Differentiarum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 16,3,23Modestinus libro secundo differentiarum. Actione depositi conventus servo constituto cibariorum nomine apud eundem iudicem utiliter experitur.
Modestinus, Differences, Book II. Where anyone is sued in an action on deposit, he can properly institute proceedings before the same judge on account of food which has been furnished a slave.
Dig. 42,1,20Modestinus libro secundo differentiarum. Non tantum dotis nomine maritus in quantum facere possit condemnatur, sed ex aliis quoque contractibus ab uxore iudicio conventus in quantum facere potest, condemnandus est ex divi Pii constitutione. quod et in persona mulieris aequa lance servari aequitatis suggerit ratio.
Modestinus, Differences, Book II. A husband can have judgment rendered against him in the case of a dowry, to the amount that he is able to pay; but, when he is sued by his wife on account of some other contract, by a Constitution of the Divine Pius he can also have judgment rendered against him to the extent of his means. Equity also suggests that this same rule should apply where a wife is sued by her husband.