Differentiarum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 3,3,63Modestinus libro sexto differentiarum. Procurator totorum bonorum, cui res administrandae mandatae sunt, res domini neque mobiles vel immobiles neque servos sine speciali domini mandatu alienare potest, nisi fructus aut alias res, quae facile corrumpi possunt.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VI. An agent appointed for the purpose of transacting the affairs of his principal, in general cannot alienate either the real or the personal property of his principal, nor his slave, without an express mandate to that effect; with the exception of fruits, or other things which may be easily spoiled.
Dig. 5,3,46Modestinus libro sexto differentiarum. Praedonis loco intellegendus est is, qui tacitam fidem interposuerit, ut non capienti restitueret hereditatem.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VI. He should be understood to be, to all intents and purposes, a plunderer, who tacitly agrees to deliver the estate to someone who has no right to it.
Dig. 8,1,11Modestinus libro sexto differentiarum. Pro parte dominii servitutem adquiri non posse volgo traditur: et ideo si quis fundum habens viam stipuletur et partem fundi sui postea alienet, corrumpit stipulationem in eum casum deducendo, a quo stipulatio incipere non possit. pro parte quoque neque legari neque adimi via potest et, si id factum est, neque legatum neque ademptio valet.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VI. It is commonly held that a servitude cannot be acquired of a part of the ownership; and therefore, where anyone who has a tract of land stipulates for a right of way and afterwards alienates a portion of said land, he, in this instance, vitiates the stipulation by introducing matters for which, in the beginning, a stipulation could not have been made. A right of way with reference to a part cannot be either bequeathed or revoked, and if this is done, neither the bequest, nor the revocation will be valid.
Dig. 34,9,7Modestinus libro sexto differentiarum. Qui Titii testamentum falsum dixit nec optinuit, heredi eius heres exsistere prohibendus non est, quia non principaliter in Titii hereditatem succedit.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VI. Where anyone alleges that the will of Titius is forged, and does not prove his allegation, he will not be prevented from becoming the heir of the heir of Titius, because he does not succeed directly to the estate of Titius.
Dig. 37,8,5Idem libro sexto differentiarum. Si nepos exheredatus heres extiterit ei, quem avus heredem fecerat, deinde pater eius emancipatus testamento praeteritus accipiat contra tabulas patris bonorum possessionem, iungi patri suo nepos non poterit, sed ut extraneus excludetur, quia non suo nomine avo heres extiterit.
The Same, Differences, Book VI. If the disinherited grandson should become the heir of him whom the grandfather appointed his heir, and then his emancipated father, who had been passed over in the will, should obtain prætorian possession of the estate of his father contrary to the provisions of the will, the grandson could not be joined with his father, but would be excluded as a stranger, because he is not the heir of his grandfather in his own right.
Dig. 38,16,10Modestinus libro sexto differentiarum. Si ad patrem manumissorem filii intestati legitima hereditas perveniat vel non manumissori bonorum possessio competat, mater defuncti summovetur.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VI. If the property of an intestate son passes to his father, who manumitted him, as the heir-at-law, or, if not having manumitted him, he should be entitled to prætorian possession of the same, the mother of the deceased will be excluded.
Dig. 41,7,3Modestinus libro sexto differentiarum. An pars pro derelicto haberi possit, quaeri solet. et quidem si in re communi socius partem suam reliquerit, eius esse desinit, ut hoc sit in parte, quod in toto: atquin totius rei dominus efficere non potest, ut partem retineat, partem pro derelicto habeat.
Ad Dig. 41,7,3Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 169a, Note 5.Modestinus, Differences, Book VII. An inquiry is sometimes made whether a portion of anything can be considered to have been abandoned. And, indeed, if a joint-owner gives up his share of the common property, it ceases to belong to him, so that the same rule is applicable to a portion that is to all. The sole owner of property, however, cannot retain a part of the same and abandon the remainder.
Dig. 44,3,3Modestinus libro sexto differentiarum. Longae possessionis praescriptionem tam in praediis quam in mancipiis locum habere manifestum est.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VI. It is clear that prescription based upon long possession applies to land as well as to slaves.
Dig. 48,2,17Modestinus libro sexto differentiarum. Si servum dominus in crimine capitali defendat, sistendum satisdato promittere iubetur.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VI. When a master defends his slave for a capital offence, he is ordered to give security for his appearance in court.
Dig. 49,1,16Modestinus libro sexto differentiarum. Constitutiones, quae de recipiendis nec non appellationibus loquuntur, ut nihil novi fiat, locum non habent in eorum persona, quos damnatos statim puniri publice interest: ut sunt insignes latrones vel seditionum concitatores vel duces factionum.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VI. The constitutions which discuss the question whether appeals should be received or not, so that nothing new may be introduced against them, do not apply to those whom it is for the interest of the public to be punished without delay; as, for instance, notorious robbers, or persons who instigate sedition, or the leaders of factions.
Dig. 50,17,194Modestinus libro sexto differentiarum. Qui per successionem quamvis longissimam defuncto heredes constiterunt, non minus heredes intelleguntur, quam qui principaliter heredes existunt.
Modestinus, Differences, Book VI. Those who become heirs through a distant degree of relationship to the deceased are considered to be none the less heirs than if they had been of the first degree.