Responsorum libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 22,1,42Idem libro undecimo responsorum. Herennius Modestinus respondit fructus, qui post adquisitum ex causa fideicommissi dominium ex terra percipiuntur, ad fideicommissarium pertinere, licet maior pars anni ante diem fideicommissi cedentem praeterisse dicatur.
Ad Dig. 22,1,42Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 647, Note 14.The Same, Opinions, Book XI. Herennius Modestinus gave it as his opinion that crops taken from land after the ownership of the same had been acquired by means of a trust, belonging to the beneficiary; even though the greater part of the year had elapsed before the trust became operative.
Dig. 33,1,6Idem libro undecimo responsorum. Annuam pecuniam ad ludos civitati reliquit, quibus praesidere heredes voluit: successores heredum negant se debere, quasi testator tamdiu praestari voluisset, quamdiu praesiderent heredes: quaero igitur, an, cum praesidendi mentionem fecerit, ad tempus fideicommissum an perpetuo praestari voluerit. Modestinus respondit fideicommissum quotannis in perpetuum rei publicae praestandum esse.
The Same, Opinions, Book XI. A testator left a certain sum of money to be paid annually for the maintenance of the public games of the city, over which he expressed a wish that his heirs should preside. The successors of his heirs denied that they were liable for the legacy, alleging that the testator only intended it should be paid as long as his heirs could preside over the games. Therefore, when he mentioned their presiding, I ask whether he intended payment to be made during the duration of the trust, or perpetually. Modestinus answers that the legacy should be paid to the city annually in perpetuity.
Dig. 34,1,5Idem libro undecimo responsorum. Verba testamenti: ‘omnibus libertis nostris cibaria praestabitis pro arbitrio vestro, non ignorantes, quot ex his caros habuerim’. item alio loco: ‘Prothymum Polychronium Hypatium commendo: ut et vobiscum sint et cibaria praestetis, peto’. quaero, an omnibus cibaria debent dari an his quos commendavit et cum heredibus esse iussit? Modestinus respondit omnibus libertis cibaria relicta proponi, quorum modum viri boni arbitrio statuendum esse.
The Same, Opinions, Book XI. The following words were inserted in a will: “You will furnish food to all our freedmen according to your judgment, as you are aware with what affection I regard them.” Also, in another place, the testator said, “I commit Prothymus, Polychronius, and Hypatius, to your care, in order that they may live with you, and I ask you to provide them with food.” I ask whether food should be given to all of them, or only to those whom he recommended to his heirs, and ordered to reside with them. Modestinus answered that, according to the case stated, subsistence was left to all of the freedmen, the amount of which was to be determined by the judgment of a good citizen.
Dig. 34,4,19Idem libro undecimo responsorum. Modestinus respondit, si adimendo legatum, quod Maevio relictum sit, fideicommissum ab eo datum defunctus revocare noluit, heredes ex causa fideicommissi conveniri posse recte probari.
Dig. 50,16,105Idem libro undecimo responsorum. Modestinus respondit his verbis ‘libertis libertabusque meis’ libertum libertae testatoris non contineri.