Responsorum libri
Ex libro XII
Dig. 1,5,22Idem libro duodecimo responsorum. Herennius Modestinus respondit, si eo tempore enixa est ancilla, quo secundum legem donationis manumissa esse debuit, cum ex constitutione libera fuerit, ingenuum ex ea natum.
Dig. 22,3,15Modestinus libro duodecimo responsorum. Quidam quasi ex Seia susceptus a Gaio Seio, cum Gaius fratres haberet, hereditatem Gaii invasit et fratribus eiusdem quasi ex mandatu defuncti fideicommissa solvit, cautionem accepit: qui postea cognito, quod filius fratris eorum non fuisset, quaerebant, an cum eo de hereditate fratris possint, propter emissam manum ab eis quasi filio, agere. Modestinus respondit cautione exsoluti fideicommissi statum eius, qui probari potest a fratribus defuncti filius mortui non esse, minime confirmatum esse: sed hoc ipsum a fratribus probari debet.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book XII. A certain man, asserting that he was the son of Seia and Gaius, seized the estate of Gaius, although the latter had brothers, and discharged certain trusts in favor of these brothers, as if by the direction of the deceased, and took a receipt. They, having afterwards ascertained that the alleged son was not their brother, asked whether they could bring an action against him to recover the estate, on account of the receipt which they had given him as the son of the deceased. Modestinus answered that the position of the party to whom the receipt had been given in discharge of the trust, and who could be proved by the brothers of the deceased not to be his son, was not in the slightest degree established by this fact, but that proof must be submitted by the brothers.
Dig. 42,1,28Idem libro duodecimo responsorum. Duo iudices dati diversas sententias dederunt. Modestinus respondit utramque sententiam in pendenti esse, donec competens iudex unam earum confirmaverit.
Dig. 44,1,10Modestinus libro duodecimo responsorum. Modestinus respondit: res inter alios iudicata aliis non obest, nec si is, contra quem iudicatum est, heres exstiterit ei, contra quem nihil pronuntiatum est, hereditariumaaDie Großausgabe liest hereditariam statt hereditarium. ei litem inferenti praescribi ex ea sententia posse, quam proprio nomine disceptans, antequam heres exstiterit, excepit.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book XII. Modestinus gave it as his opinion that a judgment obtained by others does not prejudice those who were not parties to the suit; and even if he, against whom judgment was rendered, should become the heir of the person who gained the case, an exception, based on the fact that, under this judgment, he has failed to effect what he undertook in his own name before he became the heir, cannot be pleaded against him.
Dig. 47,10,20Modestinus libro duodecimo responsorum. Si iniuriae faciendae gratia Seia domum absentis debitoris signasset sine auctoritate eius, qui concedendi ius potestatemve habuit, iniuriarum actionem intendi posse respondit.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book XII. If Seia, for the purpose of inflicting injury, seals up the house of her absent debtor, without the authority of the magistrate who has the right and the power to allow this, he gave it as his opinion that the action for injury could be brought.