Pandectarum libri
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 4,1,3Modestinus libro octavo pandectarum. Omnes in integrum restitutiones causa cognita a praetore promittuntur, scilicet ut iustitiam earum causarum examinet, an verae sint, quarum nomine singulis subvenit.
Modestinus, Pandects, Book VIII. All persons are promised complete restitution by the Prætor when proper cause is shown; so that he may examine the justice of the case, and ascertain whether it belongs to that class to which he can afford relief.
Dig. 29,5,19Idem libro octavo pandectarum. Cum dominus occiditur, auxilium ei familia ferre debet et armis et manu et clamoribus et obiectu corporis: quod si, cum posset, non tulerit, merito de ea supplicium sumitur.
The Same, Pandects, Book VIII. When a master is attacked, his slaves should attempt to assist him with arms, and with their hands, with cries, and with the interposition of their bodies. If anyone should not offer assistance when he is able to do so, he shall deservedly be subjected to punishment for this reason.