Institutionum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 1,1,8Marcianus libro primo institutionum. Nam et ipsum ius honorarium viva vox est iuris civilis.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book I. For honorary law itself is the living voice of the Civil Law.
Dig. 1,1,12Marcianus libro primo institutionum. Nonnumquam ius etiam pro necessitudine dicimus veluti ‘est mihi ius cognationis vel adfinitatis.’
Marcianus, Institutes, Book I. Sometimes the term “law” is used to denote a connection, as for instance, “I am connected by the law of consanguinity or affinity with such-and-such a person”.
Dig. 1,3,2Marcianus libro primo institutionum. Nam et Demosthenes orator sic definit: τοῦτό ἐστι νόμος, ᾧ πάντας ἀνθρώπους προσήκει πείθεσθαι διὰ πολλά, καὶ μάλιστα ὅτι πᾶς ἐστι νόμος εὕρημα μὲν καὶ δῶρον θεοῦ, δόγμα δὲ ἀνθρώπων φρονίμων, ἐπανόρθωμα δὲ τῶν ἑκουσίων καὶ ἀκουσίων ἁμαρτημάτων, πόλεως δὲ συνθήκη κοινή, καθ’ ἣν ἅπασι προσήκει ζῆν τοῖς ἐν τῇ πόλει. sed et philosophus summae stoicae sapientiae Chrysippus sic incipit libro, quem fecit περὶ νόμου: ὁ νόμος πάντων ἐστὶ βασιλεὺς θείων τε καὶ ἀνθρωπίνων πραγμάτων· δεῖ δὲ αὐτὸν προστάτην τε εἶναι τῶν καλῶν καὶ τῶν αἰσχρῶν καὶ ἄρχοντα καὶ ἡγεμόνα, καὶ κατὰ τοῦτο κανόνα τε εἶναι δικαίων καὶ ἀδίκων καὶ τῶν φύσει πολιτικῶν ζῴων, προστακτικὸν μὲν ὧν ποιητέον, ἀπαγορευτικὸν δὲ ὧν οὐ ποιητέον.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book I. The orator Demosthenes thus defined it. “A law is something which it is proper for all men to obey for many reasons, and principally because every law was devised by, and is a gift of God; the decree of learned men; the restraint of those who either voluntarily or involuntarily are guilty of crime; it is also a common obligation of the State, by whose rules all those who reside therein should regulate their lives.” Chrysius, a Stoic philosopher of the greatest erudition, began a book which he wrote as follows: “Law is the queen of all things, Divine and human. It should also be the Governor, the leader, the ruler, of both the good and the bad, and, in this way, be the standard of whatever is just and unjust, as well as of those things which are civil by Nature, prescribing what should be done, and prohibiting what should not be done.”
Dig. 1,5,5Marcianus libro primo institutionum. Et servorum quidem una est condicio: liberorum autem hominum quidam ingenui sunt, quidam libertini. 1Servi autem in dominium nostrum rediguntur aut iure civili aut gentium: iure civili, si quis se maior viginti annis ad pretium participandum venire passus est: iure gentium servi nostri sunt, qui ab hostibus capiuntur aut qui ex ancillis nostris nascuntur. 2Ingenui sunt, qui ex matre libera nati sunt: sufficit enim liberam fuisse eo tempore quo nascitur, licet ancilla concepit. et e contrario si libera conceperit, deinde ancilla pariat, placuit eum qui nascitur liberum nasci. nec interest iustis nuptiis concepit an volgo, quia non debet calamitas matris nocere ei qui in ventre est. 3Ex hoc quaesitum est, si ancilla praegnas manumissa sit, deinde ancilla postea facta aut expulsa civitate pepererit, liberum an servum pariat. et tamen rectius probatum est liberum nasci et sufficere ei qui in ventre est liberam matrem vel medio tempore habuisse.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book I. One condition is common to all slaves; but of persons who are free some are born such, and others are manumitted. 1Slaves are brought under our ownership either by the Civil Law or by that of Nations. This is done by the Civil Law where anyone who is over twenty years of age permits himself to be sold for the sake of sharing in his own price. Slaves become our property by the Law of Nations when they are either taken from the enemy, or are born of our female slaves. 2Persons are born free who are born from a free mother, and it is sufficient for her to have been free at the time when her child was born, even though she may have been a slave when she conceived; and, on the other hand, if she was free when she conceived, and was a slave when she brought forth, it has been established that her child is born free, nor does it make any difference whether she conceived in a lawful marriage or through promiscuous intercourse; because the misfortune of the mother should not be a source of injury to her unborn child. 3Hence the following question arose, where a female slave who was pregnant, has been manumitted, and is afterwards again made a slave, or, after having been expelled from the city, should bring forth a child, whether that child should be free or a slave? It was very properly established that it was born free; and that it is sufficient for a child who is unborn that its mother should have been free during the intermediate time.
Dig. 1,16,2Marcianus libro primo institutionum. Omnes proconsules statim quam urbem egressi fuerint habent iurisdictionem, sed non contentiosam, sed voluntariam: ut ecce manumitti apud eos possunt tam liberi quam servi et adoptiones fieri. 1Apud legatum vero proconsulis nemo manumittere potest, quia non habet iurisdictionem talem.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book I. All Proconsuls after having left the city have jurisdiction, provided it is not contentious, but voluntary; for example, the manumissions of children as well as of slaves, and adoptions can take place before them. 1No one can manumit, however, before the Deputy, for the reason that he has not sufficient jurisdiction.
Dig. 18,1,42Marcianus libro primo institutionum. Domini neque per se neque per procuratores suos possunt saltem criminosos servos vendere, ut cum bestiis pugnarent. et ita divi fratres rescripserunt.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book I. Masters cannot, either themselves or by their agents, dispose of slaves, even if they have been guilty of criminality, for the purpose of having them fight with wild beasts. The Divine Brothers also stated this in a Rescript.
Dig. 38,2,22Marcianus libro primo institutionum. Si filius familias miles manumittat, secundum Iuliani quidem sententiam, quam libro vicensimo septimo digestorum probat, patris libertum faciet: sed quamdiu, inquit, vivit, praefertur filius in bona eius patri. sed divus Hadrianus Flavio apro rescripsit suum libertum eum facere, non patris.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book I. If a son under paternal control, who is a soldier, manumits his slave, he makes him the freedman of his father, according to the opinion of Julianus, which he adopts in the Twenty-seventh Book of the Digest; but he says that as long as his son is living, he will have the preference over his father with reference to the estate of the freedman. The Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript addressed to Flavius Aper, that, in this instance, he made him his own freedman and not that of his father.
Dig. 40,4,23Marcianus libro primo institutionum. Testamento manumissus ita demum fit liber, si testamentum valeat et ex eo adita sit hereditas, vel si quis omissa causa testamenti ab intestato possideat hereditatem. 1Testamento data libertas competit pure quidem data statim, quam adita fuerit hereditas vel ab uno ex heredibus: si in diem autem libertas data est vel sub condicione, tunc competit libertas, cum dies venerit vel condicio extiterit.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book I. A slave, who has been manumitted by a will, only becomes free when the will is valid, and the estate is entered upon on account of it; or where anyone obtains possession of the estate on the ground of intestacy because of the rejection of the will. 1Where freedom is granted by a will, it is obtained as soon as the estate is accepted by one of the heirs. If it is granted after a certain period, or under a condition, it will be obtained when the time arrives, or the condition is fulfilled.
Dig. 40,9,9Marcianus libro primo institutionum. Ille servus liber non erit, qui vi coegerit, ut eum dominus manumittat, et ille perterritus scripsit liberum eum esse. 1Item nec ille liber fieri potest, qui a domino non est defensus in capitali crimine posteaque absolutus est. 2Qui hac lege venierint, ne manumittantur, vel qui testamento prohibiti sint manumitti vel iussu praesidis provinciae, licet manumittantur, tamen ad libertatem non perveniunt.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book I. A slave will not become free who has compelled his master to manumit him, and the latter, having been intimidated, states in writing that he is free. 1Moreover, a slave will not become free who was not defended by his master for a capital crime, and afterwards was acquitted. 2Where slaves are sold under the condition that they shall not be manumitted, or where they are forbidden by will to be manumitted, or where this is done by order of the Governor of a province, and they should, nevertheless, be emancipated, they will not obtain their freedom.
Dig. 40,10,3Marcianus libro primo institutionum. Divus Commodus et ius anulorum datum ademit illis, qui invitis aut ignorantibus patronis acceperant.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book I. The Divine Commodus also deprived those of the right of wearing a gold ring who had obtained it without the knowledge or consent of their patrons.
Dig. 40,11,2Marcianus libro primo institutionum. Interdum et servi nati ex post facto iuris interventu ingenui fiunt, ut ecce si libertinus a principe natalibus suis restitutus fuerit. illis enim utique natalibus restituitur, in quibus initio omnes homines fuerunt, non in quibus ipse nascitur, cum servus natus esset. hic enim, quantum ad totum ius pertinet, perinde habetur, atque si ingenuus natus esset, nec patronus eius potest ad successionem venire. ideoque imperatores non facile solent quemquam natalibus restituere nisi consentiente patrono.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book I. Persons who are born slaves sometimes obtain the rights of those who are freeborn, by subsequent operation of law; as where a freedman is restored by the Emperor to the rights to which he is entitled by birth; for he is restored to these rights to which all men originally are entitled, but to which he himself could assert no claim by birth, as he was born a slave. He acquires the said rights in their entirety, and is in the same position as if he had been born free, hence his patron cannot succeed to his estate. For this reason the Emperors do not usually restore anyone to his birthright, unless with the consent of his patron.
Dig. 48,19,17Marcianus libro primo institutionum. Sunt quidam servi poenae, ut sunt in metallum dati et in opus metalli: et si quid eis testamento datum fuerit, pro non scriptis est, quasi non Caesaris servo datum, sed poenae. 1Item quidam ἀπόλιδες sunt, hoc est sine civitate: ut sunt in opus publicum perpetuo dati et in insulam deportati, ut ea quidem, quae iuris civilis sunt, non habeant, quae vero iuris gentium sunt, habeant.
Marcianus, Institutes, Book I. Where anything is left by will to certain penal slaves, such as those who have been condemned to the mines, and to work connected with the mines, it is considered as not having been written, and as having been left, not to a slave of the Emperor, but to a penal slave. 1Likewise, some persons, such as those who have been sentenced to hard labor on the public works for life, or deported to an island, are deprived of citizenship, so that they no longer enjoy any privileges derived from the Civil Law, but retain whatever rights they are entitled to by the Law of Nations.