Institutionum libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 34,8,3Marcianus libro undecimo institutionum. Si in metallum damnato quid extra causam alimentorum relictum fuerit, pro non scripto est nec ad fiscum pertinet: nam poenae servus est, non Caesaris: et ita divus Pius rescripsit. 1Sed et si post testamentum factum heres institutus vel legatarius in metallum datus sit, ad fiscum non pertinet. 2Item si servo alieno quid legatum fuerit et postea a testatore redemptus sit, legatum exstinguitur: nam quae in eam causam pervenerunt, a qua incipere non poterant, pro non scriptis habentur.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book XI. Anything over and above a bequest for maintenance which is left to a criminal sentenced to the mines is considered as not having been written, but it is not forfeited to the Treasury, because the legatee is the slave of a penalty, and not the slave of the Emperor. The Divine Pius stated this in a Rescript. 1If an heir or legatee, who was appointed, should be condemned to the mines after the will has been executed, the estate or the legacy will not be forfeited to the Treasury. 2Likewise, if anything is left to the slave of another, and he is afterwards purchased by the testator, the legacy will be extinguished; for any bequests which are transferred to a place from which they cannot originate are considered as not having been written.
Dig. 34,9,2Idem libro undecimo institutionum. Aufertur hereditas ex asse et ad fiscum pertinet, si emancipatus filius contra tabulas bonorum possessionem patris ut praeteritus petierit et ex substitutione impuberis adierit hereditatem. 1Item si quis contra mandata duxerit uxorem ex ea provincia, in qua officium aliquid gerit, quod ei ex testamento uxoris adquisitum est divi Severus et Antoninus rescripserunt retinere eum non posse, tamquam si tutor pupillam contra decretum amplissimi ordinis in domum suam duxisset. utroque ergo casu etsi ex asse heres institutus adierit hereditatem, fisco locus fit: nam quasi indigno ei aufertur hereditas. 2Per contrarium autem ducta tam ab eo, qui officium in provincia gerebat, quam a tutore illicite magis est, ut dicatur capere illam ex testamento nec quasi indignam esse repellendam. 3Idem erit, si quis vivi ignorantis bona vel partem bonorum alicuius cognati donaverit: nam quasi indigno aufertur.
The Same, Institutes, Book XI. If an emancipated son, having been passed over, demands the possession of the estate of his father, in opposition to his will, and enters upon the estate as the substitute of a child under the age of puberty, he will be entirely deprived of the estate, which will be forfeited to the Treasury. 1Again, if anyone should, contrary to law, marry a wife in a province in which he exercises any public employment, the Divine Severus and Antoninus stated in a Rescript that he could not retain anything which he might have acquired by the will of his father; just as in the case of a guardian who marries his female ward in violation of the Decree of the Senate. Therefore, in both instances, if the person is appointed an heir to the entire estate, and enters upon the same, there will be ground for confiscation by the Treasury, for he will be deprived of the estate as being unworthy of it. 2On the other hand, however, this rule will not apply where a woman has married a man who is administering a public office in a province, nor to a female ward who has married her guardian unlawfully; but it is better to hold that she can take under the will, and should not be rejected as unworthy of doing so. 3The same rule will apply where anyone gives away the entire estate, or a portion of the same, of some relative whom he has a right to succeed, but who he does not know is still living, for he will be deprived of the property as being unworthy.