De re militari libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 49,16,5Idem libro secundo de re militari. Non omnes desertores similiter puniendi sunt, sed habetur et ordinis stipendiorum ratio, gradus militiae vel loci, muneris deserti et anteactae vitae: sed et numerus, si solus vel cum altero vel cum pluribus deseruit, aliudve quid crimen desertioni adiunxerit: item temporis, quo in desertione fuerit: et eorum, quae postea gesta fuerint. sed et si fuerit ultro reversus, non cum necessitudine, non erit eiusdem sortis. 1Qui in pace deseruit, eques gradu pellendus est, pedes militiam mutat. in bello idem admissum capite puniendum est. 2Qui desertioni aliud crimen adiungit, gravius puniendus est: et si furtum factum sit, veluti alia desertio habebitur: ut si plagium factum vel adgressura abigeatus vel quid simile accesserit. 3Desertor si in urbe inveniatur, capite puniri solet: alibi adprehensus ex prima desertione restitui potest, iterum deserendo capite puniendus est. 4Qui in desertione fuit, si se optulerit, ex indulgentia imperatoris nostri in insulam deportatus est. 5Qui captus, cum poterat redire, non rediit, pro transfuga habetur. item eum, qui in praesidio captus est, in eadem condicione esse certum est: si tamen ex improviso, dum iter facit aut epistulam fert, capiatur quis, veniam meretur. 6A barbaris remissos milites ita restitui oportere Hadrianus rescripsit, si probabunt se captos evasisse, non transfugisse. sed hoc licet liquido constare non possit, argumentis tamen cognoscendum est. et si bonus miles antea aestimatus fuit, prope est, ut adfirmationi eius credatur: si remansor aut neglegens suorum aut segnis aut extra contubernium agens, non credetur ei. 7Si post multum temporis redit qui ab hostibus captus est et captum eum, non transfugisse constiterit: ut veteranus erit restituendus et praemia et emeritum capit. 8Qui transfugit et postea multos latrones adprehendit et transfugas demonstravit, posse ei parci divus Hadrianus rescripsit: ei tamen pollicenti ea nihil permitti oportere.
The Same, On Military Affairs, Book II. All deserters should not be punished in the same way, but their rank, the amount of their pay, the place where they deserted, and their conduct previous to that time, should all be taken into account. The number of the offenders should also be considered, whether there was but one, or whether one deserted with another, or with several; or if he added some crime to desertion. The time during which the soldier was a deserter, and whatever occurred afterwards, should also be ascertained. If, however, he returned of his own accord, and without being compelled to do so, his fate will be different. 1If a cavalry soldier deserts in time of peace, he shall be degraded from his rank, and a foot soldier must change the corps in which he serves. An offence of this kind committed in time of war should be punished with death. 2He who adds another crime to desertion must be punished more severely; and if he has committed theft, or kidnapping, or has attacked anyone, or has driven away cattle, or done anything else of this kind, it will be just as if he had been guilty of a second desertion. 3When a deserter is found in a city, it is usual for him to be punished with death; if he is caught elsewhere, he can be reinstated after a first desertion, but if he deserts a second time, he must be punished capitally. 4Anyone who has deserted, and presents himself, will be deported to an island by the indulgence of Our Emperor. 5He who has been captured and does not return when he is able to do so is considered a deserter. Likewise, it is certain that one who has been captured in one of our fortresses is in the same condition. Still, if anyone is captured unexpectedly while on a journey, or while carrying a letter, he deserves pardon. 6Hadrian stated in a Rescript that soldiers who had been returned by barbarians should be reinstated, where it was proved that after having been captured they had escaped, and had not fled to the enemy as deserters. But although this cannot positively be established, still it can be ascertained by sufficient evidence, and if the person in question had previously been considered a good soldier, his statements should almost absolutely be credited; but if he was a vagabond, or negligent in the performance of his duties, or lazy, or often left his tent, he should not be believed. 7When a soldier who had been captured by the enemy returns after a long time, and it is established that he was not a deserter, he should be reinstated as a veteran, and will be entitled to the rewards and privileges of one. 8The Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript that a soldier who deserted and afterwards had seized several robbers, and detected other deserters, might be spared, but nothing should be promised to one who agreed to do anything of this kind.