De poenis libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 2,4,25Modestinus libro primo de poenis. Si sine venia edicti impetrata libertus patronum in ius vocaverit, ex querella patroni vel supradictam poenam, id est quinquaginta aureos dat vel a praefecto urbi quasi inofficiosus castigatur, si inopia dinoscitur laborare.
Modestinus, On Punishments, Book I. Where a freedman has summoned his patron to court without permission being granted under the Edict, on complaint of the patron he will be liable for the above-mentioned penalty, that is to say, for fifty aurei; or he may be chastised by the Prefect of the City, as lacking in respect, if it is ascertained that he has no property.
Dig. 40,12,21Modestinus libro primo de poenis. utique eius duplum, quod propter emptionem vel dedit vel obligatus est. secundum quae id, quod alter eorum solverit, nihil ad exonerandum alterum pertinebit, quia placuit hanc actionem poenalem esse. et ideo post annum non datur nec cum successoribus, cum sit poenalis, agetur. 1Actionem, quae ex hoc edicto oritur, manumissione non extingui rectissime dicetur, quia verum est auctorem conveniri non posse, post quem ad eum, qui ad libertatem proclamavit, perveniebatur.
Modestinus, Concerning Penalties, Book I. Therefore, double the amount of what the purchaser either paid, or bound himself for with reference to the sale, will be due. According to this, whatever either of the parties may pay will not operate to release the other; because it has been decided that this action is a penal one. Hence, it is not granted after the lapse of a year, nor can it be brought against the successors of the person liable to it, as it is a penal action. 1Therefore, the action which arises from this Edict may, very properly, be said not to be extinguished by manumission, because it is true that the vendor cannot be sued after legal measures have been taken against him who demanded his freedom.
Dig. 48,10,32Modestinus libro primo de poenis. Hodie qui edicta proposita dolo malo corrumpunt, falsi poena plectuntur. 1Si venditor mensuras publice probatas vini, frumenti vel cuiuslibet rei, aut emptor corruperit dolove malo fraudem fecerit: quanti ea res est, eius dupli condemnatur: decretoque divi Hadriani praeceptum est in insulam eos relegari, qui pondera aut mensuras falsassent.
Modestinus, On Punishments, Book I. At present, those who fraudulently alter any Edicts which have been promulgated are punished with the penalty of forgery. 1If a vendor or a purchaser changes any measures used for wine, grain, or anything of this kind which have been publicly approved, or, with malicious intent, commits any other fraudulent act, he shall be condemned to pay double the value of the property; and it was provided by a Decree of the Divine Hadrian that those who used false weights or measures should be relegated to an island.
Dig. 48,19,30Modestinus libro primo de poenis. Si quis aliquid fecerit, quo leves hominum animi superstitione numinis terrentur, divus Marcus huiusmodi homines in insulam relegari rescripsit.
Modestinus, On Penalties, Book I. If anyone should do something by which weak-minded persons are terrified through superstition, the Divine Marcus stated in a Rescript that men of this kind should be relegated to an island.