De enucleatis casibus liber singularis
Dig. 4,6,33Idem libro singulari de enucleatis casibus. Inter eos, qui ex generali clausula adiuvantur, et fisci patronus connumeratur. 1Eos, qui notis scribunt acta praesidum, rei publicae causa non abesse certum est. 2Militum medici, quoniam officium quod gerunt et publice prodest et fraudem eis adferre non debet, restitutionis auxilium implorare possunt.
The Same, On Cases Explained. Among those who are entitled to relief under the general clause of the Edict is included the Advocate of the Treasury. 1Those who record the decisions of the magistrates are certainly not absent in the public service. 2Physicians of the soldiers have a right to petition for relief by restitution, as the functions they perform are for the public benefit, and ought not to be a source of injury to them.
Dig. 23,1,15Idem libro singulari de enucleatis casibus. Tutor factam pupillam suam nec ipse uxorem ducere nec filio suo in matrimonio adiungere potest. scias tamen, quod de nuptiis tractamus, et ad sponsalia pertinere.
The Same, Selected Cases. A guardian cannot himself marry his own ward, nor can he unite her in marriage with his son. It must be noted, however, that although we are treating of marriage, this rule also applies to betrothals.
Dig. 40,9,20Idem libro singulari de enucleatis casibus. Si servo alieno libertas non consentiente domino data est, valere ex auctoritate iuris non potest, quamvis postea manumissor domino heres extitit, nam licet eius iure cognationis qui manumisit heres extitit, non ideo aditione hereditatis libertatis datio confirmatur.
The Same, On Cases Explained. Where freedom is bequeathed to a slave belonging to another, without the consent of his owner, the bequest is not valid according to law, even though the person who manumits him afterwards becomes the heir of the owner. For even if he becomes his heir by the right of relationship, the grant of freedom will be confirmed by his acceptance of the estate.
Dig. 48,10,29Idem libro singulari de enucleatis casibus. Si quis obrepserit praesidi provinciae, tam per acta quam per libelli interpellationem nihil agit. immo si accusatus fuerit, poenam temerari luit: proinde enim punitur, atque si falsum fecerit. sunt enim rescripta de ea re: sufficit autem unum argumenti causa referre, cuius verba haec sunt: ‘Alexander Augustus Iulio Marullo. si libello dato adversarius tuus veritatem in precibus ab eo datis non adiecit, subscriptione uti non potest: immo si accusatus fuerit, et poenam inferre debet’.
The Same, On Select Cases. Where anyone deceives the Governor of a province either by means of documents, or filing of petitions, it will be of no advantage to him; and moreover, if he is prosecuted, he must pay the penalty of his rashness, just as if he had committed forgery. There are rescripts extant on this point. It is sufficient for the sake of proof to give a single instance, which is as follows: “Alexander Augustus to Julius Maryllus. If your adversary, in the petition which he filed, did not assert what was true in the request made by him, he cannot avail himself of the instrument which he signed; and, moreover, if he is accused, he must suffer the penalty.”
Dig. 49,1,19Idem libro singulari de enucleatis casibus. Si expressim sententia contra iuris rigorem data fuerit, valere non debet: et ideo et sine appellatione causa denuo induci potest. non iure profertur sententia, si specialiter contra leges vel senatus consultum vel constitutionem fuerit prolata. unde si quis ex hac sententia appellaverit et praescriptione summotus sit, minime confirmatur ex hac praescriptione sententia. unde potest causa ab initio agitari.
The Same, Cases Explained. If a decision has been rendered directly against the strict interpretation of the law, it should not be valid, and therefore the case can be heard again without an appeal. A decision is not legally pronounced, if it is rendered specially against the laws, a Decree of the Senate, or an Imperial Constitution. Therefore, when anyone appeals from such a decision, and is barred by an exception, the decision is by no means confirmed by this procedure, hence the action can be brought again.