Institutionum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 5,2,2Marcianus libro quarto institutionum. Hoc colore inofficioso testamento agitur, quasi non sanae mentis fuerunt, ut testamentum ordinarent. et hoc dicitur non quasi vere furiosus vel demens testatus sit, sed recte quidem fecit testamentum, sed non ex officio pietatis: nam si vere furiosus esset vel demens, nullum est testamentum.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book IV. Proceedings are instituted in the case of an inofficious testament on the ground that the testator was not of sound mind when he made his will. It is not understood by this that he was actually insane, or demented, when he executed his will, but that he made it according to law, yet not in compliance with the dictates of paternal or filial affection; for if he were actually insane or demented, his will would be void.
Dig. 5,2,30Marcianus libro quarto institutionum. Adversus testamentum filii in adoptionem dati pater naturalis recte de inofficioso testamento agere potest. 1Tutoribus pupilli nomine sine periculo eius, quod testamento datum est, agere posse de inofficioso vel falso testamento divi Severus et Antoninus rescripserunt.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book IV. A natural father can lawfully institute proceedings against the will of his son who has been given in adoption, on the ground that said will is inofficious. 1The Divine Severus and Antoninus stated in a Rescript that guardians were permitted, in behalf of their wards, to institute proceedings on the ground that a will was inofficious or forged, without any risk of losing what was bequeathed to them by the will.
Dig. 28,1,13Marcianus libro quarto institutionum. Qui a latronibus capti sunt, cum liberi manent, possunt facere testamentum. 1Item qui apud externos legatione funguntur, possunt facere testamentum. 2Si quis in capitali crimine damnatus appellaverit et medio tempore pendente appellatione fecerit testamentum et ita decesserit, valet eius testamentum.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book IV. Those who have been captured by robbers, as they remain free, can make a will. 1Moreover, those who perform the duties of envoys in foreign countries can make a will. 2Where anyone convicted of a capital crime appeals, and makes a will in the meantime, while the appeal is pending, and then dies, his will is valid.
Dig. 28,5,49Marcianus libro quarto institutionum. His verbis: ‘Titius hereditatis meae dominus esto’, recte institutio fit. 1Illa institutio valet: ‘filius meus inpiissimus male de me meritus heres esto’: pure enim heres instituitur cum maledicto et omnes huiusmodi institutiones receptae sunt. 2Interdum nec cum libertate utiliter servus a domina heres instituitur, ut constitutione divorum Severi et Antonini significatur, cuius verba haec sunt: ‘servum adulterii accusatum non iure testamento manumissum ante sententiam ab ea muliere videri, quae rea fuerit eiusdem criminis postulata, rationis est’. quare sequitur, ut in eundem a domina collata institutio nihil momenti habeat. 3Si in patre vel patria vel alia simili adsumptione falsum scriptum est, dum de eo qui demonstratus sit constet, institutio valet.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book IV. The appointment of an heir is legally made when expressed as follows: “Let Titius be the owner of my estate.” 1The following appointment is valid: “Let my most unnatural son, who has deserved so ill of me, be my heir”; for he is absolutely appointed heir, although in terms of reproach, and all appointments of this kind are accepted. 2Sometimes a slave is not legally appointed an heir with the grant of his freedom by his mistress, as is indicated by a Constitution of the Divine Severus and Antoninus, which is in the following words: “It is reasonable that a slave accused of adultery should not, before judgment has been rendered, be legally enfranchised by the same woman with whom he was implicated, where she is accused of the same crime. Hence it follows that his appointment as an heir by his mistress is of no force and effect.” 3Where the testator makes a false statement with reference to the father, the nationality, or any similar relationship of his heir, the appointment will be valid, provided the identity of the party designated is established.
Dig. 28,6,36Marcianus libro quarto institutionum. Potest quis in testamento plures gradus heredum facere, puta: ‘si ille heres non erit, ille heres esto’, et deinceps plures, ut novissimo loco in subsidium vel servum necessarium heredem instituat. 1Et vel plures in unius locum possunt substitui vel unus in plurium vel singulis singuli vel invicem ipsi qui heredes instituti sunt.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book IV. Anyone can establish several degrees of heirs in a will, for example: “If So-and-So does not become my heir, let So-and-So not be my heir”, and I appoint several others in succession, so that in the last place, by way of reserve, a slave is appointed a necessary heir. 1Several heirs can be substituted instead of one, or one instead of several, or particular heirs instead of each one, or those who have been appointed heirs can be substituted for one another.
Dig. 28,7,14Marcianus libro quarto institutionum. Condiciones contra edicta imperatorum aut contra leges aut quae legis vicem optinent scriptae vel quae contra bonesaaDie Großausgabe liest bonos statt bones. mores vel derisoriae sunt aut huiusmodi quas praetores improbaverunt pro non scriptis habentur et perinde, ac si condicio hereditati sive legato adiecta non esset, capitur hereditas legatumve.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book IV. When conditions are prescribed in violation of the Edicts of the Emperors, or against the laws, or contrary to whatever obtains the force of law, or which are opposed to good morals, or imply derision, or are such as the Prætors would not approve of, they are held not to have been written, and the estate or the legacy will pass to the heir or legatee, just as if the condition had not been prescribed.
Dig. 28,7,16Marcianus libro quarto institutionum. ‘Si Titius heres erit, Seius heres esto: si Seius heres erit, Titius heres esto’. Iulianus inutilem esse institutionem scribit, cum condicio existere non possit.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book IV. Julianus states that the following appointment is void, namely: “If Titius should be my heir, let Seius be my heir; if Seius should be my heir, let Titius be my heir”, as the condition cannot take place.
Dig. 29,1,22Marcianus libro quarto institutionum. Miles filius familias si capite minutus fuerit vel emancipatus vel in adoptionem datus a patre suo, testamentum eius valet quasi ex nova voluntate.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book IV. Where a son under paternal control, who is serving as a soldier, loses his civil rights, or is emancipated, or is given in adoption by his father, his will will be valid, just as if a new one had been executed.
Dig. 29,2,52Marcianus libro quarto institutionum. Cum heres institutus erat filius et habebat patrem furiosum, in cuius erat potestate, interponere se suam benivolentiam divus Pius rescripsit, ut, si filius familias adierit, perinde habeatur atque si pater familias adisset, permisitque ei et servos hereditatis manumittere. 1Qui ex parte heres institutus est pure, ex parte sub condicione solus, etiam pendente condicione, si adierit hereditatem, ex asse heres erit, quia solus heres futurus est omnimodo, nisi habeat in condicionalem partem substitutum.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book IV. A son that was under the control of his father who was insane was appointed an heir; the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that he would be indulgent, and that if the said son should enter upon the estate, it would be considered just as if his father had done so, and that he would allow him to manumit the slaves belonging to said estate. 1When anyone is appointed an heir to one portion of an estate absolutely, and to the remaining portion under a condition, if he enters upon the estate while the condition is still pending, he will become the heir to the whole of it; for the reason that he will be the heir under all circumstances, unless he has a substitute for that part of the estate which depends upon the fulfillment of the condition.
Dig. 36,1,30Marcianus libro quarto institutionum. Si quis priore facto testamento posterius fecerit testamentum, etiamsi ex certis rebus in posteriores tabulas heredes instituit, superius tamen testamentum sublatum est, ut divi quoque Severus et Antoninus rescripserunt, cuius constitutionis verba rettuli, cum alia quoque praeterea in constitutione expressa sunt. ‘imperatores Severus et Antoninus Cocceio Campano. testamentum secundo loco factum, licet in eo certarum rerum heres scriptus sit, iure valere, perinde ac si rerum mentio facta non esset, sed teneri heredem scriptum, ut contentus rebus sibi datis aut suppleta quarta ex lege Falcidia hereditatem restituat his, qui priore testamento scripti fuerant, propter inserta fideicommissaria verba, quibus ut valeret prius testamentum expressum est, dubitari non oportet’. et hoc ita intellegendum est, si non aliquid specialiter contrarium in secundo testamento fuerit scriptum.
Ad Dig. 36,1,30Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 552, Note 6.Marcianus, Institutes, Book IV. If anyone, after having made a will, should afterwards make a second one, the first is annulled, even though by the last will he appointed heirs to certain property, as the Divine Severus and Antoninus stated in a Rescript, the words of which Constitution I quote, along with other matters included therein. “The Emperors Severus and Antoninus to Cocceius Campanus, Greeting. There is no doubt that a second will, although the heir may only have been appointed by it to receive certain property, is valid, just as if no mention of the property had been made; but the said appointed heir will be obliged to be content with whatever is left to him, or with enough to make up his fourth under the Falcidian Law; and he must transfer the estate to those mentioned in the former will, on account of the words creating the trust which were inserted, by which the testator stated that he intended the first will to be valid. This, however, must be understood to apply only where nothing especially contradictory was included in the second will.”
Dig. 49,14,31Idem libro quarto institutionum. Divus Commodus rescripsit obsidum bona sicut captivorum omnimodo in fiscum esse cogenda:
The Same, Institutes, Book IV. The Divine Commodus stated in a Rescript that the property of hostages, just like that of captives, should be turned over to the Treasury.