Differentiarum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 35,1,51Modestinus libro quinto differentiarum. Sub diversis condicionibus disiunctim positis liber esse iussus eam condicionem eligere potest, quae sibi levior esse videbitur: legato vero eo modo relicto legatarium novissimae condicioni parere oportet. 1Heredi decem dare iussus et liber esse et heredis heredi dando perveniet ad libertatem: quod non similiter in legatarii persona custodiri Publicius scribit.
Modestinus, Differences, Book V. Where a slave is ordered to be free under different conditions separately imposed, he can select the condition which seems to him to be the easiest complied with. Where, however, a legacy is bequeathed in this manner, the legatee must comply with the last condition imposed. 1A slave was directed to pay ten aurei to the heir and become free, and, by paying the amount to the heir of the heir, he can obtain his freedom. Publicius says that, under similar circumstances, this rule must not be observed with reference to a legatee.
Dig. 50,4,10Modestinus libro quinto differentiarum. Honorem sustinenti munus imponi non potest: munus sustinenti honor deferri potest.
Modestinus, Differences, Book V. An additional employment cannot be imposed upon a magistrate; but the office of magistrate can be conferred upon one who already has another public employment.