Regularum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 1,7,1Modestinus libro secundo regularum. Filios familias non solum natura, verum et adoptiones faciunt. 1Quod adoptionis nomen est quidem generale, in duas autem species dividitur, quarum altera adoptio similiter dicitur, altera adrogatio. adoptantur filii familias, adrogantur qui sui iuris sunt.
Modestinus, Rules, Book II. Sons of families are not only created by nature but also by adoption. 1The term “adoption” is one of general signification, and includes two kinds; one of which is likewise styled adoption, the other arrogation. The sons of families are adopted; those who are their own masters are arrogated.
Dig. 1,7,4Modestinus libro secundo regularum. Magistratum, apud quem legis actio est, et emancipare filios suos et in adoptionem dare apud se posse Neratii sententia est.
Modestinus, Rules, Book II. It is the opinion of Neratius that a magistrate before whom a legal action can be brought can emancipate his own children, or give them in adoption before himself.
Dig. 1,7,8Modestinus libro secundo regularum. Quod ne curatoris auctoritas intercederet in adrogatione ante tenuerat, sub divo Claudio recte mutatum est.
Modestinus, Rules, Book II. It was formerly held that the authority of a curator could not be interposed in a case of arrogation; but this has been very properly changed by the Divine Claudius.
Dig. 1,7,41Idem libro secundo regularum. Si pater filium, ex quo nepos illi est in potestate, emancipaverit et postea eum adoptaverit: mortuo eo nepos in patris non revertitur potestatem. nec is nepos in patris revertitur potestatem, quem avus retinuerit filio dato in adoptionem, quem denuo redadoptavit.
The Same, Rules, Book II. When a father emancipates his son by whom he has a grandson under his control and afterwards adopts his son and dies, the grandson does not again come under the authority of his father. Nor does the grandson come under the control of his father if his grandfather retained him in his power when he gave his son in adoption, and readopted him afterwards.
Dig. 7,8,21Modestinus libro secundo regularum. Usus aquae personalis est et ideo ad heredem usuarii transmitti non potest.
Modestinus, Rules, Book II. The use of water is a personal right, and therefore cannot be transmitted to the heir of the party entitled to the same.
Dig. 23,2,25Idem libro secundo regularum. Filius emancipatus etiam sine consensu patris uxorem ducere potest et susceptus filius ei heres erit.
Dig. 44,7,52Modestinus libro secundo regularum. Obligamur aut re aut verbis aut simul utroque aut consensu aut lege aut iure honorario aut necessitate aut ex peccato. 1Re obligamur, cum res ipsa intercedit. 2Verbis, cum praecedit interrogatio et sequitur congruens responsio. 3Re et verbis pariter obligamur, cum et res interrogationi intercedit, consentientes in aliquam rem. 4Ex consensu obligari necessario ex voluntate nostra videmur. 5Lege obligamur, cum obtemperantes legibus aliquid secundum praeceptum legis aut contra facimus. 6Iure honorario obligamur ex his, quae edicto perpetuo vel magistratu fieri praecipiuntur vel fieri prohibentur. 7Necessitate obligantur, quibus non licet aliud facere quam quod praeceptum est: quod evenit in necessario herede. 8Ex peccato obligamur, cum in facto quaestionis summa constitit. 9Etiam nudus consensus sufficit obligationi, quamvis verbis hoc exprimi possit. 10Sed et nutu solo pleraque consistunt.
Modestinus, Rules, Book II. We contract an obligation either with reference to the property itself, or by words, or by both of these at the same time, or by consent, or by the Common Law, or by Prætorian Law, or by necessity, or by a criminal offence. 1We contract an obligation on account of the property, when it is delivered to us. 2We contract one by words, where a question is asked, and a proper answer is given. 3We contract an obligation on account of the property and by words, where the property is delivered, and answers to questions are given at the same time. 4When we consent to anything, we are necessarily liable on account of our voluntary acquiescence. 5We contract an obligation by the Common Law, when we obey the laws in accordance with what they prescribe, or we violate them. 6We contract an obligation by Prætorian Law when something is ordered to be done or prohibited by the Perpetual Edict, or by the magistrate. 7Those contract an obligation by necessity who cannot do anything else than what they are directed to do. This happens in the case of a necessary heir, 8We contract an obligation on account of a criminal offence, where the principal part of the inquiry has reference to the illegal act committed. 9Even simple consent will be sufficient to establish an obligation, although it may be expressed by words. 10Many obligations are contracted merely by signs of assent.
Dig. 45,2,1Modestinus libro secundo regularum. Qui stipulatur, reus stipulandi dicitur: qui promittit, reus promittendi habetur.
Modestinus, Rules, Book II. The person who stipulates is called the contractor of the stipulation; he who promises is considered the contractor of the promise.
Dig. 46,1,39Modestinus libro secundo regularum. Ut fideiussor adversus confideiussorem suum agat, danda actio non est. ideoque si ex duobus fideiussoribus eiusdem quantitatis cum alter electus a creditore totum exsolvit nec ei cessae sint actiones, alter nec a creditore nec a confideiussore convenietur.
Modestinus, Rules, Book II. An action should not be granted to permit this surety to proceed against his fellow-surety; and therefore, if, of two sureties for the same amount, one, after having been selected by the creditor, makes payment in full, and the rights of action are not assigned to him, the other surety cannot be sued either by the creditor or by his fellow-surety.
Dig. 46,4,1Modestinus libro secundo regularum. Acceptilatio est liberatio per mutuam interrogationem, qua utriusque contingit ab eodem nexu absolutio.
Modestinus, Rules, Book II. A release is a discharge from liability through mutual interrogation, by means of which both parties are freed from compliance with the same contract.