Regularum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 30,119Marcianus libro primo regularum. Si servus vetitus est a testatore rationes reddere, non hoc consequitur, ut ne quod apud eum sit reddat et lucri faciat, sed ne scrupulosa inquisitio fiat, hoc est ut neglegentiae ratio non habeatur, sed tantum fraudium. ideo et manumisso non videtur peculium legari per hoc, quod vetitus est rationes reddere.
Marcianus, Rules, Book I. Where a slave is forbidden by the testator to render an account, it does not follow that, by not being obliged to do so, he can obtain for his own benefit what may be in his hands; but, in order to avoid a too rigid examination being made, that is to say, that the slave may not be held accountable for negligence, but only for fraud. Therefore, his peculium is not considered to have been bequeathed to a manumitted slave merely for the reason that he is prohibited from rendering an account.
Dig. 40,4,26Marcianus libro primo regularum. Divus Pius et divi fratres favorabiliter rescripserunt, cum servo cum libertate substituto legatum erat, si heres non esset, non adscripta libertate, perinde haberi, atque si adscripta esset et libertas.
Marcianus, Rules, Book IV. The Divine Pius and the Divine Brothers stated beneficently in a Rescript that where a slave, who was appointed a substitute, had been bequeathed a legacy, together with his freedom, in case he should not be an heir, but the bequest of his freedom was not repeated, the result would be the same as if this had been done.
Dig. 47,11,4Marcianus libro primo regularum. Divus Severus et Antoninus rescripserunt eam, quae data opera abegit, a praeside in temporale exilium dandam: indignum enim videri potest impune eam maritum liberis fraudasse.
Dig. 48,22,5Idem libro primo regularum. Exilium triplex est: aut certorum locorum interdictio, aut lata fuga, ut omnium locorum interdicatur praeter certum locum, aut insulae vinculum, id est relegatio in insulam.