Institutionum libri
Ex libro VII
Dig. 7,1,41Idem libro septimo institutionum. Statuae et imaginis usum fructum posse relinqui magis est, quia et ipsae habent aliquam utilitatem, si quo loco oportuno ponantur. 1Licet praedia quaedam talia sint, ut magis in ea impendamus, quam de illis adquiramus, tamen usus fructus eorum relinqui potest.
The Same, Institutes, Book VII. It is still more evident that the usufruct of a statue or a picture can be bequeathed, because articles of this kind have a certain utility if they are deposited in a proper place. 1Although there are certain estates of such a description that we expend more upon them than we receive from them, nevertheless, the usufruct in them can be bequeathed.
Dig. 7,5,12Marcianus libro septimo institutionum. Cum pecunia erat relicta Titio ita, ut post mortem legatarii ad Maevium rediret, quamquam adscriptum sit, ut usum eius Titius haberet, proprietatem tamen ei legatam et usus mentionem factam, quia erat restituenda ab eo pecunia post mortem eius, divi Severus et Antoninus rescripserunt.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book VII. Where money was left to Titius in such a way that after the death of the legatee it was to go to Mævius; the Divine Severus and Antoninus stated in a Rescript that, although it had been added that Titius was to have the use of the money, still, the property of the same was bequeathed to him, and that mention was made of the use because the money was to be paid over after his death.
Dig. 28,7,18Marcianus libro septimo institutionum. Cum servus pure liber et heres scriptus sub condicione sit et, si heres non exstiterit, legatum acceperit, in legato repetitam videri condicionem divus Pius rescripsit. 1Hac ratione et Papinianus scribit, cum avia nepotem sub condicione emancipationis pro parte heredem instituit et postea codicillis scriptis hoc amplius ei legavit quam quod heredem eum instituit, repetitam videri condicionem emancipationis etiam in legato, quamvis in legato nullam, ut in hereditate, substitutionem fecisset.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book VII. Where a slave was granted his freedom absolutely, and an heir was appointed under a condition, and it was provided that if the latter should not be the heir he would be entitled to a legacy, the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that the conditions seemed to have been repeated in the legacy. 1With a view to this, Papinianus stated that where a grandmother appointed her grandson heir to a portion of her estate, under the condition that he should be emancipated, and afterwards, by a codicil, bequeathed to him whatever she had not left him as an heir, the condition of the emancipation was also held to have been repeated in the legacy; although in bequeathing the legacy, she made no substitution, any more than she did in leaving him a share of her estate.
Dig. 29,7,6Marcianus libro septimo institutionum. Divi Severus et Antoninus rescripserunt nihil egisse matrem, quae, cum pure liberos suos heredes instituerit, condicionem emancipationis codicillis adiecit, quia neque condicionem heredi instituto codicillis adicere neque substituere directo potest. 1Codicillos et plures quis facere potest et ipsius manu neque scribi neque signari necesse est. 2Licet in confirmatione codicillorum pater familias adiecerit, ut non alias valere velit quam sua manu signatos et subscriptos, tamen valent facti ab eo codicilli, licet neque ab eo signati neque manu eius scripti fuerint: nam ea quae postea geruntur prioribus derogant. 3Codicillos is demum facere potest, qui et testamentum facere potest. 4Si post testamentum factum mortuo codicillis quis legaverit licet testamento confirmatis, pro non scripto legatum fit.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book VII. The Divine Severus and Antoninus stated in a Rescript, where a mother appointed her children her heirs absolutely, but, in a codicil, added a condition of emancipation, that her act was void; because she could not impose a condition upon an heir who had been appointed, or directly make a substitution under a codicil. 1Anyone can make several codicils, and it is not necessary for him to write or seal them with his own hand. 2Although, in the confirmation of a codicil, the head of a household may have added that it was not his intention that it should be valid, unless it was sealed and signed with his own hand; still, the codicil made by him will be valid, even if it had neither been signed nor sealed with his own hand, for subsequent dispositions annul those which precede them. 3He only can make a codicil who is competent to make a will. 4If anyone, by a codicil, should bequeath a legacy to a person who died after he had made his will, the bequest will be considered as not having been made, even though the codicil may have been confirmed by the will.
Dig. 30,113Idem libro septimo institutionum. Servo alieno ita legari potest ‘quoad serviat’ vel ‘si servus’ forte ‘Titii erit’, ut et Marcellus ait. 1Si quis post tempus libertatem servo suo dederit et interea rogaverit heredem, donec ad libertatem perveniat, cibaria ei dare, testatoris voluntati obtemperandum esse divi Severus et Antoninus rescripserunt. 2Si quis a primo herede centum legaverit alicui et eidem a secundo ducenta posteaque generaliter repetierit legata, trecenta videtur repetisse. 3Sed si pater impuberi filio substituerit et a substituto legata repetierit: si pupillus heres exstiterit et intra pubertatem decesserit, repetitio non valet, quia voluntas defuncti haec est, ut semel debeantur. 4Si ab impubere legatum fuerit sub condicione ‘si ad pubertatem pervenerit’ et a substituto repetitum fuerit, legatum debetur et a substituto nec videtur repetita condicio, quae inutile legatum facit. 5Ineptas voluntates defunctorum circa sepulturam (veluti vestes aut si qua alia supervacua ut in funus impendantur) non valere Papinianus libro tertio responsorum scribit.
The Same, Institutes, Book VII. A bequest can be made to the slave of another as follows, “As long as he remains a slave,” or, “If he should become the slave of Titius,” which was also held by Marcellus. 1If anyone should grant freedom to his slave after the lapse of a certain period, and, in the meantime, should charge his heir to furnish him with subsistence until he obtained his freedom; the Divine Severus and Antoninus stated in a Rescript that the wish of the testator must be complied with. 2If anyone should charge his heir with the payment of a legacy of a hundred aurei to someone, and charge a substitute with two hundred aurei to be paid to the same person, and afterwards should again mention the bequests in general terms, he is held to have referred to the said three hundred aurei. 3If, however, a father should make a pupillary substitution for his son under the age of puberty, and should refer to the legacy to be discharged by the substitute, and the minor becomes his heir, and dies before reaching puberty, the repetition of the legacy will not be valid, because it was the intention of the deceased that it should be due but once. 4Where a child under the age of puberty is charged with a legacy under the condition, “If he should arrive at puberty,” and the legacy is repeated in a substitution, it will also be due from the substitute; for the condition is not considered to be repeated which would render the legacy void. 5Foolish wishes of deceased persons relative to their interment (for instance, where they desire unnecesary expenses to be incurred for clothing, or other things to be used at their funerals), are not valid; as Papinianus states in the Third Book of Opinions.
Dig. 32,65Marcianus libro septimo institutionum. Legatis servis exceptis negotiatoribus Labeo scripsit eos legato exceptos videri, qui praepositi essent negotii exercendi causa, veluti qui ad emendum locandum conducendum praepositi essent: cubicularios autem vel obsonatores vel eos, qui piscatoribus praepositi sunt, non videri negotiationis appellatione contineri: et puto veram esse Labeonis sententiam. 1Si ex officio quis ad artificium transierit, quidam recte putant legatum exstingui, quia officium artificio mutatur: non idem e contrario cum lecticarius cocus postea factus est. 2Si unus servus plura artificia sciat et alii coci legati fuerunt, alii textores, alii lecticarii, ei cedere servum dicendum est, cui legati sunt in quo artificio plerumque versabatur. 3Ornatricibus legatis Celsus scribsit eas, quae duos tantum menses apud magistrum fuerunt, legato non cedere, alii et has cedere, ne necesse sit nullam cedere, cum omnes adhuc discere possint et omne artificium incrementum recipit: quod magis optinere debet, quia humanae naturae congruum est. 4Pecoribus legatis Cassius scripsit quadrupedes contineri, quae gregatim pascuntur. et sues autem pecorum appellatione continentur, quia et hi gregatim pascuntur: sic denique et Homerus in Odyssia ait, δήεις τόν γε σύεσσι παρήμενον· αἳ δὲ νέμονται πὰρ Κόρακος πέτρῃ ἐπί τε κρήνῃ Ἀρεθούσῃ. 5Iumentis legatis boves non continentur nec contra. 6Equis autem legatis et equae continentur. 7Ovibus legatis agni non continentur: quamdiu autem agnorum loco sunt, ex usu cuiusque loci sumendum est: nam in quibusdam locis ovium numero esse videntur, cum ad tonsuram venerint.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book VII. Where slaves are bequeathed with the exception of those who transact business, Labeo says that those are considered to be excepted from the legacy who have been appointed for the purpose of attending to some business; for instance, where they have been given authority to purchase, rent, or lease property, but those who take care of the rooms of a house, and walls, and fishermen, are not held as included under the head of slaves who transact business. I think that this opinion of Labeo is correct. 1Where a slave passes from some employment to a trade, certain authorities very properly think that the legacy is extinguished, for the reason that the employment was exchanged for a trade. On the other hand, the same rule does not apply where a litter-bearer afterwards becomes a cook. 2Where a slave understands several trades, and cooks are bequeathed to one legatee, weavers to another, and litter-bearers to a third, the slave above mentioned will be considered to belong to the person to whom other slaves of the trade in which the said slave was most frequently employed, are bequeathed. 3Where female slaves, assigned to dress their mistress’ hair, are bequeathed, Celsus says that those who have only been employed in this service for two months are not included in the legacy; others, however, think that they are, as the result might be that none of such slaves would be included, for all can still learn something, and every occupation is capable of improvement. This opinion should rather prevail because it is conformable to human nature. 4Where flocks are bequeathed, Cassius says that all quadrupeds which are accustomed to feed together are included. Hogs are also included in this appellation, because they feed together. Hence, Homer says in the Odyssey: “You will find him seated by his swine, which feed Near the rock of Corax, and the Spring of Arethusa.” 5Where beasts of burden are bequeathed, oxen are not included, and vice versa. 6Where horses are bequeathed, mares are included. 7Where sheep are bequeathed, lambs are not included, but it must be ascertained from the custom of the neighborhood for how long lambs are to be designated by this term, as in certain localities they are considered to be sheep when they are ready to be sheared.
Dig. 32,67Marcianus libro septimo institutionum. Qui saltum aestivum legavit et hoc amplius etiam eas res legaverit, quae ibi esse solent, non videtur de illis pecoribus sensisse, quae hieme in hibernis aut aestate in aestivis esse solent, sed de illis sensit, quae perpetuo ibi sunt.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book VII. Where a testator devises his woodland pasture and in addition bequeaths everything which is ordinarily there, he is not understood to have intended to bequeath the flocks which during the winter are kept in winter quarters, and during the summer are left in the pastures, but only to have meant those which are always there.
Dig. 33,7,17Marcianus libro septimo institutionum. Item pictoris instrumento legato cerae colores similiaque horum legato cedunt, item peniculi et cauteria et conchae. 1Instrumento piscatorio contineri Aristo ait naucellas, quae piscium capiendorum causa comparatae sunt: sed et piscatores contineri verius est. 2Instrumento balneatorio legato dictum est balneatorem sic instrumento contineri balneario, quomodo instrumento fundi saltuarium et topiarios, et instrumento cauponio institorem, cum balneae sine balneatoribus usum suum praebere non possint.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book VII. When the studio of a painter is bequeathed with its equipment, the wax, the colors, and everything of this kind is included in the legacy, as well as the brushes, the implements for finishing encaustic tiles, and the flasks for oil. 1When the equipment of a fisherman is bequeathed, Aristo says that it includes the boats used for catching fish. The better opinion is that it also includes the fishermen themselves. 2Where the utensils of a bath are bequeathed, it has been established that the slave in charge of the bath is included; just as where a wood is devised, the forester, and where a wineshop is devised, the slave in charge of the same, are included; for baths cannot be used without the bathers.
Dig. 33,8,20Marcianus libro septimo institutionum. nihilque interest, ante legatus, deinde inutiliter manumissus sit an contra.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book VII. In a case of this kind, it makes no difference whether the bequest of the peculium was made first, and the illegal manumission was granted afterwards; or vice versa.
Dig. 35,2,89Marcianus libro septimo institutionum. Divi Severus et Antoninus rescribserunt pecuniam relictam ad alimenta puerorum Falcidiae subiectam esse et ut idoneis nominibus collocetur pecunia, ad curam suam revocaturum praesidem provinciae. 1Divi Severus et Antoninus generaliter rescribserunt Bononio Maximo usuras praestaturum eum, qui frustrationis causa beneficium legis Falcidiae imploravit.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book VII. The Divine Severus and Antoninus stated in a Rescript that money left for the support of children was subject to the operation of the Falcidian Law, and that it was the duty of the Governor of the Province to see that it was lent to persons who were solvent. 1The Divine Severus and Antoninus stated in a general Rescript, addressed to Bononius Maximus, that interest should be paid by anyone who claimed the benefit of the Falcidian Law for the purpose of committing fraud.
Dig. 36,3,12Marcianus libro septimo institutionum. Licet, ut non petatur cautio, condicio testamento scripta fuerit, non videtur condicio: et ideo licet desideraverit quis caveri sibi, non videtur condicione defectus, quia postquam remitti talem cautionem iure publico placuit, nec onus cautionis sequitur nec quidem condicio intellegitur.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book VII. Even though the condition that no security shall be required may have been inserted into the will, such a condition will not be considered valid, and therefore, if any legatee should ask that security be given him, the condition will not be considered to have failed, because, after it has been established by public law that security of this kind can be remitted, the burden of a bond is not exacted, and no condition is understood to have been imposed.
Dig. 38,4,6Marcianus libro septimo institutionum. Si servus liber esse iussus fuerit et filio legatus, deinde vivus testator eum manumiserit, ad filium libertus quasi adsignatus pertinet. hoc ita est, sive expressum est vel certe intellexit non quasi servum eum legasse, sed quasi libertum adsignasse.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book VII. If a slave should be ordered to be free, and afterwards is bequeathed to the son of the testator, and the latter afterwards manumits him, the freedman will belong to the son, just as if he had been assigned to him. This will be the case whether it is either expressly stated, or clearly understood that the slave was not bequeathed as a slave, but assigned as a freedman.
Dig. 40,5,50Marcianus libro septimo institutionum. Si servus legatus et per fideicommissum manumissus sit, Cervidius Scaevola consultus putabat novissimam scripturam valere, sive libertas sit sive legatum, quia, cum libertatem datam postea placeat adimi, et per legatum constat posse adimi: sed si in obscuro sit, qua mente post libertatem legavit eundem servum, in obscuro libertatem praevalere. quae sententia mihi quoque verior esse videtur.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book VII. Where a slave has been bequeathed and manumitted under a trust, Cervidius Scævola, having been consulted, held that the last disposition was valid, whether it had reference to freedom or to a legacy; for the reason that it is established that when freedom is bequeathed it may afterwards be taken away, and it is clear that this can be done at the request of the slave. If, however, it is doubtful with what intention the testator bequeathed the same slave, after having left him his freedom, the bequest of freedom should have the preference. This opinion also seems to me to be the more correct one.
Dig. 50,16,210Marcianus libro septimo institutionum. Is, qui natus est ex mancipiis urbanis et missus est in villam nutriendus, in urbanis servis constituetur.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book VII. It has been decided that he who is born of urban slaves and is sent to the country to be brought up shall be classed as an urban slave.