Responsorum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 3,5,25Modestinus libro primo responsorum. Cum alicui civitati per fideicommissum restitui iussa esset hereditas, magistratus actores horum bonorum Titium et Seium et Gaium idoneos creaverunt: postmodum hi actores inter se diviserunt administrationem bonorum idque egerunt sine auctoritate et sine consensu magistratuum. post aliquod tempus testamentum, per quod restitui civitati hereditas fideicommissa esset, irritum probatum est pro tribunali atque ita ab intestato Sempronius legitimus heres defuncti extitit: sed ex his actoribus unus non solvendo decessit et nemo heres eius extitit. quaero, si Sempronius conveniet actores horum bonorum, periculum inopis defuncti ad quos pertinet? Herennius Modestinus respondit, quod ab uno ex actoribus ob ea quae solus gessit negotiorum gestorum actione servari non potest, ad damnum eius cui legitima hereditas quaesita est pertinere.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book I. Where an estate left to a municipality in trust was ordered to be delivered, the magistrate appointed Titius, Seius, and Gaius as being suitable agents for the management of the property. These agents subsequently divided the administration of the estate among themselves, and did so without the authority or consent of the magistrates. Sometime afterwards, the will containing the trust under which the estate was to be turned over to the municipality, was proved in court to be void; and Sempronius appeared as the heir-at-law, ab intestato, of the deceased, but one of the aforesaid agents died insolvent, and without leaving an heir. I ask if Sempronius should bring suit against these agents of the estate, who would assume the risk caused by the insolvency of the deceased agent? Herennius Modestinus answered that the action based on business transacted could not be employed against anyone of the agents on account of what he alone had done, and that any loss must be borne by him who claimed the estate as heir-at-law.
Dig. 37,14,12Modestinus libro primo responsorum. Gaius Seius decedens testamento ordinato inter filios suos Iulium libertum suum, quasi et ipsum filium, ex parte heredem nominavit: quaero, an huiusmodi scriptura possit liberto statum condicionis mutare. Modestinus respondit statum mutare non posse.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book I. Gaius Seius, having died after making his will, appointed his freedman Julius, together with his sons, heir to part of his estate, just as if he had been his own child. I ask whether an appointment of this kind can change the civil condition of the freedman. Modestinus gave it as his opinion that it would not change his condition.
Dig. 42,1,27Modestinus libro primo responsorum. Praeses provinciae usuras usurarum condemnavit contra leges et sacras constitutiones ideoque Lucius Titius contra prolatam sententiam iniustam praesidis appellavit: quaero, cum non secundum legem Titius provocasset, an exigi possit pecunia secundum condemnationem. Modestinus respondit, si sententiae certa quantitas continetur, nihil proponi, cur iudicati agi non possit.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book I. The Governor of a province rendered a decision that a party should pay compound interest, contrary to the laws and the Imperial Constitutions, and, on this ground, Lucius Titius took an appeal from the unjust decision of the Governor. As Titius did not take his appeal in accordance with law, I ask whether the money can be collected under the judgment. Modestinus answered that if the judgment was for a specified sum, there was nothing in the case stated why execution could not be issued.
Dig. 50,1,36Idem libro primo responsorum. Titio, cum esset Romae studiorum gratia, epistula missa est a magistratibus patriae suae, ut porrigeret imperatori decretum eiusdem civitatis, quod erat cum ipsa epistula missum. is autem, qui suscepisset litteras restituendas, collusione facta dedit Lucio Titio, qui et ipse Romae morabatur suae rei gratia: sublato Titi nomine, cui erat decretum missum, uti per ipsum daretur, suum nomen scripsit et sic imperatori decretum secundum mandata rei publicae dedit. quaero, qui viaticum petere ab ea potuisset? et quid commisisse videtur is, qui non restituit litteras ei, cui restituere mandatum susceperat, et is, qui sublato alieno nomine inscriptoque suo, quasi ipse iussus a patria, decretum imperatori porrexit? Herennius Modestinus respondit Titium quidem viaticum petere non posse: sed eum qui nomen incidisset. 1Titius pro pecunia publica, quam ipse credidit, pignus accepit pacto facto cum debitore, ut non soluto debito sine ulla repromissione distrahatur pignus. succedentes gradus in locum Titii nomen et pignus probaverunt usque ad Maevium: ex venditione pignoris propter repromissionem a magistratu vendentibus factam de modo fundi demonstrato satis debito factum non est. quaerebatur, quis rei publicae tenetur. Herennius Modestinus: Titium, cum successores eius periculum nominis agnoverint, eo nomine obstrictum non esse respondi: sed nec post magistratus qui vendidisse proponuntur, cum videlicet pluris vendiderunt propter mensurae agri demonstrationem et hoc, qua pluris vendiderunt, restituere minore modo deprehenso iussi sunt. eum igitur, qui novissimus nomen probavit, indemnitati rei publicae satisfacere debere, si nomen ad successorem idoneum transmississe non doceatur.
The Same, Opinions, Book II. While Titius was at Rome for the purpose of pursuing his studies, a letter was despatched to him by the magistrates of his native village, in order that he might deliver to the Emperor an ordinance of the said village which was transmitted along with the letter. But the person who had undertaken to deliver the letter, through collusion, delivered it to Lucius Titius, who himself was residing at Rome, for the same reason as Titius. After having erased the name of Titius, to whom the ordinance was directed, he inserted his own name, and then delivered it to the Emperor, according to the order of the municipality. I ask whether the messenger could demand his travelling expenses, and what offence he should be considered to have committed in not delivering the letter to the person to whom he had undertaken to give it, as well as what he was guilty of, who, having erased the name of another, and written in his own, delivered the ordinance to the Emperor, just as if he had been ordered to do so by his native town? Herennius Modestinus answered that Titius could not demand the travelling expenses, but that he could have recourse to the person who made the substitution in his own name. 1Titius accepted a pledge for public money which he himself had lent, and made an agreement with the debtor that, if the debt should not be paid, the pledge should be sold without any guarantee. The magistrates who succeeded to the place of Titius approved the claim as well as the pledge, as far as Mævius. Enough money was not realized by the sale of the pledge to pay the debt, on account of the guarantee made by the magistrate to the purchasers with reference to the amount of the land. The question arose, who was responsible to the municipality? Herrenius Modestinus answered that Titius was not liable on this account, as his successors had assumed responsibility for the debt, nor would the magistrates who made the sale, as they sold it as containing more than was shown by actual measurement of the land; and for the reason that they sold it for more, they should be ordered to make up the deficiency. Therefore, he who was the last to approve the claim should indemnify the municipality for the loss, if the claim should not be proved to have been transferred to a solvent successor.
Dig. 50,2,10Modestinus libro primo responsorum. Herennius Modestinus respondit sola albi proscriptione minime decurionem factum, qui secundum legem decurio creatus non sit.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book I. Herennius Modestinus gave it as his opinion that a man did not become a decurion merely by an order for the payment of his salary, when he not been legally created.
Dig. 50,12,10Idem libro primo responsorum. Septicia certamen patriae suae pollicendo sub hac condicione pollicita est, uti sors apud eam remaneat et ipsa usuras semissales ad praemia certantium resolvat, in haec verba: ‘Φιλοτιμοῦμαι καὶ καθιερῶ ἀγῶνα τετραετηρικὸν ἀπὸ μυριάδων τριῶν, τὸ τοῦ κεφαλαίου αὐτὴ κατέχουσα ἀργύριον καὶ ἀσφαλιζομένη παρὰ τοῖς δεκαπρώτοις ἀξιοχρέως ἐπὶ τῷ τελεῖν με τὸν ἐξ ἔθους τριῶν μυριάδων τόκον, ἀγωνοθετοῦντος καὶ προκαθεζομένου τοῦ ἀνδρός μου, ἐπ’ αὖθις δὲ τῶν ἐξ ἐμοῦ γεννηθησομένων τέκνων. χωρήσει δὲ ὁ τόκος εἰς τὰ ἆθλα τῶν θυμελικῶν, καθὼς ἂν ἐφ’ ἑκάστου ἀθλήματος ἡ βουλὴ ὁρίσῃ’. quaero, an possunt iniuriam pati filii Septiciae, quo minus ipsi praesiderent certamini secundum verba condicionemque pollicitationis. Herennius Modestinus respondit, quo casu certaminis editio licita est, formam pollicitationi datam servandam esse.
The Same, Opinions, Book I. Septicia promised a certain sum of money to her native city for the celebration of public games, under the condition that the principal should remain in her hands, and that she herself should give half of the interest as reward to the contestants, in the following terms: “I give and set apart thirty thousand aurei as principal to be devoted to the games every four years, I myself retaining the said amount in my hands, and furnishing security to the decurions to pay the interest, at the ordinary rate, on said principal of thirty thousand aurei; under the condition that the games shall be presided over by my future husband and the children who may be born to me. The said interest shall be expended in prizes to be awarded to the competitors whom the judges may decide to have excelled in each contest.” I ask whether the children of Septicia would suffer any injustice if they should not preside at these contests, in accordance with the terms and the condition of the promise. Herennius Modestinus answered that in case the institution of the public games was permitted, the condition imposed by the promise must be complied with.
Ex libro II
Dig. 2,14,35Idem libro secundo responsorum. Tres fratres Titius et Maevius et Seia communem hereditatem inter se diviserunt instrumentis interpositis, quibus divisisse maternam hereditatem dixerunt nihilque sibi commune remansisse caverunt. sed postea duo de fratribus, id est Maevius et Seia, qui absentes erant tempore mortis matris suae, cognoverunt pecuniam auream a fratre suo esse substractam, cuius nulla mentio instrumento divisionis continebatur. quaero an post pactum divisionis de subrepta pecunia fratribus adversus fratrem competit actio. Modestinus respondit, si agentibus ob portionem eius, quod subreptum a Titio dicitur, generalis pacti conventi exceptio his, qui fraudem a Titio commissam ignorantes transegerunt, obiciatur, de dolo utiliter replicari posse.
Ad Dig. 2,14,35Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 414, Note 2.The Same, Opinions, Book II. Two brothers, Titius and Mævius, and a sister Seia, divided an estate between them, which they held in common, and executed an instrument in which they stated that they divided the estate of their mother, and alleged that no property held in common by them remained. Afterwards, however, two of them, namely, Mævius and Seia, who were absent at the time of their mother’s death, learned that a sum of money in gold had been abstracted by their brother, of which sum no mention was made in the instrument of partition. I desire to know whether, after the agreement for partition was made, an action for the recovery of the money which had been abstracted would lie in favor of the brother and sister against the other brother? Modestinus answered that if, when they brought suit for a portion of the money which was said to have been abstracted by Titius, an exception was pleaded against them under a general contract, when they ignorantly agreed to the fraud which had been committed by Titius, they could avail themselves of a replication on the ground of fraud.
Dig. 3,5,26Idem libro secundo responsorum. Ex duobus fratribus uno quidem suae aetatis, alio vero minore annis, cum haberent communia praedia rustica, maior frater in saltu communi habenti habitationes paternas ampla aedificia aedificaverat: cumque eundem saltum cum fratre divideret, sumptus sibi quasi re meliore ab eo facta desiderabat fratre minore iam legitimae aetatis constituto. Herennius Modestinus respondit ob sumptus nulla re urguente, sed voluptatis causa factos eum de quo quaeritur actionem non habere. 1Titium, si pietatis respectu sororis aluit filiam, actionem hoc nomine contra eam non habere respondi.
The Same, Opinions, Book II. Two brothers, one of age, and the other a minor, owned an unproductive tract of land in common. The older brother erected large buildings on the tract where the residence of his father stood, and when he divided the land with his brother, he claimed that he should be paid for what he had expended, since the property had been improved by what he had done; his younger brother having at that time become of age. Herennius Modestinus answered that he for whom the inquiry was made had no right of action on account of expenses incurred, when there was no necessity for them, and where they had been made only for the sake of pleasure. 1I gave it as my opinion that if Titius brought up his niece through affection for his sister, no action would lie against her on this ground.
Dig. 4,4,29Modestinus libro secundo responsorum. Etiamsi patre eodemque tutore auctore pupillus captus probari possit, curatorem postea ei datum nomine ipsius in integrum restitutionem postulare non prohiberi. 1Ex causa curationis condemnata pupilla adversus unum caput sententiae restitui volebat, et quia videtur in ceteris litis speciebus relevata fuisse, actor maior aetate, qui adquievit tunc temporis sententiae, dicebat totam debere litem restaurari. aaDie Großausgabe fügt Herennius ein. Modestinus respondit, si species, in qua pupilla in integrum restitui desiderat, ceteris speciebus non cohaeret, nihil proponi, cur a tota sententia recedi actor postulans audiendus est. 2Si hereditate patris aetatis beneficio in integrum restitutus abstinuit se nemine de creditoribus paternis praesente vel ad agendum a praeside evocato, an ea restitutio recte facta videatur, quaeritur. bbDie Großausgabe fügt Herennius ein. Modestinus respondit, cum non evocatis creditoribus in integrum restitutionis decretum interpositum proponatur, minime id creditoribus praeiudicasse.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book II. Even where it can be established that a minor has been imposed upon by his father, who was also his guardian, and a curator is afterwards appointed for him, the latter cannot be prevented from applying for complete restitution in behalf of the minor. 1Where a female ward who had judgment rendered against her in a case based on curatorship, wished to obtain restitution with reference to one part of the decision; and as it appeared that she had succeeded with reference to the other matter in the case, the plaintiff, who was of age, and had at first acquiesced in the decision, claimed that a new trial should be granted. Herennius Modestinus answered to this, that if the point with reference to which the female ward requested complete restitution had no connection with the others, no reason was alleged for which the plaintiff could demand that the entire judgment should be set aside. 2Where a minor obtains complete restitution on account of his youth, and by reason of this rejects his father’s estate, none of the creditors of the latter being present, or having been summoned by the Governor for the purpose of instituting proceedings; the question arises whether restitution should be considered to have been properly granted? Herennius Modestinus gave it as his opinion that since the creditors were not summoned, and the judgment of restitution had been rendered without this, the rights of the creditors were not in the least impaired.
Dig. 27,1,16Idem libro secundo responsorum. Gaius testamento Nigidium filio suo tutorem dedit eundemque usque ad vicensimum quintum annum curatorem constituit: quaero, cum liceat Nigidio a curatione etiam citra appellationem se excusare, ex qua die tempora, quae in excusationibus observanda divus Marcus statuit, computanda sunt, utrum ex die aperti testamenti, an ex quo ad negotia gerenda vocatur, id est post quartum decimum annum impletum. Modestinus respondit excusationem a cura tunc necessariam esse, cum decreto praetoris seu praesidis confirmatus curator fuerit.
The Same, Opinions, Book II. Gaius, by his will, appointed Nigidius guardian of his son, and also appointed him curator until his son had reached his twenty-fifth year. I ask, since it is lawful for Nigidius to be excused from the curatorship without an appeal, from what day the time fixed by the Divine Marcus to be observed in the application for discharge shall be reckoned; whether this shall be done from the day when the will is opened, or from that when the guardian is called upon to transact business; that is to say, after the ward has completed his fourteenth year? Modestinus answered that the application to be excused from the curatorship must be made at the time when the curator was confirmed by the decree of the Prætor or Governor.
Ex libro III
Dig. 5,2,11Modestinus libro tertio responsorum. Etiamsi querella inofficiosi testamenti optinuerit, non ideo tamen donationes, quas vivus ei perfecisse proponitur, infirmari neque in dotem datorum partem vindicari posse respondi.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book III. I stated as my opinion that even where a party succeeds on the ground that a testament is inofficious, any donations which the testator, while living, seems to have made in favor of the appointed heir, are not for that reason annulled; nor will an action lie to recover part of what was given to him by way of dowry.
Dig. 12,1,35Modestinus libro tertio responsorum. Periculum nominum ad eum, cuius culpa deterius factum probari potest, pertinet.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book III. The risk of obligations for money lent attaches to the party by whose negligence it can be established that the risk was increased.
Dig. 22,1,41Idem libro tertio responsorum. Tutor condemnatus per appellationem traxerat exsecutionem sententiae. Herennius Modestinus respondit eum qui de appellatione cognovit potuisse, si frustratoriam morandi causa appellationem interpositam animadverteret, etiam de usuris medii temporis eum condemnare. 1Lucius Titius cum centum et usuras aliquanti temporis deberet, minorem pecuniam quam debebat obsignavit: quaero, an Titius pecuniae quam obsignavit usuras praestare non debeat. Modestinus respondit, si non hac lege mutua pecunia data est, uti liceret et particulatim quod acceptum est exsolvere, non retardari totius debiti usurarum praestationem, si, cum creditor paratus esset totum suscipere, debitor, qui in exsolutione totius cessabat, solam partem deposuit. 2Ab Aulo Agerio Gaius Seius mutuam quandam quantitatem accepit hoc chirographo: ‘ille scripsi me accepisse et accepi ab illo mutuos et numeratos decem, quos ei reddam kalendis illis proximis cum suis usuris placitis inter nos’: quaero, an ex eo instrumento usurae peti possint et quae. Modestinus respondit, si non appareat de quibus usuris conventio facta sit, peti eas non posse.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. Judgment having been rendered against a guardian, he delayed the execution of the judgment by taking an appeal. Herennius Modestinus gave it as his opinion that the judge who had jurisdiction of the appeal could also hold him responsible for interest during the intermediate time, if he ascertained that the appeal was fraudulently interposed for the purpose of delay. 1Lucius Titius, who owed the sum of a hundred aurei and interest on the same for a certain time, tendered and sealed up a smaller sum than he owed. I ask whether Titius did not owe interest on the money which he sealed up. Modestinus answered that if it was not agreed at the time of the loan that the debtor should be permitted to pay what he had borrowed by instalments, the payment of interest for the entire debt would not be affected; if, when the creditor was ready to receive the whole amount, the debtor who failed to make the payment of the entire sum only deposited a part of it. 2Gaius Seius borrowed a certain sum of money from Aulus Agerius on the following note: “The undersigned says that I have received, and I acknowledge having received from him, borrowed money to the amount of ten aurei, which I promise to pay to him on the Kalends of next July, together with the interest on the same that is agreed upon between us.” I ask whether interest can be collected on this instrument, and if so, how much. Modestinus answered that if it does not appear how much interest was agreed upon, it cannot be collected.
Ex libro IV
Dig. 13,7,39Idem libro quarto responsorum. Gaius Seius ob pecuniam mutuam fundum suum Lucio Titio pignori dedit: postea pactum inter eos factum est, ut creditor pignus suum in compensationem pecuniae suae certo tempore possideret: verum ante expletum tempus creditor cum suprema sua ordinaret, testamento cavit, ut alter ex filiis suis haberet eum fundum et addidit ‘quem de Lucio Titio emi’, cum non emisset: hoc testamentum inter ceteros signavit et Gaius Seius, qui fuit debitor. quaero, an ex hoc quod signavit praeiudicium aliquod sibi fecerit, cum nullum instrumentum venditionis proferatur, sed solum pactum, ut creditor certi temporis fructus caperet. Herennius Modestinus respondit contractui pignoris non obesse, quod debitor testamentum creditoris, in quo se emisse pignus expressit, signasse proponitur.
The Same, Opinions, Book IV. Gaius Seius gave his land to Lucius Titius as a pledge for money loaned, and afterwards it was agreed between them that the creditor should have possession of the pledge for a certain time, by way of setoff against his money. But, before the time had expired, the creditor, in stating his last wish, provided by his will that one of his sons should have the said tract of land, and added, “which I bought of Lucius Titius,” while in fact he had not bought it. Gaius Seius, who was the debtor, along with others signed this will. I ask whether, by the fact that he signed it he prejudiced himself in any way, since no instrument evidencing the sale was produced, but only the agreement that the creditor should be entitled to the crops for a certain time? Herennius Modestinus answered that the contract of pledge was not affected because the debtor had signed the will of the creditor in which he stated that he had purchased the pledge.
Dig. 20,1,26Idem libro quarto responsorum. Fideiussor impetravit a potestate, ut et ante quam solveret pignora ipse possideat quasi satisfacturus creditoribus, nec satisfecit: modo heres debitoris paratus est solvere creditoribus: quaero, an pignora fideiussor restituere cogendus sit. Modestinus respondit cogendum esse. 1Pater Seio emancipato filio facile persuasit, ut, quia mutuam quantitatem acciperet a Septicio creditore, chirographum perscriberet sua manu filius eius, quod ipse impeditus esset scribere, sub commemoratione domus ad filium pertinentis pignori dandae: quaerebatur, an Seius inter cetera bona etiam hanc domum iure optimo possidere possit, cum patris se hereditate abstinuerit, nec metuiri ex hoc solo, quod mandante patre manu sua perscripsit instrumentum chirographi, cum neque consensum suum accomodaverat patri aut signo suo aut alia scriptura. Modestinus respondit: cum sua manu pignori domum suam futuram Seius scripserat, consensum ei obligationi dedisse manifestum est. 2Lucius Titius praedia et mancipia quae in praediis erant obligavit: heredes eius praediis inter se divisis illis mancipiis defunctis alia substituerunt: creditor postea praedia cum mancipiis distraxit. quaeritur, an ipsa mancipia, quae sunt modo in praediis constituta, hoc est in hypothecis, emptor vindicare recte possit. Modestinus respondit, si neque pignerata sunt ipsa mancipia neque ex pigneratis ancillis nata, minime creditoribus obligata esse.
The Same, Opinions, Book IV. A surety obtained permission from the court that, before he paid the debt, he could obtain possession of the pledges, provided he satisfied the creditors. He did not satisfy them, and then the heir of the debtor offered to pay the creditors. I ask whether the surety can be compelled to return the pledges; and Modestinus answered that he can be compelled to do so. 1A father easily persuaded his emancipated son, Seius, who has borrowed a sum of money from Septicius, to write an acknowledgment of indebtedness with his own hand, because he himself was unable to do so at the time, for the purpose of giving a house belonging to his said son by way of pledge to his creditor. The question arose whether Seius could legally retain possession of this house with his other property, since he had renounced the estate of his father, and could be interfered with for the sole reason that he had written the said document with his own hand, by the direction of his father, as he did not give his consent to his father either under his own seal or by any other statement in writing. Modestinus answered that when Seius wrote with his own hand that his house would be hypothecated, it was evident that he gave his consent to the obligation. 2Lucius Titius hypothecated certain lands and the slaves that were attached to them. His heirs having divided the lands between them, substituted other slaves for those who died. The creditor afterwards sold the land together with the slaves; and the question arose whether the purchaser could properly bring an action to recover the slaves which had recently been placed upon the land. Modestinus answered that if the slaves were not themselves pledged, and were not the offspring of female slaves who had been encumbered, they were, by no means, bound to the creditor.
Dig. 20,6,9Modestinus libro quarto responsorum. Titius Sempronio fundum pignori dedit et eundem fundum postea Gaio Seio pignori dedit, atque ita idem Titius Sempronio et Gaio Seio fundum eundem in assem vendidit, quibus pignori ante dederat in solidum singulis. quaero, an venditione interposita ius pignoris exstinctum sit ac per hoc ius solum emptionis apud ambos permanserit. Modestinus respondit dominium ad eos de quibus quaeritur emptionis iure pertinere: cum consensum mutuo venditioni dedisse proponantur, invicem pigneraticiam actionem eos non habere. 1Titius Seio pecuniam sub pignore fundi dederat: qui fundus cum esset rei publicae ante obligatus, secundus creditor pecuniam rei publicae eam solvit: sed Maevius exstitit, qui dicebat ante rem publicam sibi fundum obligatum fuisse: inveniebatur autem Maevius instrumento cautionis cum re publica facto a Seio interfuisse et subscripsisse, quo caverat Seius fundum nulli alii esse obligatum: quaero, an actio aliqua in rem Maevio competere potest. Modestinus respondit pignus, cui is de quo quaeritur consensit, minime eum retinere posse.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book IV. Titius pledged a tract of land to Sempronius, and afterwards pledged it to Gaius Seius; and then Titius sold the identical land to the said Sempronius and Gaius Seius in its entirety, to each of whom he had formerly pledged it as a whole. I ask whether the right of pledge was extinguished through the sale having taken place, or if, on this account, only title by purchase remains in both creditors? Modestinus answered that, by the right of purchase, the ownership vests in the parties mentioned; since, according to the facts stated, both of them had consented to the sale, but that they would not have the right of action on pledge against one another. 1Titius loaned money to Seius on a pledge of land, the said land having been previously encumbered to the State; the second creditor paid the money due to the State, but Mævius appeared and asserted that the land had been mortgaged to him before it had been encumbered to the State. It was, however, ascertained that Mævius had been present and had signed the undertaking executed by Seius to the government, by which instrument Seius guaranteed that the land was not encumbered to anyone else. I ask whether any action with reference to the property can be brought by Mævius. Modestinus answered that he could, by no means, retain any right to the pledge in question, after he had consented to the above mentioned transaction.
Dig. 48,10,28Idem libro quarto responsorum. Si, a debitore praelato die, pignoris obligatio mentiatur, falsi crimini locus est.
Ex libro V
Dig. 19,1,39Modestinus libro quinto responsorum. Quaero, si quis ita fundum vendiderit, ut id venum datum esse videatur, quod intra terminos ipse possedit, sciens tamen aliquam partem certam se non possidere non certioraverit emptorem, an ex empto iudicio teneatur, cum haec generalis adiectio ad ea, quae specialiter novit qui vendidit nec excepit, pertinere non debeat, ne alioquin emptor capiatur, qui fortasse, si hoc cognovisset, vel empturus non esset vel minoris empturus esset, si certioratus de loco certo fuisset: cum hoc et apud veteres sit relatum in eius persona, qui sic exceperat: ‘servitutes si quae debentur, debebuntur’: etenim iuris auctores responderunt, si certus venditor quibusdam personis certas servitutes debere non admonuisset emptorem, ex empto eum teneri debere, quando haec generalis exceptio non ad ea pertinere debeat, quae venditor novit quaeque specialiter excipere et potuit et debuit, sed ad ea, quae ignoravit et de quibus emptorem certiorare nequivit. Herennius Modestinus respondit, si quid circumveniendi emptoris causa venditor in specie de qua quaeritur fecit, ex empto actione conveniri posse.
Modestinus, Rules, Book V. I ask if anyone should sell a tract of land under the condition that all should be considered to be sold which he possessed within certain boundaries, and the vendor, nevertheless, well knew that he did not possess a certain part of said land, and did not notify the purchaser of the fact; would he be liable to an action on sale, since this general rule ought not to apply to those portions of the land which the party who sold them knew did not belong to him, and yet did not except them? Otherwise, the purchaser would be taken advantage of, who if he had known this, would perhaps not have purchased the property at all; or would have bought it at a lower price if he had been notified with reference to its true amount; as this point has been settled by the ancient authorities, with respect to a person who made an exception, in the following terms, “Any servitudes that are due, shall remain due.” For persons learned in the law gave it as their opinion that, if a vendor, knowing that servitudes were due to certain persons, did not notify the purchaser, he would be liable to an action on purchase; for this general exception does not refer to matters which the vendor was aware of, and which he could and should expressly except, but to things of which he was ignorant, and concerning which he could not notify the purchaser. Herennius Modestinus was of the opinion that if the vendor in the case stated did anything for the purpose of deceiving the purchaser, he could be sued in an action on purchase.
Dig. 21,2,63Modestinus libro quinto responsorum. Herennius Modestinus respondit non obesse ex empto agenti, quod denuntiatio pro evictione interposita non esset, si pacto ei remissa esset denuntiandi necessitas. 1Gaia SeiaaDie Großausgabe liest Seia statt Sei. fundum a Lucio Titio emerat et quaestione mota fisci nomine auctorem laudaverat et evictione secuta fundus ablatus et fisco adiudicatus est venditore praesente: quaeritur, cum emptrix non provocaverat, an venditorem poterit convenire. Herennius Modestinus respondit, sive quod alienus fuit cum veniret sive quod tunc obligatus, evictus est, nihil proponi, cur emptrici adversus venditorem actio non competat. 2Herennius Modestinus respondit: si emptor appellavit et bonam causam vitio suo ex praescriptione perdidit, ad auctorem reverti non potest.
Modestinus, Digest, Book V. Herennius Modestinus was of the opinion that the purchaser, in bringing an action on sale, would not be barred because notice of the eviction had not been served upon him, if the necessity for notifying him had been released by the agreement. 1Gaia Seia purchased a tract of land from Lucius Titius, and proceedings having been instituted against her in the name of the Treasury, she had recourse to the vendor, and eviction having taken place, she was deprived of the land which was adjudged to the Treasury, the vendor being present at the time. The question arises, as the purchaser did not appeal, whether she can sue the vendor? Herennius Modestinus answered that if the land belonged to another when it was sold, or if it was hypothecated at the time it was evicted, there is no reason why the purchaser should not be entitled to an action against the vendor. 2Herennius Modestinus gave it as his opinion that if the purchaser appealed, and lost a good case through prescription by his own fault, he cannot have recourse to the vendor.
Dig. 23,2,26Idem libro quinto responsorum. Respondit reas adulterii factas nec ante damnationem vidente marito uxores duci posse.
Dig. 23,3,62Modestinus libro quinto responsorum. Titia cum esset minor viginti quinque annis, quartam hereditatis matris suae communem sibi cum fratribus mutavit et accepit pro ea parte fundum quasi emptione inter se facta: hunc fundum cum aliis rebus doti dedit. quaero, si in integrum restituatur et partem suam accipiat quartam et reddat fundum, quid debeat maritus facere? an contentus esse debeat aliis rebus in dotem datis? item quaero, si haec decesserit et heredes eius in integrum restitutionem ex persona eius petierint et ipsi petant quartam partem et illi fundum, an maritus cogatur restituere fundum contentus in retentione lucri dotis ceteris rebus? Modestinus respondit nihil proponi, cur marito dos auferenda sit: sed in veram aestimationem praedii mulier vel eius heredes condemnandi sunt in hoc tempus referendam, quo in dotem datus est.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book V. Titia, a minor under twenty-five years of age, exchanged the fourth part of the estate of her mother, which she held in common with her brothers, and received a tract of land instead of her share, just as if a sale had taken place. This land, together with other property, she gave as dowry. I ask if complete restitution should be granted to her, and if she should receive her share of one-fourth of the estate; and should she return the land, what course must her husband pursue, or ought he to be content with the other property given by way of dowry? I also ask, if he should die, and her heirs, as her representatives, should bring suit for complete restitution, and some of them should demand a fourth part of the estate, and others the land, whether the husband would be compelled to return the land, and remain satisfied with the other property of the dowry as his profit. Modestinus answered that there is nothing in the case proposed to justify the husband being deprived of the dowry, but the woman of her heirs should have judgment rendered against them for the actual value of the land, and the appraisement of the same should be made with reference to what it was worth at the time it was given by way of dowry.
Dig. 25,3,7Idem libro quinto responsorum. Si neget qui maritus fuisse dicitur matrimonium esse contractum eo, quod eam quae se uxorem fuisse dicit ancillam esse probare paratus sit, alimenta quidem liberis praestare interim compellendum, sin autem constiterit eam servam fuisse, nihil ei, qui pascendos curavit, ex hoc praeiudicium generare respondi.
The Same, Opinions, Book V. If he who is alleged to have been the husband of a woman denies that the marriage was contracted, for the reason that he is ready to prove that she who claims to be his wife is a slave, he shall be compelled to support her children in the meantime; but if it should be established that she was a slave, he who was charged with their support will not be prejudiced on this account.
Dig. 45,1,102Idem libro quinto responsorum. Venditores emptori caverant pro evictione, quanti eius interesset: sed et specialiter adgnituros, si in lite mota sumptus fecisset, emptori stipulanti promiserant. post mortem emptoris unus ex venditoribus ad iudicium vocavit, pretium sibi deberi dicens, heredes eius: qui sumptus in defensione causae factos, cum probarent pretium solutum fuisse, ex stipulatione petebant. Modestinus respondit, si in eas impensas venditores promiserunt, quae ob litem de proprietate institutam factae essent, minime ex stipulatu peti posse, quod erogatum est, dum alter ex venditoribus pretium, quod iam fuerat exsolutum, petit.
The Same, Opinions, Book V. Vendors furnished security against eviction to a purchaser to the extent of his interest, and they also specially promised that they would be responsible for all expenses which might be incurred by the purchaser, who was the stipulator, if the matter should come into court. After the death of the purchaser, one of the vendors brought suit, alleging that the price was due to him; and the heirs of the purchaser, who proved that the price had been paid, demanded, under the terms of the stipulation, that they should be reimbursed for the expenses incurred in defending the case. Modestinus gave it as his opinion that if the vendors promised to pay the expenses incurred in an action brought to determine the ownership of the property, such expenses could, by no means, be collected under the stipulation where one of the vendors sued to recover the price which had already been paid.
Ex libro VI
Dig. 10,2,30Modestinus libro sexto responsorum. Fundus mihi communis est pupillae coheredi: in eo fundo reliquiae sunt conditae, quibus religio ab utriusque patribus debebatur, nam parentes quoque eiusdem pupillae ibi sepulti sunt: sed tutores distrahere fundum volunt: ego non consentio, sed portionem meam possidere malo, cum universitatem emere non possim et velim pro meo arbitrio exsequi ius religionis. quaero, an recte arbitrum communi dividundo ad hunc fundum partiendum petam an etiam is arbiter, qui familiae erciscundae datur, isdem partibus fungi possit, ut hanc possessionem exemptis ceteris corporibus hereditariis pro iure cuique nobis partiatur. Herennius Modestinus respondit nihil proponi, cur familiae erciscundae iudicio addictus arbiter officium suum etiam in eius fundi de quo agitur divisionem interponere non possit: sed religiosa loca in iudicium non deduci eorumque ius singulis heredibus in solidum competere.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book VI. I hold a tract of land in common with a female minor who is also my co-heir, and in said land remains are buried to which reverence is due from both of us; for the parents of the minor are buried there. Her guardians, however, desire to sell the land, but to this I do not consent, as I prefer to retain possession of my own share, since I cannot purchase it all, and I wish to discharge my duty to the dead in accordance with my own judgment. I ask whether I can legally petition for an arbiter in an action for the partition of said tract of land; or whether the arbiter who is appointed for the partition of an estate can discharge the functions of his office and also divide the said property between us according to the rights of each; the remaining assets of the estate being left out of consideration. Herennius Modestinus answered that there was nothing in what was proposed to hinder the party appointed arbiter in the action for the partition of the estate from including in his duties the matter of dividing the said tract of land; but religious places could not be brought into the action, as the rights with respect to them belong to the individual heirs interested in the entire estate.
Dig. 26,7,32Idem libro sexto responsorum. Sine herede tutor decessit: quaero, an curator pupillo datus, cum neque inventaria neque alia instrumenta a fideiussore tutoris exhibeantur, possit eundem fideiussorem convenire ex stipulatione, quanti pupilli interest. Modestinus respondit in id quod tutor conveniri potuit, fideiussorem quoque conveniri posse. 1Modestinus respondit damnum si quod accidit eo, quia cautiones soluti vectigalis inventae non sunt, ad tutorem, cuius nulla culpa admissa proponitur, minime pertinere. 2Modestinus respondit tutorem eorum redituum nomine rationem pupillae reddere debere, qui ex fundo bona fide percipi potuerunt. 3Item respondit, si minus a servo tutor percepit, quam bona fide ex fundo percipi potuit, ex eo, de quo pupillae sit obstrictus, quantum ex peculio servi servari possit, eidem tutori proficere debere, scilicet si non perdituro servo administrationem credidit. 4Interposito curatore adulescens fundum Titio vendidit: postea adgnita fraude in integrum restitutus in possessionem induci iussus est: quaero, an, cum ex hac venditione melior factus non est neque in rem suam quicquam versum probetur, pretium emptori restituere non debeat. Modestinus respondit pretium fundi ab adulescente venumdati, si rationibus eius non profuit nec quicquam de eo a iudicante de in integrum restitutione statutum est, emptorem frustra postulare. 5Item respondit sumptibus voluptatis causa ab emptore factis adulescentem onerandum non esse: qui tamen ab eodem aedificio ita auferri possunt, ut in facie pristina, id est quae fuit ante venditionem, aedificium esse possit, emptori auferre permitti oportere. 6Lucius Titius coheres et curator sororis suae, cum esset ex civitate, in qua usitatum erat ipsos dominos praediorum, non conductores onera annonarum et contributionum temporariarum sustinere, morem hunc et consuetudinem semper observatam secutus et ipse pro communi et individua hereditate annonas praestitit: quaero, an in rationibus dandis opponi curatori possit, quia non recte pro parte sororis tales impensas fecerat. Modestinus respondit in id demum curatorem adultae reputare ex causa de qua quaeritur posse, quod ipsa, si rem suam administraret, erogare compelleretur. 7Tutores duo post venditionem pupillarium rerum factam pecuniam inter se diviserant, post quam divisionem alter eorum in exilium datus est durante tutela: quaerebatur, an actore constituto contutor eius partem pupillaris pecuniae petere ab eo poterit. Modestinus respondit: si hoc quaeritur, an contutore relegato contutor eius tutelae actionem exercere possit, non posse respondi.
The Same, Opinions, Book VI. A guardian died without leaving an heir. I ask when a curator was appointed for his ward, and no inventory, nor any other document has been produced by the surety, whether the said surety can be sued on the stipulation, for the amount of the interest of the ward? Modestinus answered that the surety may be sued for the same amount for which an action can be brought against the guardian. 1Modestinus was of the opinion that the guardian would in no way be responsible where he was not guilty of negligence, if the ward should suffer any injury because receipts for taxes paid were not found. 2Modestinus held that a guardian should render an account to his ward for any income which he could have collected in good faith from land belonging to her. 3He also stated that if a guardian collected less from a slave placed in charge of land, than he should have collected in good faith, he could, for this reason, retain as much of the peculium of said slave as he was liable for to the female ward, and that this would be an advantage to the said guardian; provided he had not entrusted the management of the property to a wasteful slave. 4A minor, with the consent of his curator, sold a tract of land to Titius, and afterwards, having ascertained that he had been cheated, obtained complete restitution, and was ordered to be placed in possession of the property. I ask, since he did not profit by the said sale, and it was not proved that any advantage had been obtained by him with reference to his property, whether the price should not be returned to the purchaser? Modestinus answered that as the price of the land sold by the curator did not add to his pecuniary resources, and nothing had been decided with reference to it at the time when restitution was ordered by the court, the purchaser would present his claim in vain. 5He also gave it as his opinion that the minor should not be obliged to account for any expenses incurred by the purchaser for the sake of ornament; but if the improvements could be detached from the building in such a way that it could be left in its former condition (that is, as it was before the sale), the purchaser must be allowed to remove them. 6Lucius Titius was the co-heir and curator of his sister, and as he was a resident of a district in which it was customary for the owners of land, and not the lessees, to sustain the burdens of taxation, as well as temporary contributions, he, having followed this practice and custom, which had always been observed, paid the taxes for the common and undivided estate. I ask whether, when his accounts were rendered by the curator, objection could be taken to them that he did not incur said expenses legally, so far as the share of his sister was concerned. Modestinus answered that the curator had a right to render an account to the minor for what was complained of, because she herself would have been compelled to make the said payment if she had been managing her own affairs. 7Two guardians, after having made a sale of property belonging to their ward, divided the money among themselves; and, after this division, one of them was sent into exile during the existence of the guardianship. The question arose whether, if the exile appointed an agent, his fellow-guardian could make a demand on him for his share of the money belonging to the ward. Modestinus answered that: “If the question was whether, in case a guardian is exiled, his fellow-guardian can bring an action on guardianship; I am of the opinion that he can do so.”
Dig. 27,8,8Modestinus libro sexto responsorum. Magistratus a curatoribus adulti cautionem exegerunt rem salvam fore: ex his alter sine herede decessit: quaero, an indemnitatem in solidum collega eius praestare debeat. Modestinus respondit nihil proponi, cur non debeat.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book VI. Magistrates exacted security from the curators of a minor for the preservation of his property, and one of them died without leaving an heir. I ask whether his colleague will be liable to indemnify the ward from the entire amount. Modestinus answered that there is no reason why he should not be required to do so.
Dig. 46,3,76Idem libro sexto responsorum. Modestinus respondit, si post solutum sine ullo pacto omne, quod ex causa tutelae debeatur, actiones post aliquod intervallum cessae sint, nihil ea cessione actum, cum nulla actio superfuerit: quod si ante solutionem hoc factum est vel, cum convenisset, ut mandarentur actiones, tunc solutio facta esset mandatum subsecutum est, salvas esse mandatas actiones, cum novissimo quoque casu pretium magis mandatarum actionum solutum quam actio quae fuit perempta videatur.
Ad Dig. 46,3,76Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 443, Note 16.The Same, Opinions, Book VI. Modestinus holds that payment having been made of everything that was due on a tutelary account without any agreement, if, after a certain interval, the rights of action are assigned, the assignment is void, because no such right remains. If, however, this was done before payment, or if it was agreed between the parties that the rights of action should be assigned, and payment is made, and the assignment afterwards takes place, the rights of action will remain unimpaired; as, even in the last instance, the price of those which were assigned seems rather to have been paid than that the right which existed at the time has been extinguished.
Ex libro VII
Dig. 47,2,73Modestinus libro septimo responsorum. Sempronia libellos composuit quasi datura centurioni, ut ad officium transmitterentur, sed non dedit: Lucius pro tribunali eos recitavit quasi officio traditos: non sunt inventi in officio neque centurioni traditi: quaero, quo crimini subiciatur, qui ausus est libellos de domo subtractos pro tribunali legere, qui non sint dati? Modestinus respondit, si clam subtraxit, furtum commissum.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book VII. Sempronia drew up a petition intending to give it to a centurion, in order that it might be filed in court; but she did not give it to him. Lucius read it in court as having been given to him officially. As it was not properly filed, or delivered to the centurion, of what offence is he guilty who presumed to read in court a petition stolen from the house of the person who drew it up, and who did not deliver it for that purpose? Modestinus answered that if he who took it did so secretly, he committed a theft.
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 1,3,25Modestinus libro VIII responsorum. Nulla iuris ratio aut aequitatis benignitas patitur, ut quae salubriter pro utilitate hominum introducuntur, ea nos duriore interpretatione contra ipsorum commodum producamus ad severitatem.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book VIII. No principle of law or indulgent construction of equity permits matters which have been introduced for the welfare of mankind to be interpreted so rigorously as to be productive of hardship to them.
Dig. 5,3,47Idem libro octavo responsorum. Lucius Titius cum in falsi testamenti propinqui accusatione non optinuerit, quaero, an de non iure facto nec signato testamento querella illi competere possit. respondit non ideo repelli ab intentione non iure facti testamenti, quod in falsi accusatione non optinuerit.
The Same, Opinions, Book VIII. A certain Lucius Titius having failed to have the testament of a relative set aside as forged; I ask whether he would not be able to file a complaint against the testament as being improperly executed, and not sealed? The answer was that he would not be prevented from instituting proceedings to show that the testament was not executed according to law, just because he did not succeed in having it set aside as forged.
Dig. 28,5,62Modestinus libro octavo responsorum. Qui volebat filiam exheredare, sic testamento comprehendit: ‘te autem, filia, ideo exheredavi, quoniam contentam te esse dote volui’: quaero an efficaciter exheredata sit. Modestinus respondit nihil proponi, cur non esset voluntate testatoris exheredata.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book VIII. A testator who wished to disinherit his daughter inserted the following clause into his will: “As for you, my daughter, I have disinherited you because I desired that you should be content with your dowry.” I ask whether she was legally disinherited. Modestinus answered that there was nothing in the case stated which would prevent her from being disinherited by the will of the testator.
Dig. 28,7,27Modestinus libro octavo responsorum. Quidam in suo testamento heredem scripsit sub tali condicione ‘si reliquias eius in mare abiciat’: quaerebatur, cum heres institutus condicioni non paruisset, an expellendus est ab hereditate. Modestinus respondit: laudandus est magis quam accusandus heres, qui reliquias testatoris non in mare secundum ipsius voluntatem abiecit, sed memoria humanae condicionis sepulturae tradidit. sed hoc prius inspiciendum est, ne homo, qui talem condicionem posuit, neque compos mentis esset. igitur si perspicuis rationibus haec suspicio amoveri potest, nullo modo legitimus heres de hereditate controversiam facit scripto heredi. 1Heredi, quem testamento pure instituit, codicillis adscripsit condicionem: quaero, an ei parere necesse habeat. Modestinus respondit: hereditas codicillis neque adimi potest: porro in defectu condicionis de ademptione hereditatis cogitasse intellegitur.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book VIII. A certain man appointed an heir by his will under the condition: “If he throws my remains into the sea”. As the heir did not comply with the condition, the question arose whether he should be excluded from the succession to the estate. Modestinus answered: “The heir should rather be praised than censured, who did not throw the remains of the testator into the sea, in accordance with the will of the latter, but gave them up to burial in memory of the duty due to humanity”. It must first be considered whether a man who imposes a condition of this kind is of sound mind, and, therefore, if this suspicion is not removed by convincing evidence, the heir-at-law cannot in any way dispute the right to the estate with the heir who was appointed. 1A testator, by a codicil, imposed a condition upon his heir whom he had appointed absolutely by his will, I ask whether it is necessary for him to comply with it. Modestinus answers: “An estate can neither be granted, nor taken away by a codicil”. The testator, however, is understood, in this instance, to have had in his mind the exclusion of the heir from the succession in case of his failure to comply with the condition.
Ex libro IX
Dig. 31,33Idem libro nono responsorum. Respondit: legatorum petitio adversus heredes pro partibus hereditariis competit nec pro his qui solvendo non sunt onerari coheredes oportet. 1Qui plures heredes instituit, testamento a quibusdam nominatim reliquit legata, postea codicillos ad omnes heredes scripsit: quaero, quae legata debeant. Modestinus respondit: cum manifeste testator testamento expresserit, a quibus heredibus legata praestari vellet, licet codicillos ad omnes scripserit, apparet tamen ea quae codicillis dedit ab his praestanda esse, quos munere fungi debere testamento suo ostendit testator.
The Same, Opinions, Book IX. Legatees have a right to claim their legacies from each one of the heirs in proportion to his share of the estate, but some co-heirs cannot be charged with legacies for others who are insolvent. 1A testator appointed several heirs, and charged some of them with legacies, and afterwards he made a codicil including all his heirs. I ask which of the heirs will be charged with the legacies? Modestinus answered, that as the testator had plainly indicated in his will by which of his heirs he desired the legacies to be paid, and even though he addressed his codicil to all of them, still, it is evident that what he bequeathed by the codicil must be paid by those whom he showed by his will he intended should discharge that duty.
Dig. 33,2,16Modestinus libro nono responsorum. Legatum civitati relictum est, ut ex reditibus quotannis in ea civitate memoriae conservandae defuncti gratia spectaculum celebretur, quod illic celebrari non licet: quaero, quid de legato existimes. respondit, cum testator spectaculum edi voluerit in civitate, sed tale, quod ibi celebrari non licet, iniquum esse hanc quantitatem, quam in spectaculum defunctus destinaverit, lucro heredum cedere: igitur adhibitis heredibus et primoribus civitatis dispiciendum est, in quam rem converti debeat fideicommissum, ut memoria testatoris alio et licito genere celebretur.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book IX. A legacy was bequeathed to a town, so that from its income an exhibition might be given there every year for the purpose of preserving the memory of the deceased. It was not lawful for the exhibition to take place there, and I ask what opinion should be given with reference to the legacy. Modestinus answered that, as the testator intended the spectacle to be exhibited in the town, but it was of such a character that this could not be done, it would be unjust for the heir to profit by such a large sum of money as the deceased had destined for this purpose. Therefore, the heirs as well as the first citizens of the place should be called together in order to determine how the trust could be changed so that the memory of the testator might be celebrated in another and a lawful manner.
Dig. 33,2,18Modestinus libro nono responsorum. Qui plures habebat libertos, testamento suo dixit se habitationem relinquere iis quos codicillis designasset: cum nullos postea designaverit, quaero, an omnes admitti debeant. respondit, si patronus, qui se designaturum personas libertorum pollicitus est, nullum postea designavit, legatum habitationis perfectum esse non videtur, non existente cui datum intellegi possit.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book IX. A testator, who had several freedmen, said in his will that he left lodging to those whom he designated in a codicil. As he did not afterwards designate anyone, I ask whether all of them would be admitted to share in the legacy. The answer was that, since the patron promised to designate certain of his freedmen, and did not afterwards designate any, the legacy with reference to the lodging was held to be imperfect, as there was no one in existence to whom it could be understood that it was given.
Dig. 33,10,8Modestinus libro nono responsorum. Cum quidam uxori suae legaverat domum cum iure suo omni et instrumento et supellectili, quaerebatur, an videretur et argentum escale et potorium legato contineri. respondit, si quid in supellectili argentum est, deberi, escale autem vel potorium argentum non deberi, nisi hoc quoque testatorem sensisse legatarius doceat.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book IX. A husband having devised to his wife a house with all its appurtenances, its utensils, and its furniture, the question was asked whether the silver table service, both for eating and drinking, was included in the legacy. The answer was that if anything made of silver was found among the furniture, it would be included, but that the silver for table service would not be, unless the legatee could prove that the testator had the intention of bequeathing it also.
Dig. 33,10,13Modestinus libro nono responsorum. Respondit: numquam ex eo, quod supellectilem legavit maritus testamento, habitationem, in qua supellex fuit, legasse videtur. quare contra defuncti voluntatem habitationem sibi mulierem vindicare procul dubio est.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book IX. He gives it as his opinion that where a husband bequeaths his household goods to his wife by will, he should never be considered to have devised to her the residence in which the said household goods were situated; and therefore there is no doubt whatever, if the woman should claim the residence for herself, that this would be contrary to the intention of the deceased.
Ex libro X
Dig. 31,34Idem libro decimo responsorum. Titia cum testamento facto decederet heredibus institutis Maevia et Sempronio filiis suis ex aequis partibus, petit a Maevia, ut Stichum servum suum manumitteret, in haec verba: ‘a te autem, Maevia filia carissima, peto, ut Stichum servum tuum manumittas, cum in ministerio tuo tot capita servorum tibi his codicillis legavero’, nec legavit. quaero, quid his verbis relictum videatur, cum, ut supra cautum est, duobus heredibus institutis defunctam testatricem et mancipia hereditaria duarum personarum fuisse, et codicillis nihil relictum sit de praestandis mancipiis nec possit utile fideicommissum putari, quod datum non sit, cum legasse se dixerit nec adiecerit legati speciem nec ab herede uti praestarentur mancipia petierit. Modestinus respondit ex verbis consultationi insertis Maeviam neque legati neque fideicommissi petitionem habere neque libertatem servo suo dare compelli. 1Lucius Titius in testamento suo ita cavit: ‘Ὀκταβιάνῃ Στρατονίκῃ τῇ γλυκυτάτῃ μου θυγαρτὶ χαίρειν. Βούλομαι αὐτὴν παρ’ ἑαυτῆς λαβεῖν χωρίον Γάζαν σὺν ταῖς ἐνθήκαις αὐτοῦ πάσαις. Ὀκταβιάνῳ Ἀλεξάνδρῳ τῷ γλυκυτάτῳ μου υἱῷ. Ἐξαίρετον βούλομαι αὐτὸν παρ’ ἑαυτοῦ λαβεῖν σύγκτησιν ἀγωνόφορον Κομιάνην σὺν αἷς ἔχει ἐνθήκαις πάσαισ’. quaero, an huiusmodi scriptura integrum praedium singulis datum esse videatur an vero partem hereditariam dumtaxat contineat, cum inutiliter a semet ipso quemque eorum quam habebat partem accipere voluit. Modestinus respondit non sic interpretandam scripturam de qua quaeritur, ut fideicommissum inutile fiat. item quaero, si integrum praedium relictum esse videatur, an pretium portionis fratri et coheredi solvendum sit, ut hoc ipso, quod a semet ipso accipere praecepit, pretio illato integrum habere eum voluerit. item respondit ad solutionem pretii fideicommissarium minime compellendum. 2Lucia Titia intestata moriens a filiis suis per fideicommissum alieno servo domum reliquit: post mortem filii eius idem qui heredes cum diviserunt hereditatem matris, diviserunt etiam domum, in qua divisione dominus servi fideicommissarii quasi testis adfuit: quaero, an fideicommissi persecutionem adquisitam sibi per servum eo, quod interfuit divisioni, amisisse videatur. Modestinus respondit fideicommissum ipso iure amissum non esse, quod ne repudiari quidem potest: sed nec per doli exceptionem summovetur, nisi evidenter apparuerit omittendi fideicommissi causa hoc eum fecisse. 3Gaius Seius cum domum suam haberet et in praetorio uxoris suae transtulisset, quasdam res de domo sua in eodem praetorio transtulit ibique post multos dies decedens testamento uxorem suam heredem et alios complures reliquit. quo testamento significavit verba, quae infra scripta sunt: ‘in primis sciant heredes mei nullam pecuniam esse penes uxorem meam, sed nec aliud quicquam: ideoque hoc nomine eam inquietari nolo’. quaero, an ea, quae vivo eo in praetorio uxoris eius translata sunt, communi hereditati vindicari possint et an secundum verba testamenti praescribi coheredibus possit a parte uxoris defuncti. Modestinus respondit, si ea, quae in domum seu praetorium uxoris defunctus transtulit, praecipua ad eam pertinere voluit, nihil proponi, cur voluntate ipsius standum non sit. necesse igitur habet mulier talem voluntatem fuisse testatoris ostendere. quod nisi fecerit, in hereditate mariti et haec remanere oportet. 4Si ea condicione liberto fideicommissum relictum est, ne a filiis eius recederet, et per tutores factum est, quo minus condicionem impleret, iniquum est eum, cum sit inculpatus, emolumento fideicommissi carere. 5Qui invita filia de dote egerat, decessit eadem illa exheredata, filio herede instituto et ab eo fideicommissum filiae dotis nomine reliquit: quaero, quantum a fratre mulier consequi debeat. Modestinus respondit: quod in primis est non esse consumptam de dote actionem mulieri, cum patri suo non consenserit, utique non ignoras. sic enim res explicatur, ut, si quidem maior quantitas in dote fuit, illius petitione sit tantummodo mulier contenta: quod si in summa dotis nomine legata amplius sit quam in dote principali, compensatio fiat usque ad eandem summam quae concurrit et id tantummodo, quod excedit in sequenti summa, ex testamento consequatur: non est enim verisimile patrem duplici praestatione dotis filium eundemque heredem onerare voluisse, praeterea cum putaverit se efficaciter licet non consentiente filia instituisse adversus generum de dote actionem. 6Lucius Titius relictis duobus filiis suis heredibus diversi sexus institutis addidit caput generale, uti legata et libertates ab his heredibus suis praestarentur: quadam tamen parte testamenti a filio petit, ut omne onus legatorum in se sustineret, in hunc modum: ‘ea quaecumque in legatis reliqui vel dari praecepi, ab Attiano filio meo et herede dari praestarique iubebo’, deinde subiecit in praeceptione relinquenda filiae suae haec verba: ‘Paulinae filiae meae dulcissimae si quid me vivo dedi comparavi, sibi habere iubeo: cuius rei quaestionem fieri veto. et peto a te, filia carissima, ne velis irasci, quod ampliorem substantiam fratri tuo reliquerim, quem scis magna onera sustentaturum et legata quae supra feci praestaturum’. quaero, an ex his extremis verbis, quibus cum filia sua in testamento pater locutus est, effectum videatur, ut hereditariis actionibus id est omnibus filium suum oneraverit, an vero iam solum propter onus legatorum locutus esse videatur, petitiones autem hereditariae in utrumque heredem creditoribus dari debeant. Modestinus respondit, ut actiones creditorum filius solus excipiat, iussisse testatorem non proponi. 7Titia cum nuberet Gaio Seio, dedit in dotem praedia et quasdam alias res, postea decedens codicillis ita cavit: ‘Γάιον Σέιον τὸν ἄνδρα μου παρακατατίθεμαί σοι, ὦ θύγατερ. ᾧ βούλομαι δοθῆναι εἰς βίου χρῆσιν καὶ ἐπικαρπίαν μετοχὴν κώμης Νακλήνων, ἣν ἔφθασα δεδωκυῖα εἰς προῖκα, σὺν σώμασι τοῖς ἐμφερομένοις τῇ προικί, καὶ κατὰ μηδὲν ἐνοχληθῆναι αὐτὸν περὶ τῆς προικόσ· ἔσται γὰρ μετὰ τὴν τελευτὴν αὐτοῦ σὰ καὶ τῶν τέκνων σου’: praeterea alia multa huic eidem marito legavit, ut quamdiu viveret haberet. quaero, an propter haec, quae codicillis ei extra dotem relicta sunt, possit post mortem Gaii Seii ex causa fideicommissi petitio filiae et heredi Titiae competere et earum rerum nomine, quas in dotem Gaius Seius accepit. Modestinus respondit: licet non ea verba proponuntur, ex quibus filia testatricis fideicommissum a Gaio Seio, postquam praestiterit quae testamento legata sunt, petere possit, tamen nihil prohibet propter voluntatem testatricis post mortem Gaii Seii fideicommissum peti.
The Same, Opinions, Book X. Titia, after making a will and appointing her children Mævia and Sempronius heirs to equal shares of her estate, died, and charged Mævia to manumit her slave Stichus, in the following terms: “I ask you, my dear daughter Mævia, to manumit your slave Stichus, since I have bequeathed to you by my codicil so many slaves for your service,” but she did not actually make such a bequest. I ask, what seems to have been left by these words? For, as has been above stated the deceased testatrix, having appointed two heirs, the hereditary slaves of the estate belonged to two distinct persons, and since nothing was provided by the codicil with reference to the delivery of the slaves, the trust could not be held to be legal, where it was not really created; as where the testatrix said she made a bequest, but did not add what it consisted of, nor did she charge the heir with the delivery of the slave. Modestinus answered, as a result of the consultation, that Mævia had no right to claim either the legacy or the trust, and could not be compelled to grant freedom to her slave. 1Lucius Titius inserted the following provision into his will: “To Octaviana Stratonice, my dearest daughter, Greeting. I wish her to receive for herself the estate called Gaza, with all its appurtenances. To Octavianus Alexander, my dearest son, Greeting. I wish him to receive from himself all my unproductive lands, with their appurtenances.” I ask whether, by an instrument of this description, the testator should be considered to have given to each of his heirs an entire tract of land, or whether he merely included in the devise the shares of his estate to which they were legally entitled, as he could not properly charge each one of them with a legacy a portion of which he or she already had. Modestinus answered that the document in question should not be interpreted in such a way as to render the trust of no effect. I also ask, in case it should be decided that the land entirely belonged to one of the heirs, whether the value of the share of the brother and co-heir should be paid, because as the testator wished him to have the entire property in the land, he seemed to have prescribed the condition that the co-heir should be paid the value of his share. He answered that the beneficiary of the trust could, by no means, be compelled to pay the co-heir the value of his or her share. 2Lucia Titia, having died intestate, charged her children, by a trust, to deliver a certain house to a slave belonging to another. After her death, her children, who were also her heirs, when dividing their mother’s estate, also divided the above-mentioned house, at which division the master of the slave who was the beneficiary of the trust was present as a witness. I ask, if, for the reason that he was present at the division of the property, he should be considered to have lost the right to demand the execution of the trust, acquired by him through his slave. Modestinus answered that the trust was not annulled by operation of law, and it could not even be repudiated, nor would the master be barred by an exception on the ground of bad faith, unless it was perfectly evident that he had been present at the division of the property for the purpose of renouncing his rights under the trust. 3Gaius Seius, who had a house of his own, went to live in a villa belonging to his wife, and removed certain property to it from his own residence, and having died there a long time afterwards, left his wife and several other persons his heirs by his will, into which he inserted the following clause: “In the first place, let my heirs know that I have no money nor any other property in the hands of my wife, and therefore I do not wish her to be annoyed on this account.” I ask whether the property which, during the lifetime of the testator, was transferred to the residence of his wife, can be claimed by his estate; or, in accordance with the terms of the will, the co-heir can be prevented from sharing it with the widow of the deceased. Modestinus answered that if the testator intended the property which he had conveyed into the house of his wife to go to her, as a preferred legacy, there was nothing in the case stated to prevent his intention from being carried out; therefore, it was necessary for the woman to prove that such was the intention of the testator. If she did not do this, the property must remain a part of the estate of the husband. 4Where a trust was left to a freedman under the condition “That he should not desert my children,” and he was prevented from complying with the condition by their guardians, it is unjust that he should be deprived of the benefit of the trust since he is free from blame. 5Where a man, against the wishes of his daughter, brought suit for the recovery of her dowry, and died, and after disinheriting his daughter, appointed his son his heir, and charged him with a trust for the payment to his daughter of a sum of money instead of her dowry, I ask how much the woman is entitled to recover from her brother. Modestinus answered that, in the first place, the right of action for the recovery of the dowry is not lost by the woman, since she did not consent that her father should claim it, and was aware that he did so. Hence, the matter should be explained as follows. If a larger amount had been included in the former dowry, the woman should be content merely with her right of action; because if the sum bequeathed to her instead of the dowry was larger than the dowry itself, a deduction should be made until the sums were equal, and she could obtain under the will only the excess over and above the legacy. For it is not probable that the father would have intended to charge his son and heir with the payment of a double dowry, especially as he thought that he could properly bring an action against his son-in-law for the recovery of the dowry, even though his daughter did not give her consent. 6Lucius Titius, having left two children of different sexes, whom he appointed his heirs, added the following general provision to his will, namely, “That the legacies and grants of freedom which he left should be executed by these his heirs.” Nevertheless, in another part of his will he directed his son to sustain the entire burden of the legacies as follows, “I order that whatever I have left in my legacies or directed to be paid shall be given and delivered by Attianus, my son and heir.” He then added a preferred legacy to his daughter in the following terms: “I direct that my dear daughter, Paulina, shall have what I gave or purchased for her during my lifetime, and I forbid that any question shall be made with reference to said property; and I request you, my dear daughter, not to be offended because I have left the greater portion of my estate to your brother, as he has six great obligations to meet, and will be compelled to pay the above-mentioned legacies, which I have bequeathed.” I ask whether, by these last words which the father addressed to his daughter in his will, the result would seem to be that he charged his son with actions which could be brought against the estate, that is to say, with all of them; or whether it should be held that he only had reference to suits which could be brought by the legatee, so that actions against the estate might be granted to creditors against both the heirs. Modestinus answered that, in the case stated, it did not appear that the testator had directed that his son alone should be liable for the claims of the creditors. 7Titia, at the time that she married Gaius Seius, gave him by way of dowry certain lands and other property, and died after making the following provision by a codicil: “My daughter, I commit you to the care of my husband, Gaius Seius, whom I wish to receive the usufruct of, and a life interest in the Castle of Naclea, which I brought him as dowry, together with other property included in the dowry; and I desire that he should in no way be annoyed with reference to the dowry, for, after his death, all of this property will belong to you and your children.” In addition to this, the woman left a great deal of property to her husband to belong to him as long as he lived. I ask whether, after the death of Gaius Seius, an action based on the trust will lie in favor of the daughter and heir of Titia on account of the property which, in addition to the dowry, was left by the codicil, as well as on account of what Gaius Seius received by way of dowry. Modestinus answered that, although these words do not show that a trust was not created by which Gaius Seius was charged for the benefit of the daughter of the testatrix, after she had given him what had been bequeathed by the will; still, there is nothing to prevent an action to compel the execution of the trust, in accordance with the will of the testatrix, after the death of Gaius Seius.
Dig. 32,83Idem libro decimo responsorum. Quod his verbis relictum est: ‘quidquid ex hereditate bonisve meis ad te pervenerit, cum morieris, restituas’, fructus, quos heres vivus percepit, item quae fructuum vice sunt non venire placuisse: nec enim quicquam proponi, ex quo de his quoque restituendis testatricem rogasse probari potest. 1Idem. testator, qui libertis fideicommissum relinquebat, substitutione inter eos facta expressit, ut post mortem extremi ad posteros eorum pertineret: quaero, cum nemo alius sit nisi libertus eius qui extremo mortuus est, an is ad fideicommissum admitti debeat. respondit: posterorum appellatione liberos tantummodo, non etiam libertos eorum, quibus fideicommissum relictum est, fideicommisso contineri nequaquam incertum est.
The Same, Opinions, Book VI. Where a legacy was left as follows, “I ask you to give to So-and-So, at the time of your death, everything belonging to my estate and my property which may come into your hands,” the crops which the heir, during the lifetime, as well as whatever took the place of the crops, were not considered to have formed a part of the legacy, for it could not be proved that the testatrix intended that her heir should be charged with the delivery of the crops. 1Where a testator left a trust for the benefit of his children, and, after substituting them for one another, desired that, after the death of the last survivor, the trust would pass to their descendants, I ask, if no one remained after the death of the last child, except his freedman, whether he ought to be admitted to the benefit of the trust. The answer was that it was perfectly evident that by the appellation his “descendants,” only his children, and not their freedmen, were included in the number of those to whom the trust was bequeathed.
Dig. 33,1,5Modestinus libro decimo responsorum. ‘A vobis quoque, ceteri heredes, peto, ut uxori meae praestetis, quoad viveret, annuos decem aureos’. uxor supervixit marito quinquennio et quattuor mensibus: quaero, an heredibus eius sexti anni legatum integrum debeatur. Modestinus respondit integri sexti anni legatum deberi.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book X. “I also charge my other heirs to pay to my wife ten aurei every year, as long as she lives.” The wife survived her husband five years and four months. I ask whether her heirs will be entitled to the entire legacy for the sixth year. Modestinus answers that they will be entitled to it.
Dig. 34,1,4Modestinus libro decimo responsorum. Τοῖς τε ἀπελευθέροις ταῖς τε ἀπελευθέραις μου, οὓς ζῶσα ἔν τε τῇ διαθήκῃ ἔν τε τῷ κωδικίλλῳ ἠλευθέρωσα ἢ ἐλευθερώσω, δοθῆναι βούλομαι τὰ ἐν Χίοις μου χωρία, ἐπὶ τῷ καὶ ὅσα ζώσης μου ἐλάμβανον στοιχεῖσθαι αὐτοῖς κιβαρίου καὶ βεστιαρίου ὀνόματι. quaero, quam habeant significationem, utrum ut ex praediis alimenta ipsi capiant an vero ut praeter praedia et cibaria et vestiaria ab herede percipiant? et utrum proprietas an usus fructus relictus est? et si proprietas relicta sit, aliquid tamen superfluum inveniatur in reditibus, quam est in quantitate cibariorum et vestiariorum, an ad heredem patronae pertinet? et si mortui aliqui ex libertis sint, an pars eorum ad fideicommissarios superstites pertinet? et an die cedente fideicommissi morientium libertorum portiones ad heredes eorum an testatoris decurrant? Modestinus respondit: videntur mihi ipsa praedia esse libertis relicta, ut pleno dominio haec habeant et non per solum usum fructum et ideo et si quid superfluum in reditibus quam in cibariis erit, hoc ad libertos pertineat. sed et si decesserit fideicommissarius ante diem fideicommissi cedentem, pars eius ad ceteros fideicommissarios pertinet: post diem autem cedentem si qui mortui sint, ad suos heredes haec transmittent. 1Lucius Titius testamento suo libertis libertabusque cibaria et vestiaria a liberis suis eisdemque heredibus praestari iussit nulla condicione addita: quaero, an, si sine patroni liberis idem liberti agant, cibaria et vestiaria accipere possint. Modestinus respondit nihil proponi, propter quod petitio eorum, quae testamento pure legata sunt, non competat.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book X. “I desire the lands which I have in the island of Chios to be given to my freedmen and freedwomen whom, during my lifetime, I have manumitted by my will or my codicil, or whom I may manumit hereafter, in order that they may obtain from them their food and clothing, as they did while I was living.” I ask what signification these words have; do they mean that the freedmen shall themselves obtain their support from the said lands, or that they shall receive from the heir their food and clothing, in addition to what is obtained from the lands? And was the ownership or the usufruct of the lands left? If the ownership was left, and a sum greater than what is needed for the supply of food and clothing should be obtained from the income of the lands, will the excess belong to the heir of the patron? And if some of said freedmen should die, will their shares pass to the surviving beneficiaries of the trust; and if they should die after the time appointed for the trust to take effect, will their shares belong to their heirs, or will they revert to the heirs of the testator? Modestinus answered: “It seems to me that these lands, and not merely the usufruct in the same, were left to the freedmen, in order that they might have full control over them; and, therefore, if anything more than is necessary for their support is obtained from the income of said lands, this will belong to the freedman. Even if one of the beneficiaries of the trust should die before it takes effect, his share will belong to the other beneficiaries, and those who die after the trust becomes operative will transmit their shares to their heirs.” 1Lucius Titius, by his will and without imposing any condition, ordered food and clothing to be furnished to his freedmen and freedwomen by his children who were his heirs. I ask if said freedman should institute proceedings without communicating with the children of their patron, whether they can obtain their food and clothing. Modestinus answered that there was nothing in the case stated to prevent suit being brought by them, where the legacy was unconditionally bequeathed by will.
Dig. 34,3,20Idem libro decimo responsorum. ‘Aurelio Sempronio fratri meo. neminem molestari volo nomine debiti neque exigere aliquid ab eo, quamdiu viveret, neque de sorte aut usurae nomine debiti: et absolvo ei et libero ex pignoribus eius domum et possessionem Caperlatam’. Modestinus respondit ipsum debitorem, si conveniatur, exceptione tutum esse: diversum in persona heredis eius. 1Gaius Seius cum adolevisset, accepit curatores Publium Maevium et Lucium Sempronium. sed enim idem Gaius Seius intra legitimam aetatem constitutus cum in fatum concederet, testamento suo de curatoribus suis ita cavit: ‘quaestionem curatoribus meis nemo faciat: rem enim ipse tractavi’. quaero, an rationem curae heredes adulti a curatoribus petere possint, cum defunctus, ut ex verbis testamenti apparet, confessus sit se omnem rem suam administrasse. Modestinus respondit, si quid dolo curatores fecerunt aut si quae res testatoris penes eos sunt, eo nomine conveniri eos posse.
The Same, Opinions, Book X. “To my brother Aurelius Sempronius. I do not desire that any of my debtors shall be annoyed on account of their obligations, nor that anything, either principal or interest, shall be collected from them as long as they live; and I return, free from liability and released from pledge, the house and the Carpathian land to the party interested in the same.” Modestinus gives it as his opinion that if the debtor himself should be sued, he will be protected by an exception, but that this will not be the case so far as his heir is concerned. 1When Gaius Seius was growing up, he received Publius Mævius and Lucius Sempronius as his guardians. While still under lawful age, the said Gaius Seius, being about to die, made the following provision in his will with reference to his curators: “Let no one raise any question concerning my curators, for I myself have transacted my business.” I ask whether the heirs of the minor can demand an accounting for the curatorship from the curators, since the deceased, as is apparent from the terms of his will, acknowledged that he had attended to all of his business himself. Modestinus was of the opinion that if the curators had committed any fraudulent act, or if any of the property of the testator was in their hands, suit could be brought against them on this ground.
Dig. 35,1,66Modestinus libro decimo responsorum. Heres statuliberum, cui in eventum condicionis fideicommissum restituere rogatus erat, manumisit: quaero, an fideicommissum ei praestare debeat. Herennius Modestinus respondit, quamquam statuliberum heres manumiserit, tamen fideicommissum, quod sub iisdem condicionibus relictum ei debet, ita praestare cogitur, si condiciones impletas esse praestabit aut per eum stetit, quo minus impleantur.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book X. An heir manumitted a slave whom he was ordered to set free on the fulfillment of a condition, and who was also made the beneficiary of a trust. I ask whether the heir was obliged to pay him what was left him under the trust. Herennius Modestinus answered that, although the heir had manumitted the slave absolutely, he must, nevertheless, pay him what he was entitled to by virtue of the trust which had been left to him under the same conditions, provided that the slave could show that the conditions had been complied with, or that it was the fault of the heir that this had not been done.
Dig. 40,4,44Idem libro decimo responsorum. Maevia decedens servis suis nomine Sacco et Eutychiae et Irenae sub condicione libertatem reliquit his verbis: ‘Saccus servus meus et Eutychia et Irene ancillae meae omnes sub hac condicione liberi sunto, ut monumento meo alternis mensibus lucernam accendant et sollemnia mortis peragant’: quaero, cum adsiduo monumento Maeviae Saccus et Eutychia et Irene non adsint, an liberi esse possunt. Modestinus respondit neque contextum verborum totius scripturae neque mentem testatricis eam esse, ut libertas sub condicione suspensa sit, cum liberos eos monumento adesse voluit: officio tamen iudicis eos esse compellendos testatricis iussioni parere.
The Same, Opinions, Book X. Mævia, at the time of her death, bequeathed freedom to her slaves named Saccus, Eutychia, and Hirena, conditionally, in the following terms: “Let my male slave, Saccus, and my female slaves, Eutychia and Hirena, be free, under the following condition, namely, that they burn a lamp on my tomb every other month, and celebrate funeral rites there.” As the said slaves did not regularly visit the tomb of Mævia, I ask whether they would be free. Modestinus answered that neither the wording of the entire clause nor the intention of the testatrix indicated that the freedom of the slaves should be suspended under a condition, as she desired them to visit her tomb as persons who were free; but that it was, nevertheless, the duty of the judge to compel them to obey the order of the testatrix.
Dig. 40,5,14Idem libro decimo responsorum. Lucius Titius testamento facto Seiam uxorem suam, item Titiam filiam communem aequis portionibus scripsit heredes. item alio capite: ‘Erotem servum meum, qui et Psyllus vocatur, liberum esse volo, si uxori meae placeat’. cum itaque Seia uxor Lucii Titii abstinuerit ab eadem hereditate et ex substitutione portio eius ad Titiam filiam pervenerit, quaero, an Eroti, qui et Psyllus vocatur, ex his verbis supra scriptis libertas competit. Modestinus Eroti, quod uxor testatoris hereditate se abstinuit, non obesse respondit. item quaero, an Seia uxor, quae se hereditate abstinuit, petenti Eroti libertatem iuste contradicere possit. Modestinus respondit Seiae dissensum nullius esse momenti.
The Same, Opinions, Book X. Lucius Titius, having made a will, appointed Seia, his wife, and Titia, their common daughter, heirs to equal shares of his estate. In another place he said, “I desire my slave, Eros, who is also called Psyllus, to be free, if my wife consents.” Therefore, as Seia, the wife of Lucius Titius, refused to accept her share of the estate, which went to her daughter Titia, under the substitution, I ask whether Eros, who was also called Psyllus, will be entitled to his freedom by virtue of the above-mentioned clause. Modestinus answered that the rights of Eros were not prejudiced, because the wife of the testator declined to accept the estate. I also ask whether his wife, Seia, who did not enter upon the estate, could legally oppose Eros when he demanded his freedom? Modestinus answered that Seia’s refusal of consent would be of no force or effect.
Ex libro XI
Dig. 22,1,42Idem libro undecimo responsorum. Herennius Modestinus respondit fructus, qui post adquisitum ex causa fideicommissi dominium ex terra percipiuntur, ad fideicommissarium pertinere, licet maior pars anni ante diem fideicommissi cedentem praeterisse dicatur.
Ad Dig. 22,1,42Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 647, Note 14.The Same, Opinions, Book XI. Herennius Modestinus gave it as his opinion that crops taken from land after the ownership of the same had been acquired by means of a trust, belonging to the beneficiary; even though the greater part of the year had elapsed before the trust became operative.
Dig. 33,1,6Idem libro undecimo responsorum. Annuam pecuniam ad ludos civitati reliquit, quibus praesidere heredes voluit: successores heredum negant se debere, quasi testator tamdiu praestari voluisset, quamdiu praesiderent heredes: quaero igitur, an, cum praesidendi mentionem fecerit, ad tempus fideicommissum an perpetuo praestari voluerit. Modestinus respondit fideicommissum quotannis in perpetuum rei publicae praestandum esse.
The Same, Opinions, Book XI. A testator left a certain sum of money to be paid annually for the maintenance of the public games of the city, over which he expressed a wish that his heirs should preside. The successors of his heirs denied that they were liable for the legacy, alleging that the testator only intended it should be paid as long as his heirs could preside over the games. Therefore, when he mentioned their presiding, I ask whether he intended payment to be made during the duration of the trust, or perpetually. Modestinus answers that the legacy should be paid to the city annually in perpetuity.
Dig. 34,1,5Idem libro undecimo responsorum. Verba testamenti: ‘omnibus libertis nostris cibaria praestabitis pro arbitrio vestro, non ignorantes, quot ex his caros habuerim’. item alio loco: ‘Prothymum Polychronium Hypatium commendo: ut et vobiscum sint et cibaria praestetis, peto’. quaero, an omnibus cibaria debent dari an his quos commendavit et cum heredibus esse iussit? Modestinus respondit omnibus libertis cibaria relicta proponi, quorum modum viri boni arbitrio statuendum esse.
The Same, Opinions, Book XI. The following words were inserted in a will: “You will furnish food to all our freedmen according to your judgment, as you are aware with what affection I regard them.” Also, in another place, the testator said, “I commit Prothymus, Polychronius, and Hypatius, to your care, in order that they may live with you, and I ask you to provide them with food.” I ask whether food should be given to all of them, or only to those whom he recommended to his heirs, and ordered to reside with them. Modestinus answered that, according to the case stated, subsistence was left to all of the freedmen, the amount of which was to be determined by the judgment of a good citizen.
Dig. 34,4,19Idem libro undecimo responsorum. Modestinus respondit, si adimendo legatum, quod Maevio relictum sit, fideicommissum ab eo datum defunctus revocare noluit, heredes ex causa fideicommissi conveniri posse recte probari.
Dig. 50,16,105Idem libro undecimo responsorum. Modestinus respondit his verbis ‘libertis libertabusque meis’ libertum libertae testatoris non contineri.
Ex libro XII
Dig. 1,5,22Idem libro duodecimo responsorum. Herennius Modestinus respondit, si eo tempore enixa est ancilla, quo secundum legem donationis manumissa esse debuit, cum ex constitutione libera fuerit, ingenuum ex ea natum.
Dig. 22,3,15Modestinus libro duodecimo responsorum. Quidam quasi ex Seia susceptus a Gaio Seio, cum Gaius fratres haberet, hereditatem Gaii invasit et fratribus eiusdem quasi ex mandatu defuncti fideicommissa solvit, cautionem accepit: qui postea cognito, quod filius fratris eorum non fuisset, quaerebant, an cum eo de hereditate fratris possint, propter emissam manum ab eis quasi filio, agere. Modestinus respondit cautione exsoluti fideicommissi statum eius, qui probari potest a fratribus defuncti filius mortui non esse, minime confirmatum esse: sed hoc ipsum a fratribus probari debet.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book XII. A certain man, asserting that he was the son of Seia and Gaius, seized the estate of Gaius, although the latter had brothers, and discharged certain trusts in favor of these brothers, as if by the direction of the deceased, and took a receipt. They, having afterwards ascertained that the alleged son was not their brother, asked whether they could bring an action against him to recover the estate, on account of the receipt which they had given him as the son of the deceased. Modestinus answered that the position of the party to whom the receipt had been given in discharge of the trust, and who could be proved by the brothers of the deceased not to be his son, was not in the slightest degree established by this fact, but that proof must be submitted by the brothers.
Dig. 42,1,28Idem libro duodecimo responsorum. Duo iudices dati diversas sententias dederunt. Modestinus respondit utramque sententiam in pendenti esse, donec competens iudex unam earum confirmaverit.
Dig. 44,1,10Modestinus libro duodecimo responsorum. Modestinus respondit: res inter alios iudicata aliis non obest, nec si is, contra quem iudicatum est, heres exstiterit ei, contra quem nihil pronuntiatum est, hereditariumaaDie Großausgabe liest hereditariam statt hereditarium. ei litem inferenti praescribi ex ea sententia posse, quam proprio nomine disceptans, antequam heres exstiterit, excepit.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book XII. Modestinus gave it as his opinion that a judgment obtained by others does not prejudice those who were not parties to the suit; and even if he, against whom judgment was rendered, should become the heir of the person who gained the case, an exception, based on the fact that, under this judgment, he has failed to effect what he undertook in his own name before he became the heir, cannot be pleaded against him.
Dig. 47,10,20Modestinus libro duodecimo responsorum. Si iniuriae faciendae gratia Seia domum absentis debitoris signasset sine auctoritate eius, qui concedendi ius potestatemve habuit, iniuriarum actionem intendi posse respondit.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book XII. If Seia, for the purpose of inflicting injury, seals up the house of her absent debtor, without the authority of the magistrate who has the right and the power to allow this, he gave it as his opinion that the action for injury could be brought.
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 44,1,11Idem libro tertio decimo responsorum. Qui adgnitis instrumentis, quasi vera essent, solvit post sententiam iudicis, quaero, si postea cognita rei veritate et repertis falsis instrumentis accusare velit et probare falsa esse instrumenta, ex quibus conveniebatur, cum instrumentis subscripserat ex praecepto sive interlocutione iudicis, an praescriptio ei opponi possit? cum et principalibus constitutionibus manifeste cavetur, etsi res iudicata esset ex falsis instrumentis, si postea falsa inveniantur, nec rei iudicatae praescriptionem opponi. Modestinus respondit ob hoc, quod per errorem solutio facta est vel cautio de solvendo interposita proponitur ex his instrumentis, quae nunc falsa dicuntur, praescriptioni locum non esse.
The Same, Opinions, Book XIII. A man acknowledged as genuine certain notes which were, in fact, forged, and paid them after judgment was rendered against him. I ask, if the truth should subsequently be ascertained, and the notes found to be forged, and the defendant should desire to prove this in accordance with the order of the court, or an interlocutory decree; and, as he had admitted the genuineness of the said notes, whether he could be opposed by an exception, as it is clearly established by the Imperial Constitutions that although a judgment may be obtained by means of forged documents, and they are afterwards ascertained to be false, the fact that the matter has been decided cannot be pleaded in bar. Modestinus answered that, for the reason that payment was made through mistake, or security was furnished in the case of these notes, which were afterwards alleged to be forged, there would be no ground for an exception.
Dig. 46,1,41Idem libro tertio decimo responsorum. Respondit, si fideiussores in id accepti sunt, quod a curatore servari non possit, et post impletam legitimam aetatem tam ab ipso curatore quam ab heredibus eius solidum servari potuit et cessante eo, qui pupillus fuit, solvendo esse desierit: non temere utilem in fideiussores actionem competere. 1Idem respondit, si in solidum condemnatus est unus ex mandatoribus, cum iudicati conveniri coeperit, posse eum desiderare, ut adversus eos, qui idem mandaverunt, actiones sibi mandentur.
The Same, Opinions, Book XIII. Ad Dig. 46,1,41 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 8 (1873), S. 136: Substantiirung der Bürgschaftseinrede des Mitunterzeichners eines Wechsels. Beneficium excussionis.If sureties have been accepted for a sum which cannot be collected by a curator, and after the minor became of age, the amount could have been collected by the same curator, or by his heirs, and he who was a minor fails to assert his rights and becomes insolvent, a prætorian action can properly be brought against the sureties. 1The same authority gave it as his opinion, that if one of several mandators has judgment rendered against him in full and is notified to make payment, he can petition that all rights of action available against those who directed the same act to be performed be assigned to him.
Ex libro XIV
Dig. 38,8,8Idem libro quarto decimo responsorum. Modestinus respondit non ideo minus ad aviae maternae bona ab intestato nepotes admitti, quod vulgo quaesiti proponuntur.
Ex libro XV
Dig. 39,5,23Idem libro quinto decimo responsorum. Modestinus respondit creditorem futuri temporis usuras et remittere et minuere pacto posse nec in ea donatione ex summa quantitatis aliquid vitii incurrere. 1Modestinus respondit mente captum donare non posse.
The Same, Opinions, Book XV. Modestinus gives it as his opinion that a creditor can, by mere agreement, entirely remit or diminish the amount of interest to be due hereafter, without affecting the validity of the donation on the ground that the amount is illegal. 1It is the opinion of Modestinus that a person whose mind is affected cannot make a donation.
Ex libro XVI
Dig. 31,35Idem libro sexto decimo responsorum. Respondit legatis uxori quae usus eius causa parata sunt, eos servos ad eam non pertinere, qui non proprii ipsius, sed communis usus causa parati sunt.
Ex libro XVII
Dig. 48,2,18Idem libro septimo decimo responsorum. Cum Titia testamentum Gaii fratris sui falsum arguere minaretur et sollemnia accusationis non implevit intra tempus a praeside praefinitum, praeses provinciae iterum pronuntiavit non posse illam amplius de falso testamento dicere: adversus quas sententias Titia non provocavit, sed dixit se post finitum tempus de irrito testamento dicere. quaero, an Titia, quae non appellavit adversus sententiam praesidis, possit ad falsi accusationem postea reverti. respondit nihil aperte proponi, propter quod adversus sententiae auctoritatem de falso agens audienda sit.
The Same, Opinions, Book XVII. Titia threatened to prove the will of her brother Gaius to be forged, but did not comply with the formalities required by the accusation within the time prescribed by the Governor of the province. The latter decided a second time that she could not proceed further with the accusation of a forged will. Titia did not appeal from these decisions, but alleged that, after the time had expired, she could maintain that the will was void. As Titia did not appeal from the decision of the Governor, I ask whether she could afterwards renew the accusation that the will was forged. The answer was that it was not clearly stated for what reason she should be heard, if she instituted proceedings disputing the authority of the decision.
Dig. 48,15,5Modestinus libro septimo decimo responsorum. Respondit eum, qui fugitivum alienum suscepisse et celasse doceatur, ex eo, quod proprietatis quaestionem referret, crimen, si probetur, evitare minime posse.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book XVII. Gave it as his opinion that he who is alleged to have received a fugitive slave belonging to another, and to have concealed him, even if he asserts that he is his property, can, by no means, escape the penalty, if he is proved to be guilty.
Dig. 48,16,17Modestinus libro septimo decimo responsorum. Lucius Titius Seium reum falsi fecit et priusquam persequeretur, indulgentia reorum crimina abolita sunt. quaero, si postea eum iterato reum non fecerit, an in Turpillianum senatus consultum inciderit. Herennius Modestinus respondit abolitionem reorum, quae publice indulgetur, ad hoc genus criminis non pertinere.
Modestinus, Opinions, Book XVII. Lucius Titius accused Seius of forgery, and before he prosecuted him, the accusations of all defendants were dismissed by the indulgence of the Emperor. I ask, if the prosecution should not afterwards be resumed whether the accuser would be subject to the penalty of the Turpillian Decree of the Senate. Herennius Modestinus answered that the discharge of defendants, granted by public favor, does not apply to this kind of crime.
Dig. 49,1,18Idem libro septimo decimo responsorum. Lucius Titius pro servo suo, qui ad bestias datus est, provocationem interposuit: quaero, an huiusmodi appellationis causas per procuratorem reddere possit. Modestinus respondit posse.
Dig. 49,14,9Idem libro septimo decimo responsorum. Lucius Titius fecit heredes sororem suam ex dodrante, uxorem Maeviam et socerum ex reliquis portionibus: eius testamentum postumo nato ruptum est, qui postumus brevi et ipse decessit, atque ita omnis hereditas ad matrem postumi devoluta est. soror testatoris Maeviam veneficii in Lucium Titium accusavit: cum non optinuisset, provocavit: interea decessit rea: nihilo minus tamen apostoli redditi sunt. quaero, an putes extincta rea cognitionem appellationis inducendam propter hereditatem quaesitam. Modestinus respondit morte reae crimine extincto persecutionem eorum, quae scelere adquisita probari possunt, fisco competere posse.
The Same, Opinions, Book XVII. Lucius Titius appointed his sister his heir to three-fourths of his estate, and his wife, Mævia, and his father-in-law, his heirs to the remainder. His will was invalidated by the death of a posthumous child, who himself died soon afterwards; and hence the entire estate was acquired by the mother of the said posthumous child. The sister of the testator accused Mævia of having poisoned Lucius Titius. Having failed to prove this, she appealed, and in the meantime, the defendant died, but nevertheless, notices were issued. I ask whether you think that the defendant having died, the appeal could be heard on account of the estate which was acquired. Modestinus answered that, although the accusation was annulled by the death of the defendant, still the Treasury had a right to recover the property, if it could be proved that it had been acquired by crime.
Ex libro XVIII
Dig. 22,1,43Idem libro octavo decimo responsorum. Herennius Modestinus respondit eius temporis quod cessit, postquam fiscus debitum percepit, eum, qui mandatis a fisco actionibus experitur, usuras quae in stipulatum deductae non sunt petere non posse.
The Same, Opinions, Book XVIII. Herennius Modestinus held that a party who institutes proceedings in behalf of the Treasury can collect interest which was not included in the stipulation, after he has collected what is due to the Treasury for the time during which the debtor was in default.