Pandectarum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 31,36Idem libro tertio pandectarum. Legatum est donatio testamento relicta.
Dig. 38,7,5Modestinus libro tertio pandectarum. Inter adgnatos et cognatos hoc interest, quod in adgnatis et cognati continentur, in cognatis non utique et adgnati. verbi gratia patris frater, id est patruus, et adgnatus est et cognatus, matris autem frater, id est avunculus, cognatus est, adgnatus non est. 1Quamdiu spes est suum heredem aliquem defuncto existere, tamdiu consanguineis locus non est: puta si defuncti uxor praegnas sit aut defuncti filius apud hostes sit.
Modestinus, Pandects, Book III. There is this difference between agnates and cognates: cognates are included among agnates, but agnates are not included among cognates; for example, the brother of a father, that is, the paternal uncle, is both an agnate and a cognate, but the brother of a mother, that is to say, the maternal uncle, is an agnate, but not a cognate. 1As long as there is any hope that a deceased person will have a direct heir, there is no ground for the claim of blood relatives to the estate; for example, where the wife of the deceased is pregnant, or his son is in the hands of the enemy.
Dig. 40,5,15Idem libro tertio pandectarum. Is qui ex causa fideicommissi manumissurus est nullo modo deteriorem eius servi condicionem facere potest: ideoque nec vendere eum interdum alii potest, ut ab eo cui traditus est manumittatur, et, si tradiderit, redimere illum cogitur et manumittere: interest enim nonnumquam a sene potius manumitti quam a iuvene.
The Same, Pandects, Book V. A person charged with the manumission of a slave under the terms of a trust can, in no way whatever, render the condition of the said slave worse; and therefore he cannot in the meantime sell him to anyone else, in order that he to whom he was sold may emancipate him; and if he should deliver the slave, he will be compelled to purchase and manumit him; for it is sometimes to the interest of a slave to be manumitted by an old man rather than by a young one.
Dig. 50,16,107Idem libro tertio pandectarum. ‘Adsignare libertum’ hoc est testificari, cuius ex liberis libertum eum esse voluit.