, the fact that the matter has been decided cannot be pleaded in bar. Modestinus answered that, for the reason that payment was made through mistake, or security was furnished in the case of these notes, which were afterwards alleged to be forged, there would be no ground for an exception.
Dig. 46,1,41Idem libro tertio decimo responsorum. Respondit, si fideiussores in id accepti sunt, quod a curatore servari non possit, et post impletam legitimam aetatem tam ab ipso curatore quam ab heredibus eius solidum servari potuit et cessante eo, qui pupillus fuit, solvendo esse desierit: non temere utilem in fideiussores actionem competere. 1Idem respondit, si in solidum condemnatus est unus ex mandatoribus, cum iudicati conveniri coeperit, posse eum desiderare, ut adversus eos, qui idem mandaverunt, actiones sibi mandentur.
The Same, Opinions, Book XIII. Ad Dig. 46,1,41 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 8 (1873), S. 136: Substantiirung der Bürgschaftseinrede des Mitunterzeichners eines Wechsels. Beneficium excussionis.If sureties have been accepted for a sum which cannot be collected by a curator, and after the minor became of age, the amount could have been collected by the same curator, or by his heirs, and he who was a minor fails to assert his rights and becomes insolvent, a prætorian action can properly be brought against the sureties. 1The same authority gave it as his opinion, that if one of several mandators has judgment rendered against him in full and is notified to make payment, he can petition that all rights of action available against those who directed the same act to be performed be assigned to him.