Differentiarum libri
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 4,5,10Modestinus libro octavo differentiarum. Legatum in annos singulos vel menses singulos relictum, vel si habitatio legetur, morte quidem legatarii legatum intercidit, capitis deminutione tamen interveniente perseverat: videlicet quia tale legatum in facto potius quam in iure consistit.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VIII. Where a legacy is left to be paid every year, or every month, or a legacy of habitation is bequeathed, it is extinguished by the death of the legatee; but where there is a change of condition it continues without interruption, for the reason that a legacy of this kind is rather dependent upon fact than upon law.
Dig. 6,1,32Modestinus libro octavo differentiarum. Quod si artificem fecerit, post vicensimum quintum annum eius, qui artificium consecutus est, impensae factae poterunt pensari.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VIII. If, however, he taught the slave some trade, then, after the latter has reached the age of twenty-five years, the expenses incurred in doing so may be set off.
Dig. 21,1,62Modestinus libro octavo differentiarum. Ad res donatas edictum aedilium curulium non pertinere dicendum est: etenim quid se restituturum donator repromittit, quando nullum pretium interveniat? quid ergo si res ab eo cui donata est melior facta sit, numquid quanti eius qui meliorem fecit interest donator conveniatur? quod minime dicendum est, ne eo casu liberalitatis suae donator poenam patiatur. itaque si qua res donetur, necesse non erit ea repromittere, quae in rebus venalibus aediles repromitti iubent. sane de dolo donator obligare se et debet et solet, ne quod benigne contulerit fraudis consilio revocet.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VIII. It must be held that the Edict of the Curule Ædiles has no reference to property which is donated. For why should the donor bind himself to take back anything when no price is involved in the transaction? But what if the property has been improved by the party to whom it was given? Can the donor be sued for the value of the improvements? It must be said that this is by no means the case, for the donor should not suffer a penalty on account of his liberality. Therefore, where anything is given away, it will not be necessary for those guarantees to be given which the Ædiles require where property is sold. It is clear that the donor ought to bind himself (and he usually does so) with reference to fraud, in order that he may not, with fraudulent intent, revoke what he bestowed by way of kindness.
Dig. 34,4,18Modestinus libro octavo differentiarum. Rem legatam si testator vivus alii donaverit, omnimodo exstinguitur legatum. nec distinguimus, utrum propter necessitatem rei familiaris an mera voluntate donaverit, ut, si necessitate donaverit, legatum debeatur, si nuda voluntate, non debeatur: haec enim distinctio in donantis munificentiam non cadit, cum nemo in necessitatibus liberalis exsistat.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VIII. If a testator, during his lifetime, should give away to another the property which he had bequeathed, the legacy will be absolutely extinguished, nor do we make any distinction as to whether he disposed of his property through necessity, or merely through inclination; so that if he gave it away through necessity, the legacy will still be payable, but if he disposed of it merely through inclination, it will not be payable. This distinction, however, will not apply to a party who makes a donation through liberality, for no one is liberal when impelled by necessity.
Dig. 39,5,22Modestinus libro octavo differentiarum. Eum, qui donationis causa pecuniam vel quid aliud promisit, de mora solutionis pecuniae usuras non debere, summae aequitatis est, maxime cum in bonae fidei contractibus donationis species non deputetur.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VIII. It is perfectly equitable that he who has promised a sum of money, or anything else, for the purpose of making a donation, shall not be liable for interest on account of delay in paying the money; and this is especially the case where the donation is not included in the class of bona fide contracts.