De appellationibus libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 49,1,5Marcianus libro primo de appellationibus. A sententia inter alios dicta appellari non potest nisi ex iusta causa, veluti si quis in coheredum praeiudicium se condemnari patitur vel similem huic causam (quamvis et sine appellatione tutus est coheres): item fideiussores pro eo pro quo intervenerunt. igitur et venditoris fideiussor emptore victo appellabit, licet emptor et venditor adquiescant. 1Si heres institutus victus fuerit ab eo, qui de inofficioso testamento agebat, legatariis et qui libertatem acceperunt permittendum est appellare, si querantur per collusionem pronuntiatum: sicut divus Pius rescripsit. 2Idem rescripsit legatarios causam appellationis agere posse. 3Sed et si in fraudem suam transactionem factam ab eo qui appellasset dicerent, idem dicendum est. sed et sine appellatione si fuerit transactum, similiter rescriptum est. 4Si quis ipso die inter acta voce appellavit, hoc ei sufficit: sin autem hoc non fecerit, ad libellos appellatorios dandos biduum vel triduum computandum est.
Marcianus, On Appeals, Book I. An appeal cannot be taken from a decision affecting other parties, unless for some good reason; for instance, where a man has permitted himself to be convicted to the prejudice of his co-heir, or for some similar cause, although the co-heir may be secure even without an appeal. Likewise, where sureties appeal in behalf of him for whom they have become responsible. Therefore the surety of a vendor can appeal if the purchaser is defeated, even though both the purchaser and the vendor may acquiesce in the decision. 1When a testamentary heir is defeated by someone who brings an action on the ground that a will is inofficious, the legatees and those who have received their freedom are permitted to appeal, if they complain that the judgment has been obtained by collusion; as the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript. 2He also stated in a Rescript that legatees could appeal. 3The same must be said if they allege that the appellant has been concerned in a fraudulent transaction, to their prejudice. 4The same rule has been laid down in a Rescript as applicable, where a compromise has been effected without an appeal. When anyone, upon the same day, appeals verbally during the proceedings, this will be sufficient. If, however, he should not do so, two or three days should be computed to enable him to file his appeal.
Dig. 49,1,7Marcianus libro primo de appellationibus. Cum quidam propter violentiam iudicis non ipsi a quo appellavit dedit libellos, sed publice proposuisset, divus Severus veniam ei dedit et permisit ei causas appellationis agere.
Marcianus, On Appeals, Book I. When a certain man, being apprehensive of the violence of the judge, gave notice of appeal, not only to the court from which he appealed, but published it, the Divine Severus excused him, and permitted him to prosecute the appeal.
Ex libro II
Dig. 49,6,1Marcianus libro secundo de appellationibus. Post appellationem interpositam litterae dandae sunt ab eo, a quo appellatum est, ad eum, qui de appellatione cogniturus est, sive principem sive quem alium, quas litteras dimissorias sive apostolos appellant. 1Sensus autem litterarum talis est: appellasse puta Lucium Titium a sententia illius, quae inter illos dicta est. 2Sufficit autem petisse intra tempus dimissorias instanter et saepius, ut et si non accipiat, id ipsum contestetur: nam instantiam petentis dimissorias constitutiones desiderant. aequum est igitur, si per eum steterit, qui debebat dare litteras, quo minus det, ne hoc accipienti noceat.
Marcianus, On Appeals, Book II. After an appeal has been filed, letters should be sent by the official from whom the appeal is taken, to him who is to hear it, whether this be the Emperor, or someone else; which letters are called notices, or dispatches. 1The form of these letters is as follows, for instance: “Lucius Titius has appealed from the decision of So-and-So, rendered between him and So-and-So.” 2It is sufficient to have demanded these notices earnestly and frequently within the prescribed time, and if the judge does not accede to the demand, this can be proved by witnesses; for the Imperial Constitutions require that the party who applies for such a notice should do so with vehemence. Therefore, it is but just that, if he who should grant the notice is to blame for not doing so, this shall not prejudice the person who made the demand.
Dig. 49,11,2Marcianus libro secundo de appellationibus. Hoc enim illis praestatur, ne necesse habeant se defendere, qui rei publicae causa absunt.
Marcianus, On Appeals, Book II. This privilege is granted to those who are absent on business for the State, in order that they may not be required to defend themselves.