Pandectarum libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 10,1,7Modestinus libro undecimo pandectarum. De modo agrorum arbitri dantur et is, qui maiorem locum in territorio habere dicitur, ceteris, qui minorem locum possident, integrum locum adsignare compellitur: idque ita rescriptum est.
Modestinus, Pandects, Book X. Arbiters are appointed to determine the dimensions of land; and he who is stated to have a larger part of the entire tract will be compelled to transfer a certain portion to the others who have smaller ones; and this is stated in a rescript.
Dig. 48,19,24Idem libro undecimo pandectarum. Eorum, qui relegati vel deportati sunt ex causa maiestatis, statuas detrahendas scire debemus.
Dig. 50,4,11Idem libro undecimo pandectarum. Ut gradatim honores deferantur, edicto, et ut a minoribus ad maiores perveniatur, epistula divi Pii ad Titianum exprimitur. 1Etsi lege municipali caveatur, ut praeferantur in honoribus certae condicionis homines: attamen sciendum est hoc esse observandum, si idonei sint: et ita rescripto divi Marci continetur. 2Quotiens penuria est eorum, qui magistratum suscipiunt, immunitas ad aliquid infringitur, sicuti divi fratres rescripserunt. 3Reprobari posse medicum a re publica, quamvis semel probatus sit, divus magnus Antoninus cum patre rescripsit. 4Eos, qui primis litteris pueros inducunt, non habere vacationem divus magnus Antoninus rescripsit.
The Same, Pandects, Book XI. Under the Prætorian Edict, offices should be conferred by degrees, and, as is stated by a letter of the Divine Pius to Titianus, this should be done from the less important to the more important ones. 1Although it is provided by the municipal law, that men of a certain condition should be preferred in making appointments to the magistracy, still it must be remembered that this rule ought only to be observed when the candidates are solvent. This is set forth in a Rescript of the Divine Marcus. 2The Divine Brothers stated in a Rescript that whenever there is a scarcity of citizens eligible to the magistracy, immunity can be, to some extent, infringed. 3The Divine Antoninus and his Father stated in a Rescript that although a physician may already have been approved, he can be rejected by the municipality. 4The Divine Antoninus stated in a Rescript that those who instructed children in the rudiments of learning were not exempt from the duties of public office.
Dig. 50,10,4Modestinus libro undecimo pandectarum. Nec praesidis quidem nomen licebit superscribere.
Modestinus, Pandects, Book XI. It is not lawful to inscribe even the name of the Governor upon a public work.
Dig. 50,10,6Modestinus libro undecimo pandectarum. De operibus, quae in muris vel portis vel rebus publicis fiunt, aut si muri exstruantur, divus Marcus rescripsit praesidem aditum consulere principem debere.
Modestinus, Pandects, Book XI. The Divine Marcus stated in a Rescript that the Governor of a province should consult the Emperor with reference to works which have been constructed on the walls or gates of cities, or other public property, and also where walls have been built.
Dig. 50,12,12Idem libro undecimo pandectarum. In privatis operibus invitis his qui fecerunt statuas aliis ponere non possumus, ut rescripto divi Severi continetur. 1Cum quidam, ne honoribus fungeretur, opus promisisset: honores subire cogendum quam operis instructionem divus Antoninus rescripsit.
The Same, Pandects, Book XI. It is stated in a Rescript of the Divine Severus that we cannot erect statues to others upon public works constructed by private individuals, against the consent of the latter. 1The Divine Antoninus stated in a Rescript that where anyone has promised a work in order to avoid performing the duties of an office, he can be compelled to perform its duties instead of constructing the work.