Institutionum libri
Ex libro X
Dig. 23,2,28Marcianus libro decimo institutionum. Invitam libertam uxorem ducere patronus non potest:
Marcianus, Institutes, Book X. A patron cannot marry his freedwoman against her consent.
Dig. 24,3,35Marcianus libro decimo institutionum. Liberta, quae voluntate patroni discessit, de dote cum eo agere potest quam ei dedit.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book X. A freedwoman, who is divorced from her patron with his consent, can bring an action against him for the recovery of the dowry which she gave him.
Dig. 48,5,7Marcianus libro decimo institutionum. Qui pupillam suam duxit uxorem contra senatus consultum, nec matrimonium est hoc et potest adulterii accusari, qui tutor vel curator fuit et intra vicensimum sextum annum duxit uxorem non a patre desponsam vel destinatam vel testamento denominatam.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book X. A man who contracts matrimony with his own female ward in violation of the Decree of the Senate is not legally married; and he who was her guardian or curator can be prosecuted for adultery if he marries a girl under twenty-six years of age who has not been betrothed to him, or destined for him, or mentioned for this purpose in a will.