Regularum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 1,3,7Modestinus libro I regularum. Legis virtus haec est imperare vetare permittere punire.
Modestinus, Rules, Book I. The office of the law is to command, to forbid, and to punish.
Dig. 1,3,40Modestinus libro I regularum. Ergo omne ius aut consensus fecit aut necessitas constituit aut firmavit consuetudo.
Modestinus, Rules, Book I. Thus all law has been either made by consent, or established by necessity, or confirmed by custom.
Dig. 23,2,1Modestinus libro primo regularum. Nuptiae sunt coniunctio maris et feminae et consortium omnis vitae, divini et humani iuris communicatio.
Modestinus, Rules, Book I. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman, forming an association during their entire lives, and involving the common enjoyment of divine and human privileges.
Dig. 23,2,24Modestinus libro primo regularum. In liberae mulieris consuetudine non concubinatus, sed nuptiae intellegendae sunt, si non corpore quaestum fecerit.
Modestinus, Rules, Book I. Where a man lives with a free woman, it is not considered concubinage but genuine matrimony, if she does not acquire gain by means of her body.
Dig. 23,3,26Modestinus libro primo regularum. Ita constante matrimonio permutari dotem posse dicimus, si hoc mulieri utile sit, si ex pecunia in rem aut ex re in pecuniam: idque probatum est.
Modestinus, Rules, Book I. We hold that a dowry can be changed while the matrimonial condition exists, only where it will be an advantage to the woman, if the money is changed into property, or property is changed into money. This rule is generally adopted.
Dig. 24,2,10Modestinus libro primo regularum. Patrono invito liberta, quam in matrimonio habuit, ab eo discedere non potest, nisi ex causa fideicommissi manumissa sit: tunc enim potest, licet eius fit liberta.
Modestinus, Rides, Book I. A freedwoman, who has married her patron, cannot separate from him without his consent, unless she has been manumitted under the terms of a trust, for then she can do so even though she is his freedwoman.
Dig. 31,31Modestinus libro primo regularum. Si quis quos non poterit manumittere legavit, ut manumitterentur, nec legatum nec libertas valet.
Modestinus, Rules, Book I. Where anyone makes a bequest for the manumission of slaves, who himself has not the power to manumit them, neither the legacy nor the grant of freedom will be valid.
Dig. 34,5,27Modestinus libro primo regularum. Si quis de pluribus unum manumitti voluerit nec appareat, de quo manumittendo testator sensit, nulli eorum fideicommissa competit libertas.
Modestinus, Rules, Book I. Where a man desired one of his slaves to be manumitted, and it does not appear which one the testator intended to be liberated, none of them will be entitled to freedom under the terms of the trust.
Dig. 38,1,31Modestinus libro primo regularum. Operis non impositis manumissus, etiamsi ex sua voluntate aliquo tempore praestiterit, compelli ad praestandas, quas non promisit, non potest.
Modestinus, Rules, Book I. A freedman cannot be compelled to render services which he did not promise, where none were imposed, even if he may for some time voluntarily perform them.
Dig. 40,1,16Modestinus libro primo regularum. Si consentiente patre filius minor annis viginti servum eius manumiserit, patris faciet libertum et vacat causae probatio ob patris consensum.
Modestinus, Rules, Book I. If a son under twenty years of age manumits his slave with the consent of his father, he makes him the freedman of the latter; and proof of the manumission is unnecessary, on account of the consent of the father.
Dig. 40,9,19Modestinus libro primo regularum. Nulla competit libertas data ab eo, qui postea servus ipse pronuntiatus est.
Modestinus, Rules, Book I. Freedom granted by a person who is afterwards himself legally decided to be a slave is of no effect.
Dig. 48,5,35Modestinus libro primo regularum. Stuprum committit, qui liberam mulierem consuetudinis causa, non matrimonii continet, excepta videlicet concubina. 1Adulterium in nupta admittitur: stuprum in vidua vel virgine vel puero committitur.
Modestinus, Rules, Book I. He is guilty of fornication who keeps a free woman for the purpose of cohabiting with her, but not with the intention of marrying her, excepting, of course, a concubine. 1Adultery is committed with a married woman; fornication with a widow, a virgin, or a boy.