Regularum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 1,7,31Marcianus libro quinto regularum. Non potest filius, qui est in potestate patris, ullo modo compellere eum, ne sit in potestate, sive naturalis sive adoptivus.
Dig. 1,7,33Marcianus libro quinto regularum. Et si pubes factus non expedire sibi in potestatem eius redigi probaverit, aequum esse emancipari eum a patre adoptivo atque ita pristinum ius reciperare.
Marcianus, Rules, Book V. And where the adopted son, having arrived at puberty, proves that it is not advantageous to himself to be brought under the paternal control of the other, it is just that he should be emancipated by his adoptive father, and in this way be reinstated in his former condition.
Dig. 8,5,19Marcianus libro quinto regularum. Si de communi servitute quis bene quidem deberi intendit, sed aliquo modo litem perdidit culpa sua, non est aequum hoc ceteris damno esse: sed si per collusionem cessit lite adversario, ceteris dandam esse actionem de dolo Celsus scripsit, idque ait Sabino placuisse.
Marcianus, Rules, Book V. Where anyone makes proper allegations in a suit with reference to a servitude which he enjoys in common with others, and loses the case in some way through his own negligence, it is not just that this should cause any damage to the other joint-owners; but if, through collusion, he abandons the suit to his adversary, an action on the ground of fraud should be granted to the others; as Celsus says, and he adds that this was also held by Sabinus.
Dig. 11,5,3Marcianus libro quinto regularum. in quibus rebus ex lege Titia et Publicia et Cornelia etiam sponsionem facere licet: sed ex aliis, ubi pro virtute certamen non fit, non licet.
Dig. 15,1,40Marcianus libro quinto regularum. Peculium nascitur crescit decrescit moritur, et ideo eleganter Papirius Fronto dicebat peculium simile esse homini. 1Quomodo autem peculium nascitur, quaesitum est. et ita veteres distinguunt, si id adquisiit servus quod dominus necesse non habet praestare, id esse peculium, si vero tunicas aut aliquid simile quod ei dominus necesse habet praestare, non esse peculium. ita igitur nascitur peculium: crescit, cum auctum fuerit: decrescit, cum servi vicarii moriuntur, res intercidunt: moritur, cum ademptum sit.
Marcianus, Rules, Book V. The peculium is created, grows, decreases, and dies, and therefore Papirius Fronto very properly says that the peculium resembles a man. 1The question arose how a peculium is created. The ancients made a distinction in this respect, for if the slave has acquired what the master was not bound to furnish, this is peculium, but if he has acquired tunics or anything of this kind with which the master is bound to provide him, it is not peculium. Therefore peculium is created in this way, it grows when it is increased, it decreases when sub-slaves cease to exist or property is destroyed, it dies when it is taken away.
Dig. 26,5,10Idem libro quinto regularum. Tutor si petitus fuerit habenti, sed absente eo quasi non habenti datus sit, datio nulla est: nam et quoquo modo in petitione tutoris si erratum fuerit in facti causa, maxime post constitutionem divorum fratrum non valet tutoris datio.
The Same, Rules, Book V. When a petition is filed for the appointment of a guardian for a minor who has one that is absent, the appointment, made as if he did not have any, is void. For whenever, through ignorance of the facts, such a petition is filed for the appointment of a guardian, the appointment will not be valid, especially since the promulgation of a Constitution of the Divine Brothers relative to this subject.
Dig. 27,1,27Marcianus libro quinto regularum. Legatarius, qui rogatus est alii omne legatum restituere, si maluit se excusare a tutela, legatum propter fideicommissarium consequitur: cui similis est, qui de falso egit nec optinuit.
Marcianus, Rules, Book V. Where a legatee is charged to surrender his entire legacy to another, and desires to be released from the responsibility of guardianship, he will obtain his legacy for the purpose of delivering it to the beneficiary; this case being similar to that of an heir who brings an action claiming that the will is void, and loses his case.
Dig. 34,9,3Idem libro quinto regularum. Indignum esse divus Pius illum decrevit, ut et Marcellus libro duodecimo digestorum refert, qui manifestissime comprobatus est id egisse, ut per neglegentiam et culpam suam mulier, a qua heres institutus erat, moreretur.
Dig. 37,4,15Marcianus libro quinto regularum. Si praeteritus filius emancipatus exceptionem doli mali agenti heredi patris opposuerit de eo quod patri debuit, non posse eum contra tabulas bonorum possessionem petere existimo: nam hoc ipso quasi repudiavit bonorum possessionem. quod ita intellegendum est, si heredem petentem debitum noluerit filius repellere illa exceptione ‘si non contra tabulas bonorum possessio filio dari potest’, sed magis doli exceptione usus est.
Marciamis, Rules, Book V. Where an emancipated son is passed over in a will, I do not think that he can claim prætorian possession of the estate in opposition to the terms of the will, if the appointed heir should interpose an exception on the ground of fraud, based on a debt which he owed his father; for, in this instance, he has, as it were, abandoned the right to claim prætorian possession of the estate. This, however, must be understood to be applicable where the son was not willing to bar the heir claiming the debt, by means of the exception, “If possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will cannot be granted to the son,” but prefers to avail himself of an exception on the ground of bad faith.
Dig. 39,6,27Idem libro quinto regularum. Ubi ita donatur mortis causa, ut nullo casu revocetur, causa donandi magis est quam mortis causa donatio: et ideo perinde haberi debet atque alia quaevis inter vivos donatio. ideoque inter viros et uxores non valet et ideo nec Falcidia locum habet quasi in mortis causa donatione.
The Same, Rules, Book V. Where a donation mortis causa is made in such a way that it cannot be revoked under any circumstances, it is rather a donation inter vivos than one mortis causa. Hence it should be considered as any other donation inter vivos, and will be void as between husband and wife; and the Falcidian Law will not apply, as it does in the case of donations mortis causa.
Dig. 40,8,5Marcianus libro quinto regularum. Qui ob necem detectam domini praemium libertatis consequitur, fit orcinus libertus.
Dig. 42,5,34Marcianus libro quinto regularum. Quod quis navis fabricandae vel emendae vel armandae vel instruendae causa vel quoquo modo crediderit vel ob navem venditam petat, habet privilegium post fiscum.
Dig. 44,3,9Marcianus libro quinto regularum. Rescriptis quibusdam divi magni Antonini cavetur, ut in rebus mobilibus locus sit praescriptioni diutinae possessionis.
Dig. 48,4,5Marcianus libro quinto regularum. Non contrahit crimen maiestatis, qui statuas Caesaris vetustate corruptas reficit. 1Nec qui lapide iactato incerto fortuito statuam attigerit, crimen maiestatis commisit: et ita Severus et Antoninus Iulio Cassiano rescripserunt. 2Idem Pontio rescripsit non videri contra maiestatem fieri ob imagines Caesaris nondum consecratas venditas.
Marcianus, Rules, Book V. He does not commit the crime of lese majesty, who repairs the statues of the Emperor which have become damaged by age. 1Nor does he commit the crime of lese majesty who, having thrown a stone without aiming at anything, accidentally strikes a statue of the Emperor; and this was stated by Severus and Antoninus in a Rescript addressed to Julius Cassianus. 2The same Emperor stated in a rescript to Pontius that to sell the statues of the Emperor which had not yet been consecrated was not lese majesty.
Dig. 48,13,6Idem libro quinto regularum. Divi Severus et Antoninus Cassio festo rescripserunt, res privatorum si in aedem sacram depositae subreptae fuerint, furti actionem, non sacrilegii esse.