Pandectarum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 28,1,19Modestinus libro quinto pandectarum. Si filius familias aut pupillus aut servus tabulas testamenti fecerit signaverit, secundum eas bonorum possessio dari non potest, licet filius familias sui iuris aut pupillus pubes aut servus liber factus decesserit, quia nullae sunt tabulae testamenti, quas is fecit, qui testamenti faciendi facultatem non habuerit.
Modestinus, Pandects, Book V. Where a son under paternal control, a ward, or a slave draws up a will and seals it, possession of the property mentioned therein cannot be granted to the legatees, even though the testator should be a son who is independent, or a ward who has reached the age of puberty, or a slave who should become free, at the time of his death; for the reason that a will drawn up by one who has no right to do so is void.
Dig. 41,3,3Modestinus libro quinto pandectarum. Usucapio est adiectio dominii per continuationem possessionis temporis lege definiti.
Modestinus, Pandects, Book V. Usucaption is the addition of ownership by means of continuous possession for a time prescribed by law.
Dig. 45,1,103Idem libro quinto pandectarum. Liber homo in stipulatum deduci non potest, quia nec dari oportere intendi nec aestimatio eius praestari potest, non magis quam si quis dari stipulatus fuerit mortuum hominem aut fundum hostium.
Dig. 50,16,109Idem libro quinto pandectarum. ‘Bonae fidei emptor’ esse videtur, qui ignoravit eam rem alienam esse, aut putavit eum qui vendidit ius vendendi habere, puta procuratorem aut tutorem esse.