Pandectarum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 28,1,1Modestinus libro secundo pandectarum. Testamentum est voluntatis nostrae iusta sententia de eo, quod quis post mortem suam fieri velit.
Modestinus, Pandects, Book II. A will is the lawful expression of our wishes with respect to what anyone desires to be done after his death.
Dig. 28,2,20Modestinus libro secundo pandectarum. Sub condicione filius heres institutus si pendente condicione adrogandum se dedit, necessarius heres non erit.
Modestinus, Pandects, Book II. Where a son is appointed an heir under some condition, and while the condition is pending gives himself to be arrogated, he will cease to be a necessary heir.
Dig. 28,5,63Idem libro secundo pandectarum. In tempus capiendae hereditatis institui heredem posse benevolentiae est, veluti ‘Lucius Titius cum capere potuerit, heres esto’: idem et in legato. 1Quotiens non apparet, quis heres institutus sit, institutio non valet (quippe evenire potest, si testator complures amicos eodem nomine habeat et ad designationem singulari nomine utatur): nisi ex aliis apertissimis probationibus fuerit revelatum, pro qua persona testator senserit.
The Same, Pandects, Book II. It is an act of kindness for an heir to be appointed for the time that he can obtain the benefit of the inheritance, as for instance: “Let Lucius Titius be my heir for the time when he can obtain my estate.” The same rule applies to legacies. 1Whenever it is not apparent who the appointed heir is, the appointment will not be valid; and this may happen where the testator had several friends of the same name, and in designating the one whom he appointed he used only a single name; unless it is disclosed by the clearest evidence whom the testator had in his mind.
Dig. 28,6,1Modestinus libro secundo pandectarum. Heredes aut instituti dicuntur aut substituti: instituti primo gradu, substituti secundo vel tertio. 1Heredis substitutio duplex est aut simplex, veluti: ‘Lucius Titius heres esto: si mihi Lucius Titius heres non erit, tunc Seius heres mihi esto’: ‘si heres non erit, sive erit et intra pubertatem decesserit, tunc Gaius Seius heres mihi esto’. 2Substituere liberis tam heredibus institutis quam exheredatis possumus et tam eum, quem heredem nobis instituimus, quam alterum. 3Substituere liberis pater non potest nisi si heredem sibi instituerit: nam sine heredis institutione nihil in testamento scriptum valet.
Modestinus, Pandects, Book II. Heirs are said to be either appointed or substituted. Those who are appointed belong to the first degree, those who are substituted to the second, or the third degree. 1There are two kinds of substitutions, the simple, as, for example: “Let Lucius Titius be my heir, and if Lucius Titius should not be my heir, then let Seius be my heir; if he should not be my heir, or should be and die before arriving at puberty, then let Gaius Seius be my heir.” 2We can substitute an heir for others who have been appointed, as well as for those who have disinherited; and we can substitute an heir who has already been appointed, or anyone else. 3A father cannot substitute an heir for his children, unless he appoints one for himself; for without the appointment of an heir no provision of a will is valid.
Dig. 42,3,7Modestinus libro secundo pandectarum. Si debitoris bona venierint, postulantibus creditoribus permittitur rursum eiusdem debitoris bona distrahi, donec suum consequantur, si tales tamen facultates adquisitae sunt debitori, quibus praetor moveri possit.
Modestinus, Pandects, Book II. When the property of a debtor is sold; upon the demand of creditors, a second sale of his property is allowed to be made until his entire indebtedness is discharged, provided the debtor has made acquisitions sufficient to justify the Prætor in taking action.