Regularum libri
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 20,1,25Idem libro octavo regularum. Cum vitiose vel inutiliter contractus pignoris intercedat, retentioni locus non est, nec si bona creditoris ad fiscum pertineant.
Dig. 20,5,6Modestinus libro octavo regularum. Cum posterior creditor a priore pignus emit, non tam adquirendi dominii quam servandi pignoris sui causa intellegitur pecuniam dedisse et ideo offerri ei a debitore potest.
Ad Dig. 20,5,6Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 248, Note 27.Modestinus, Rules, Book VIII. Where a second creditor purchases a pledge from the first, he is understood not to have paid him the money for the purpose of acquiring the ownership of the same, but to hold the property in pledge for his own benefit; and therefore the money can be tendered to him by the debtor.
Dig. 22,5,2Modestinus libro octavo regularum. In testimoniis autem dignitas fides mores gravitas examinanda est: et ideo testes, qui adversus fidem suae testationis vacillant, audiendi non sunt.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VIII. The rank, the integrity, the manners, and the gravity of witnesses must be taken into consideration, and therefore those who make contradictory statements, or who hesitate while giving their evidence, should not be heard.
Dig. 29,5,17Modestinus libro octavo regularum. Prius de se familia torquenda est et, si confiteatur, tunc interrogetur, quo mandante flagitium admissum sit.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VIII. The slaves should first be put to the torture, and if they confess should then be interrogated, in order that it may be ascertained at whose instigation they committed the crime.
Dig. 38,17,3Modestinus libro octavo regularum. Patrem adoptivum matri non obesse plerique probant.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VIII. Most authorities are of the opinion that an adoptive father does not exclude the mother.
Dig. 45,1,100Modestinus libro octavo regularum. Condicio in praeteritum, non tantum praesens tempus relata statim aut peremit obligationem aut omnino non differt.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VIII. A condition which has reference to the past, as well as to the present time, either annuls the obligation immediately, or does not, under any circumstances, defer its performance.
Dig. 46,3,75Idem libro octavo regularum. Sicut acceptilatio in eum diem praecedentes peremit actiones, ita et confusio: nam si debitor heres creditori exstiterit, confusio hereditatis peremit petitionis actionem.
Dig. 47,21,1Modestinus libro octavo regularum. Terminorum avulsorum non multa pecuniaria est, sed pro condicione admittentium coercitione transigendum.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VIII. The penalty for the removal of boundaries is not a pecuniary fine, but should be regulated according to the social position of the guilty parties.
Dig. 48,5,36Idem libro octavo regularum. Accusaturus adulterii si quid circa inscriptionem erraverit, si tempora largiantur, emendare non prohibetur, ne causa aboleatur.
Dig. 48,7,6Modestinus libro octavo regularum. Ex senatus consulto Volusiano, qui inprobe coeunt in alienam litem, ut, quidquid ex condemnatione in rem ipsius redactum fuerit, inter eos communicaretur, lege Iulia de vi privata tenentur.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VIII. Under the Volusian Decree of the Senate, those who improperly assemble in order to manifest opposition to a lawsuit of others, and agree that anything obtained from the parties by condemnation shall be divided among them, are liable under the Julian Law relating to Private Violence.
Dig. 48,8,12Idem libro octavo regularum. Infans vel furiosus si hominem occiderint, lege Cornelia non tenentur, cum alterum innocentia consilii tuetur, alterum fati infelicitas excusat.
Dig. 48,10,27Modestinus libro octavo regularum. Eos, qui diversa inter se testimonia praebuerunt, quasi falsum fecerint, et praescriptio legis teneri pronuntiat. 1Et eum, qui contra signum suum falsum praebuit testimonium, poena falsi teneri pronuntiatum est. de inpudentia eius, qui diversa duobus testimonia praebuit, cuius ita anceps fides vacillat, quod crimine falsi teneatur, nec dubitandum est. 2Qui se pro milite gessit vel illicitis insignibus usus est vel falso duplomate vias commeavit, pro admissi qualitate gravissime puniendus est.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VIII. He declares that those who have given conflicting evidence between themselves are liable under the terms of the law as having committed forgery. 1It was also decided that he who gives false testimony against his own seal, is liable to the penalty for forgery. With reference to the impudence of a person who has testified differently in favor of two persons, and whose faith is so double and vacillating, there is no doubt whatever that he is liable for the crime of forgery. 2He who falsely represents himself to be a soldier, or makes use of decorations to which he is not entitled, or travels under a forged permit, should be severely dealt with, according to the nature of the offence committed.
Dig. 48,18,14Idem libro octavo regularum. Statuliber in delicto repertus sperandae libertatis praerogativa non ut servus ob ambiguum condicionis, sed ut liber puniendus est.
Dig. 48,19,23Idem libro octavo regularum. Sine praefinito tempore in metallum dato imperitia dantis decennii tempora praefinita videntur.
Dig. 49,1,17Idem libro octavo regularum. Cum in una causa separatim duplex sententia divisa datur, veluti una sortis, alia usurarum, duplex appellatio necessaria est, ne alteram adgnovisse, de altera provocasse intellegatur. 1Tutor pupillo datus si provocet, interim pupillo curator dabitur. sed si tutoris auctoritas fuerit necessaria, veluti ad adeundam hereditatem, tutor ei necessario dabitur, quoniam curatoris auctoritas ad hoc inutilis est.
The Same, Rules, Book VIII. Where two separate decisions have been rendered in a single case, for example, one with reference to the principal and the other with reference to the interest, two appeals will be necessary, lest it may be understood that the party accepted one, and appealed from the other. 1When a guardian, appointed for a ward, appeals, a curator will be appointed for the ward in the meantime. If, however, the authority of the guardian should be necessary, as, for instance, for the acceptance of an estate, a guardian will necessarily be appointed, as the authority of a curator is not sufficient for this purpose.
Dig. 49,3,3Modestinus libro octavo regularum. Dato iudice a magistratibus populi Romani cuiuscumque ordinis, etiamsi ex auctoritate principis licet nominatim iudicem declarantis dederint, ipsi tamen magistratus appellabuntur.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VIII. Whenever a judge is appointed by the magistrates of the Roman people, no matter of what rank they may be, even though this was done by order of the Emperor, and he may have designated the judge by name, an appeal can be taken to the magistrates themselves.
Dig. 50,7,17Idem libro octavo regularum. Eundem plures legationes suscipere prohibitum non est praeterea, si et sumptus et itineris compendium suadeat. 1Ante legationem susceptam si cui negotium moveatur, etiam absens defendi debet: suscepta legatione non nisi iniuncto munere fungatur.
The Same, Rules, Book VIII. The same person is not forbidden to undertake several embassies; above all, where he pays his travelling expenses himself. 1Where suit has been brought against anyone before he assumed the duties of an envoy, he ought to defend it, even if he is absent, but where he has once undertaken such duties, he is not required to do so, unless in the performance of his official functions.
Dig. 50,8,10Modestinus libro octavo regularum. Calculi erroris retractatio etiam post decennii aut vicennii tempora admittetur. 1Sed si gratiose expunctae dicentur, non retractabuntur.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VIII. The correction of an error in calculation can be made even after ten or twenty years. 1When, however, accounts are proved to have been examined and accepted, mistakes in them cannot be corrected.
Dig. 50,16,103Idem libro octavo regularum. Licet ‘capitalis’ Latine loquentibus omnis causa existimationis videatur, tamen appellatio capitalis mortis vel amissionis civitatis intellegenda est.
Dig. 50,17,196Idem libro octavo regularum. Privilegia quaedam causae sunt, quaedam personae. et ideo quaedam ad heredem transmittuntur, quae causae sunt: quae personae sunt, ad heredem non transeunt.