Regularum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 4,8,48Modestinus libro quarto regularum. arbiter ad ferendam sententiam non compelletur:
Modestinus, Rules, Book IV. For, in this instance, an arbiter is not compelled to render a decision.
Dig. 20,5,8Modestinus libro quarto regularum. Creditoris arbitrio permittitur ex pignoribus sibi obligatis quibus velit distractis ad suum commodum pervenire.
Modestinus, Rules, Book IV. The creditor has a right to sell any of the pledges on which he has a claim that he pleases, in order to obtain what is due to him.
Dig. 22,1,40Idem libro quarto regularum. In eum diem, quo creditor pignora distraxit, recte usurae fiet reputatio.
Dig. 22,2,3Modestinus libro quarto regularum. In nautica pecunia ex eo die periculum spectat creditorem, ex quo navem navigare conveniat.
Modestinus, Rules, Book IV. In the case of money transported by sea, it is at the risk of the creditor from the day on which it is agreed that the ship will sail.
Dig. 22,3,24Modestinus libro quarto regularum. Si chirographum cancellatum fuerit, licet praesumptione debitor liberatus esse videtur, in eam tamen quantitatem, quam manifestis probationibus creditor sibi adhuc deberi ostenderit, recte debitor convenitur.
Modestinus, Rules, Book IV. Where a promissory note has been cancelled, although the presumption is that the debtor has been released, still, he can lawfully be sued for the amount which the creditor can show by manifest evidence is still due to him.