De re militari libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 49,16,6Idem libro tertio de re militari. Omne delictum est militis, quod aliter, quam disciplina communis exigit, committitur: veluti segnitiae crimen vel contumaciae vel desidiae. 1Qui manus intulit praeposito, capite puniendus est. augetur autem petulantiae crimen dignitate praepositi. 2Contumacia omnis adversus ducem vel praesidem militis capite punienda est. 3Qui in acie prior fugam fecit, spectantibus militibus propter exemplum capite puniendus est. 4Exploratores, qui secreta nuntiaverunt hostibus, proditores sunt et capitis poenas luunt. 5Sed et caligatus, qui metu hostium languorem simulavit, in pari causa eiusaaDie Großausgabe liest eis statt eius. est. 6Si quis commilitonem vulneravit, si quidem lapide, militia reicitur, si gladio, capital admittit. 7Qui se vulneravit vel alias mortem sibi conscivit, imperator Hadrianus rescripsit, ut modus eius rei statutus sit, ut, si impatientia doloris aut taedio vitae aut morbo aut furore aut pudore mori maluit, non animadvertatur in eum, sed ignominia mittatur, si nihil tale praetendat, capite puniatur. per vinum aut lasciviam lapsis capitalis poena remittenda est et militiae mutatio irroganda. 8Qui praepositum suum non protexit, cum posset, in pari causa factori habendus est: si resistere non potuit, parcendum ei. 9Sed et in eos, qui praefectum centuriae a latronibus circumventum deseruerunt, animadverti placuit.
The Same, On Military Affairs, Book V. A military crime is every offence committed against what is demanded by ordinary discipline, as, for instance, those of laziness, insubordination, and cowardice. 1Anyone who raises his hand against his commander shall be punished with death; and the crime of his audacity is increased in gravity by the rank of his superior officer. 2All disobedience of a general or the Governor of a province should be punished with death. 3He who was the first to take to flight in battle must be put to death in the presence of the soldiers, by way of example. 4Spies who have betrayed any secrets to the enemy are traitors, and should suffer the penalty of death. 5A private soldier is in the same condition, who pretends to be ill, through fear of the enemy. 6If anyone should wound a fellow-soldier, and this is done by means of a stone, he shall be expelled from the army; if it was done with a sword, he commits a capital crime. 7The Emperor Hadrian stated in a Rescript that when a soldier has wounded himself in an attempt at suicide, an investigation should be made of the case, and he should not be punished, but dishonorably discharged, if he had preferred to die because he was unable to bear pain, or was influenced by weariness of life, or by disease, insanity, or the fear of dishonor; and if he did not allege any of these things as an excuse, that he should be punished with death. Those who commit such an act as the result of indulgence in wine or debauchery should not be put to death, but should be sentenced to change their corps. 8Anyone who did not defend his superior in rank when he could have done so is in the same condition as if he had attacked him; but if he was unable to resist, he should be pardoned. 9It has been decided that those should be punished who abandoned their centurion when he was attacked by robbers.
Dig. 49,18,1Arrius Menander libro tertio de re militari. Veteranorum privilegium inter cetera etiam in delictis habet praerogativam, ut separentur a ceteris in poenis. nec ad bestias itaque veteranus datur nec fustibus caeditur.
Arrius Menander, On Military Affairs, Book III. Veterans, among other privileges, have one relating to their offences, namely, that they are distinguished from other persons with reference to the penalties imposed upon them; therefore a veteran is neither thrown to wild beasts, nor beaten with rods.