Regularum libri
Ex libro IX
Dig. 4,6,32Modestinus libro nono regularum. Abesse rei publicae causa intellegitur et is, qui ab urbe profectus est, licet nondum provinciam excesserit: sed et is qui excessit, donec in urbem revertatur. et hoc ad proconsules legatosque eorum et ad eos, qui provinciis praesunt, procuratoresve principum, qui in provinciis tenentur, pertinet, et ad tribunos militum et praefectos et comites legatorum, qui ad aerarium delati aut in commentarium principis delati sunt.
Modestinus, Rules, Book IX. A person is considered to be absent in the service of the State as soon as he has left the City, although he may not have yet reached the province; and when he has gone, he is held to be absent until he returns to the city. This is applicable to Proconsuls and their Deputies, as well as those who preside over provinces, to the Imperial Procurators who occupy positions in the provinces, to military tribunes, prefects, and the attendants of envoys, whose names are inscribed in the books of the Treasury, or in the Imperial registers.
Dig. 7,1,52Idem libro nono regularum. Usu fructu relicto si tributa eius rei praestentur, ea usufructuarium praestare debere dubium non est, nisi specialiter nomine fideicommissi testatori placuisse probetur haec quoque ab herede dari.
Dig. 10,3,17Modestinus libro nono regularum. Qui coheredes habet, si fundum pignori datum a testatore suo comparaverit a creditore, non debet a coheredibus iudicio communi dividundo conveniri.
Modestinus, Rules, Book IX. Where one of a number of joint-heirs purchases from a creditor a tract of land which had been given in pledge by the testator, he should not be sued by his co-heirs in an action for the partition of common property.
Dig. 28,1,28Modestinus libro nono regularum. Servus licet alienus iussu testorisaaDie Großausgabe liest testatoris statt testoris. testamentum scribere non prohibetur.
Modestinus, Rules, Book IX. A slave, even though he belongs to another person, is not prohibited from drawing up a will by order of the testator.
Dig. 28,7,25Modestinus libro nono regularum. Sub condicione heres institutus servus sine iussu domini condicioni parere non potest.
Modestinus, Rules, Book IX. Where a slave is appointed an heir under a certain condition, he cannot comply with the condition without the order of his master.
Dig. 29,1,32Modestinus libro nono regularum. Si secundum probabilem voluntatem militis hereditas eius non adeatur, nec res castrenses heredibus competunt.
Modestinus, Rules, Book IX. Where the estate of a soldier is not entered upon in accordance with the evident desire of the testator, the heirs will not be entitled to his property acquired while in the service.
Dig. 29,5,18Idem libro nono regularum. Et inofficioso testamento queri idem et mortem vindicare defuncti non prohibetur, idque Paulus respondit.
Dig. 31,9Modestinus libro nono regularum. Cum autem pars bonorum ita legatur: ‘bonorum meorum, quae sunt cum moriar’, dos et manumissorum pretia e medio deducenda sunt.
Modestinus, Rules, Book IX. Where only a portion of the property of the deceased is bequeathed, as, “Such-and-such articles of my estate which will belong to me when I die”, the dowry and the value of the manumitted slaves must be deducted from the assets of the estate.
Dig. 31,32Idem libro nono regularum. Omnia, quae testamentis sine die vel condicione adscribuntur, ex die aditae hereditatis praestentur. 1Fundum ante condicionem conpletam ab herede non traditum, sed a legatario detentum heres vindicare cum fructibus poterit. 2Cum ita legatur: ‘illi hoc amplius fundum illum cum omnibus rebus, quae in eodem fundo erunt’, mancipia quoque continentur. 3Cum ita legatur: ‘quidquid in horreo meo erit’ et is cui legatum est ex rebus non legatis ignorante eo ampliandi legati sui gratia in horreum intulerit, quod illatum est non videtur esse legatum. 4Quod a legatario petitum erat, ut alii restitueret, si legatarius decedat, heres quoque eius id quod legatum est praestare debebit. 5Species nominatim legatae si non repperiantur nec dolo heredis deesse probentur, peti ex eodem testamento non possunt. 6In fideicommisso quod familiae relinquitur hi ad petitionem eius admitti possunt, qui nominati sunt, aut post omnes eos exstinctos qui ex nomine defuncti fuerint eo tempore, quo testator moreretur, et qui ex his primo gradu procreati sint, nisi specialiter defunctus ad ulteriores voluntatem suam extenderit.
The Same, Rules, Book IX. Everything which is left by will without fixing a time or prescribing a condition must be delivered upon the day when the estate is entered upon. 1When a legatee obtains possession of land, before the condition under which it was to have been delivered by the heir has taken place, the heir can recover it, together with the crops. 2Where a legacy is bequeathed as follows, “I devise to So-and-So such-and-such a tract of land, with everything that is thereon,” the slaves found there will also be included. 3Where a bequest is made as follows, “I bequeath whatever is in my granary,” and the party to whom it is left has placed in the granary certain articles for the purpose of increasing his legacy, without the knowledge of the testator, what he placed there will be held not to have been bequeathed. 4Where a legatee has been charged “To deliver his legacy to another,” and the legatee should die, the heir will be obliged to deliver the property bequeathed. 5Where certain articles which are specifically mentioned are bequeathed, but are not found, and this is not due to the bad faith of the heir, they cannot be claimed under the will. 6Ad Dig. 31,32,6Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 637, Note 5.Where property is left in trust to the family of the testator, those can be admitted to claim it who have been expressly mentioned, or if all of them are dead, those who, at the time of the death of the testator, bore his name, and their descendants in the first degree; unless the deceased especially included others in his will.
Dig. 32,82Idem libro nono regularum. Servus, qui in fundo morari solitus erat, si fugerit, licet post mortem testatoris adprehendatur, fundo legato, ut instructus est, etiam ipse legato cedit.
Dig. 34,2,9Modestinus libro nono regularum. Cum certum auri vel argenti pondus legatum est, si non species designata sit, non materia, sed pretium praesentis temporis praestari debet.
Modestinus, Rules, Book IX. Where a certain weight of gold or silver is bequeathed, and the kind is not indicated, not the material itself, but its value at the present time must be delivered.
Dig. 34,3,19Modestinus libro nono regularum. Cum ita testemur: ‘heres meus damnas esto liberare illum, quod is negotia mea gessit, et si quid eum mihi dare facere oportet, ab eo non exigere’, damnatur heres nec creditas ab eo quoque pecunias exiget. in simili autem legato vix est, ut de eo quoque legando pater familias senserit, quod servis eius peculii nomine debetur.
Modestinus, Rules, Book IX. If we make a bequest as follows, “Let my heir be charged to release from liability So-and-So, who has transacted my business, and not to exact anything from him which he may be obliged to pay to, or do for me,” the heir will be charged not to collect any money from the legatee which has been lent to him. It is, however, hardly credible that, by a legacy of this kind, the testator intended there should also be bequeathed to the legatee whatever was due from him to his slaves as their peculium.
Dig. 34,9,8Idem libro nono regularum. Indigno herede pronuntiato adempta hereditate confusas actiones restitui non oportet.
Dig. 35,2,58Modestinus libro nono regularum. Legis Falcidiae beneficium heres etiam post longum tempus mortis testatoris implorare non prohibetur.
Modestinus, Rules, Book IX. The heir is not prevented from claiming the benefit of the Falcidian Law, even a long time after the death of the testator.
Dig. 37,14,9Idem libro nono regularum. Filii hereditate paterna se abstinentes ius, quod in libertis habent paternis, non amittunt: idem et in emancipato. 1Ut in bonis liberti locum quidam non haberent, lege excipiuntur: rei capitalis damnatus, si restitutus non est: si index cuius flagitii sit fueritve vel maior annis viginti quinque cum esset, capitis accusaverit libertum paternum.
The Same, Rules, Book IX. Sons who refuse to accept the estates of their fathers do not lose their rights over the freedmen of the latter. The same rule applies to an emancipated son. 1Some masters, who do not retain their rights as patrons over the property of their freedmen, are excepted by the law, as in the case of one who has been condemned to death, and has not been restored to his civil rights; or one who has been the informer of a crime committed by his freedman; or where a son, over twenty-five years of age, has accused a freedman belonging to his father of a capital crime.
Dig. 38,17,4Idem libro nono regularum. Matris intestatae defunctae hereditatem ad omnes eius liberos pertinere, etiamsi ex diversis matrimoniis nati fuerint, iuris est.
Dig. 40,5,13Idem libro nono regularum. Si praegnas ancilla moram non studio manumissoris, sed fortuito patiatur, ne manumitteretur, liberum quidem non pariet, sed cogetur qui manumittere debuit natum matri tradere, ut per eam perveniat ad libertatem.
The Same, Rules, Book IX. If a female slave, who is pregnant, should suffer delay in being manumitted, not through the intention of the person charged with this duty, but accidentally, her child will not be free; but the person who should have manumitted the said slave will be compelled to deliver the child to its mother, in order that through her it may obtain its freedom.
Dig. 40,7,26Idem libro nono regularum. Libertate servo sub condicione rationis redditae testamento data heres non solum scriptam rationem exigit, verum etiam quae sine scriptura ab eo administrata est. 1Servus iussus reddita ratione ad libertatem pervenire, licet nullam administraverit rationem, nihilo minus erit liber.
The Same, Rules, Book IX. Where freedom has been granted to a slave by a will, under the condition that he renders his account, the heir can not only require a written account, but also one of any business which has been transacted without having been committed to writing. 1Where a slave was ordered to obtain his freedom after having rendered his account, he will still become free even if he has not transacted any business.