Regularum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 1,9,3Modestinus libro sexto regularum. Senatorem remotum senatu capite non minui, sed Romae morari, divus Severus et Antoninus permiserunt.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VI. A Senator who has been expelled from the Senate does not lose his citizenship; and the Divine Severus and Antoninus even permitted him to live at Rome.
Dig. 4,8,38Modestinus libro sexto regularum. Cum poena ex compromisso petitur, is qui commisit damnandus est, nec interest, an adversarii eius interfuit arbitri sententia stari nec ne.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VI. When suit is brought for the penalty arising out of an arbitration, he shall be required to pay it who incurred the liability for the same; nor does it make any difference whether or not it was to the interest of the other party for the award of the arbiter to be observed.
Dig. 37,14,8Idem libro sexto regularum. Servum a filio familias milite manumissum divus Hadrianus rescripsit militem libertum suum facere, non patris. 1Servus non manumissus libertatem consequitur is, qui ea lege distractus est, ut manumittatur intra tempus: quod superveniens, licet non manumittatur, faciet tamen libertum emptoris.
The Same, Rules, Book VI. The Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript that where a slave was manumitted by a son under paternal control, who was a soldier, he became the freedman of the soldier and not of his father. 1A slave who is not manumitted will obtain his freedom when he is sold under the condition that he be manumitted within a certain time; and, after the time has elapsed, he will become the freedman of the purchaser, even though he may not have been manumitted.
Dig. 38,8,7Modestinus libro sexto regularum. Is, qui aliqua ratione servus factus est, manumissione nulla ratione recipit cognationem.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VI. Anyone who has become a slave in any way whatsoever can, under no circumstances, regain his rights of cognation by manumission.
Dig. 40,1,17Idem libro sexto regularum. Servi, quos filius familias in castris quaesiit, non in patris familia computabuntur: nec enim pater tales filii servos manumittere poterit.
Dig. 40,8,2Modestinus libro sexto regularum. Servo, quem pro derelicto dominus ob gravem infirmitatem habuit, ex edicto divi Claudii competit libertas.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VI. By an Edict of the Divine Claudius, a slave who has been abandoned by his master on account of some serious infirmity will be entitled to his freedom.
Dig. 46,6,7Modestinus libro sexto regularum. Dativus vel testamentarius tutor sive curator non petet satis a collega suo, sed offerre ei poterit, utrum satis accipere velit an dare.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VI. A testamentary guardian or curator does not demand security from his colleague, but he can give him the choice of either receiving or giving security.
Dig. 48,8,11Modestinus libro sexto regularum. Circumcidere iudaeis filios suos tantum rescripto divi Pii permittitur: in non eiusdem religionis qui hoc fecerit, castrantis poena irrogatur. 1Servo sine iudice ad bestias dato non solum qui vendidit poena, verum et qui comparavit tenebitur. 2Post legem Petroniam et senatus consulta ad eam legem pertinentia dominis potestas ablata est ad bestias depugnandas suo arbitrio servos tradere: oblato tamen iudici servo, si iusta sit domini querella, sic poenae tradetur.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VI. By a Rescript of the Divine Pius, Jews are permitted to circumcise only their own children, and anyone who performs this operation upon persons of a different religion will incur the penalty for castration. 1If a slave, without having been sentenced, is thrown to wild beasts, not only he who sold him, but also he who purchased him will be liable to punishment. 2Since the passage of the Petronian Law and the Decrees of the Senate having reference to it, masters are deprived of the power of giving up their slaves, whenever they please, for the purpose of fighting wild beasts. A master, however, can produce his slave in court, and if his complaint is well founded, the slave can be subjected to the penalty,
Dig. 50,6,5Modestinus libro sexto regularum. Immunitates generaliter tributae eo iure, ut ad posteros transmitterentur, in perpetuum succedentibus durant.
Modestinus, Rules, Book VI. Immunities, generally speaking, are granted to a person in such a way that they can be transmitted to his descendants, and are perpetual, so far as his male successors are concerned.