Differentiarum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 1,7,40Modestinus libro primo differentiarum. Adrogato patre familias liberi, qui in eius erant potestate, nepotes apud adrogatorem efficiuntur simulque cum suo patre in eius reccidunt potestatem. quod non similiter in adoptionem contingit: nam nepotes ex eo in avi naturalis retinentur potestate. 1Non tantum cum quis adoptat, sed et cum adrogat, maior esse debet eo, quem sibi per adrogationem vel per adoptionem filium facit, et utique plenae pubertatis: id est decem et octo annis eum praecedere debet. 2Spado adrogando suum heredem sibi adsciscere potest nec ei corporale vitium impedimento est.
Modestinus, Differences, Book I. By the arrogation of the father of a family the children who are under his control become the grandchildren of the arrogator, and at the same time with their father are placed under his authority, which does not also take place in case of adoption; for then the grandchildren remain under the control of their natural grandfather. 1He who adopts, and also he who arrogates, must not only be older than the person whom he makes his son either through arrogation or adoption, but he must be so by the term of complete puberty, that is to say, he must be further advanced in age by eighteen years. 2A person who is impotent can obtain a proper heir for himself by arrogation, nor is his corporeal weakness an obstacle to his doing so.
Dig. 13,7,38Modestinus libro primo differentiarum. Pupillo capienti pignus propter metum pigneraticiae actionis necessaria est tutoris auctoritas.
Modestinus, Differences, Book I. The authority of a guardian is necessary to a ward who receives property in pledge, on account of the danger of an action on pledge.
Dig. 28,6,3Modestinus libro primo differentiarum. Cum filio impuberi pater ita substituerit: ‘quisquis mihi heres erit, idem filio impuberi heres esto’, placuit ad hanc substitutionem scriptos tantummodo ad hereditatem admitti: itaque dominus, cui per servum hereditatis portio quaesita sit, ex substitutione impuberi heres effici non poterit, si servus ab eius exierit potestate.
Modestinus, Differences, Book I. Where a father made a substitution for his son who had not yet arrived at puberty, as follows: “Whoever becomes my heir, let him also be the heir of my son who has not yet arrived at the age of puberty”; it was decided that only such heirs as had been mentioned with reference to this substitution in the will should be admitted to share in the estate. Hence a master who, by means of his slave, had acquired a portion of the estate, could not become the heir by virtue of his substitution for a child who had not attained the age of puberty, if the slave was no longer under his control.
Dig. 40,5,11Modestinus libro primo differentiarum. Ex causa fideicommissi servo libertatem dare sine tutoris auctoritate pupillus non potest.
Modestinus, Differences, Book I. A ward cannot grant freedom to a slave by virtue of a trust without the authority of his guardian.
Dig. 48,19,22Modestinus libro primo differentiarum. In metallum damnati si valetudine aut aetatis infirmitate inutiles operi faciundo deprehendantur, ex rescripto divi Pii a praeside dimitti poterunt, qui aestimabit de his dimittendis, si modo vel cognatos vel adfines habeant et non minus decem annis poenae suae functi fuerint.
Modestinus, Differences, Book I. Where persons are sentenced to the mines, and, through illness or the infirmities of age, they become incapable of performing labor, according to a Rescript of the Divine Pius, they can be discharged by the Governor, who shall decide whether they shall be released; provided they have relatives or connections, and have served not less than ten years of their sentence.