Regularum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 1,18,18Modestinus libro quinto regularum. Plebi scito continetur, ut ne quis praesidum munus donum caperet nisi esculentum potulentumve, quod intra dies proximos prodigatur.
Modestinus, Rules, Book V. It is provided by a plebiscite “That no Governor shall accept a present or a gift, except food or beverages which may be consumed within a few days”.
Dig. 2,14,34Modestinus libro quinto regularum. Ius adgnationis non posse pacto repudiari, non magis quam ut quis dicat nolle suum esse, Iuliani sententia est.
Modestinus, Rules, Book V. It is the opinion of Julianus that the right of agnation cannot be renounced, any more than anyone can say that he does not wish to be a proper heir.
Dig. 18,1,62Modestinus libro quinto regularum. Qui officii causa in provincia agit vel militat, praedia comparare in eadem provincia non potest, praeterquam si paterna eius a fisco distrahantur. 1Qui nesciens loca sacra vel religiosa vel publica pro privatis comparavit, licet emptio non teneat, ex empto tamen adversus venditorem experietur, ut consequatur quod interfuit eius, ne deciperetur. 2Res in aversione empta, si non dolo venditoris factum sit, ad periculum emptoris pertinebit, etiamsi res adsignata non sit.
Ad Dig. 18,1,62ROHGE, Bd. 16 (1875), Nr. 43, S. 150: Verpflichtungen aus dem Verkaufe eines nicht existirenden Kaufobjekts. Eigener Wechsel an eigene Ordre. Einfluß des Irrthums.Modestinus, Rules, Book V. Where a person administers a public office in a province, or serves there as a soldier, he cannot purchase land in said province, unless Where property which belonged to his ancestors is sold by the Treasury. 1Ad Dig. 18,1,62,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 307, Note 5; Bd. II, § 315, Note 7.Where a party ignorantly purchases sacred, religious, or public places, supposing them to belong to private individuals, it is held that the purchase is void; and an action on sale can be brought against the vendor by the purchaser, to recover the amount of the interest he had in not being deceived. 2Where property is purchased in bulk, it is done at the risk of the purchaser, provided the vendor is not guilty of fraud, even if the property has not been transferred.
Dig. 20,1,24Idem libro quinto regularum. In quorum finibus emere quis prohibetur, pignus accipere non prohibetur.
Dig. 41,3,18Modestinus libro quinto regularum. Quamvis adversus fiscum usucapio non procedat, tamen ex bonis vacantibus, nondum tamen nuntiatis, emptor praedii ex isdem bonis exstiterit, recte diutina possessione capiet: idque constitutum est.
Modestinus, Rules, Book V. Although usucaption is of no advantage as against the Treasury, it has been decided that where property without an owner has not yet been reported to the Treasury, and a purchaser appears who has bought land forming part of said property, he can legally acquire it by long-continued possession.
Dig. 44,7,54Idem libro quinto regularum. Contractus imaginarii etiam in emptionibus iuris vinculum non optinent, cum fides facti simulatur non intercedente veritate.
Dig. 48,18,13Modestinus libro quinto regularum. Certo pretio servum aestimatum in quaestionem dari interposita stipulatione receptum est.
Modestinus, Rules, Book V. It is established that a slave can be tortured after he has been appraised, or the required stipulation has been entered into.
Dig. 49,14,8Modestinus libro quinto regularum. Bonorum fisco vindicatorum actores venundari a procuratoribus non possunt, et, si distrahantur, irritam fieri venditionem rescriptum est.
Modestinus, Rules, Book V. The stewards of property sold by the Treasury cannot themselves be sold by the agents of the same, and if they should be, it is stated in rescripts that the sale will be void.