Pandectarum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 26,2,25Modestinus libro quarto pandectarum. Duobus pupillis tutor datus etsi alterius tutela se excusare potest, cum res separatae sint, attamen alterius tutor manet.
Modestinus, Pandects, Book IV. Where a guardian is appointed for two minors, even if he can excuse himself from the guardianship of one of them, he will still remain the guardian of the other, if the property of the minors is separate.
Dig. 26,5,23Idem libro quarto pandectarum. Simul plures tutores dari possunt.
Dig. 27,8,9Idem libro quarto pandectarum. An in magistratus actione data cum usuris sors exigi debeat, an vero usurae peti non possint, quoniam constitutum est poenarum usuras peti non posse, quaesitum est. et rescriptum est a divis Severo et Antonino et usuras peti posse, quoniam eadem in magistratibus actio datur, quae competit in tutores.
The Same, Pandects, Book IV. The question arose, where an action is granted against magistrates, should the principal be collected together with the interest, or can interest not be claimed, since it has been decided that interest on penalties cannot be recovered. It was stated in a Rescript by the Divine Severus and Antoninus, that interest can be collected, since the same action is granted against magistrates that lies against guardians.
Dig. 46,7,10Modestinus libro quarto pandectarum. Si ad defendendum procurator datus fuerit, satisdare iubetur iudicatum solvi stipulatione, quae non ab ipso procuratore, sed a domino litis interponitur. quod si procurator aliquem defendat, ipse cogitur satisdare iudicatum solvi stipulatione.
Modestinus, Pandects, Book IV. If an attorney is appointed for the purpose of making a defence, he is ordered to give security for the payment of the judgment, by means of a stipulation which is not interposed by the attorney himself, but by the principal party in the case. If, however, the attorney defends someone, he himself is compelled to furnish security by the stipulation for the payment of the judgment.
Dig. 50,16,108Idem libro quarto pandectarum. ‘Debitor’ intellegitur is, a quo invito exigi pecunia potest.