Institutionum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 37,14,4Idem libro quinto institutionum. Iura libertorum patronorum liberis, cum pater eorum erat perduellionis damnatus, salva esse divi Severus et Antoninus benignissime rescripserunt, sicut ex alia causa punitorum liberis iura libertorum salva sunt.
The Same, Institutes, Book V. The Emperors Severus and Antoninus very properly stated in a Rescript that the rights over freedmen are preserved for children, where their father has been convicted of treason; just as such rights are preserved for the children of those who are punished for any other cause.
Dig. 38,16,9Marcianus libro quinto institutionum. Si ex pluribus legitimis heredibus quidam omiserint adire hereditatem vel morte vel qua alia ratione impediti fuerint, quo minus adeant, reliquis, qui adierint, adcrescit illorum portio et licet decesserint, antequam adcresceret, hoc ius ad heredes eorum pertinet. alia causa est instituti heredis et coheredi substituti: huic enim vivo defertur ex substitutione hereditas, non etiam, si decesserit, heredem eius sequitur.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book V. Where some of several heirs at law, having been prevented by death, or by some other cause fail to accept the estate, their shares will accrue to the others who do accept it; and even though the latter may die before this takes place, the right will still pass to their heirs. The case of an appointed heir is different where his co-heir has been substituted for him, as the estate will pass to the other, by virtue of the substitution, if he is living; but if he should die, it will not descend to his heir.