Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 49,14,15Iunius Mauricianus libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Senatus censuit, si delator abolitionem petat, quod errasse se dicat, ut idem iudex cognoscat, an iusta causa abolitionis sit, et si errasse videbitur, det inprudentiae veniam, si autem calumniae, hoc ipsum iudicet eaque causa accusatori perinde cedat, ac si causam egisset et prodidisset. 1Si quis delatorem subiecerit, tantum in aerarium deferat, quantum praemii nomine delator consecuturus fuisset, si vicisset. 2Divus Hadrianus rescripsit eandem poenam delatorem ferre debere, si citatus ad edictum non responderit, qua teneretur, si causam non probasset. 3Senatus Hadriani temporibus censuit, cum quis se ad aerarium detulerit, quod capere non potuerit, ut totum in aerarium colligatur et ex eo pars dimidia sibi secundum beneficium divi Traiani restituatur. 4Quod si tribus edictis a praefecto aerario adesse delator iussus venire noluerit, secundum possessorem sit pronuntiandum: sed ab eo, qui ita adesse iussus respondente possessore non adfuerit, tantum exigendum, quantum apud aerarium ex ea causa quam detulerit remaneret, si professionem eam implesset. 5Senatus censuit, ut perinde rationes ad aerarium deferat is, a quo tota hereditas fisco evicta est vel universa legata, atque is deferre deberet, a quo pars hereditatis vel legati evicta sit. 6Si quis arguetur falsas rationes detulisse, de eo praefectus aerarii cognoscat, quantam fraudem invenerit, ut tantam pecuniam in aerario iubeat inferri.
Junius Mauricianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. The Senate decreed that when an informer asks that his denunciation be withdrawn, because he alleges that he was mistaken, the judge must investigate, and ascertain whether there is any good reason for the withdrawal of the notice, and if the informer appears to have been mistaken, he should pardon his imprudence; but if he has been guilty of malice, he must so decide, and the condition of the accuser will be the same as if he had made the denunciation, and then been guilty of treachery. 1Where anyone suborns an informer, he must pay as much into the Treasury as the informer would have obtained, by way of reward, if he had proved his allegations. 2The Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript that the informer should suffer the same penalty, if, after having been cited, he does not answer the Edict, as he would have been liable to if he had not proved his case. 3The Senate, in the time of Hadrian, decreed that when anyone denounced himself to the Treasury, for the reason that he could not receive a bequest, the entire property should be surrendered to the Treasury, and half of it should be given to the informer, in accordance with the privilege of the Divine Trajan. 4When an informer is ordered by three Edicts, issued by the Prefect of the Treasury, to be present, and is unwilling to appear, judgment shall be rendered in favor of the possessor, but there shall be collected from him who was ordered to be present and did not do so (the possessor having appeared to answer), as much as would have been paid into the Treasury in the matter in which he gave information, if he had proved his allegations. 5The Senate decreed that he who is evicted of an entire estate, or of all legacies, by the Treasury, must deliver to it all his accounts, just as he is obliged to do who has been evicted of a part of an estate, or a legacy. 6Where anyone is proved to have rendered false accounts, the Prefect of the Treasury shall make an investigation, and shall order to be paid into the Treasury a sum of money equal to that which he finds to have been acquired by fraud.