Notae ad Pomponii Regularum libros
Dig. 29,2,63Libro singulari regularum Pomponii Marcellus notat. Furiosus adquirere sibi commodum hereditatis ex testamento non potest, nisi si necessarius patri aut domino heres existat: per alium autem adquiri ei potest, veluti per servum vel eum quem in potestate habet.
Notes of Marcellus, On the Rules of Pomponius. An insane person cannot, under a will, acquire for himself the benefit of an estate, unless he is the necessary heir of his father, or the heir of his master; but he can acquire the estate through the agency of another, as for instance, by a slave or someone whom he has under his control.
Dig. 49,17,10Pomponius libro singulari regularum ex nota Marcelli. Constat nec patribus aliquid ex castrensibus bonis filiorum deberi.
Dig. 28,1,16Pomponius libro singulari regularum. Filius familias et servus alienus et postumus et surdus testamenti factionem habere dicuntur: licet enim testamentum facere non possunt, attamen ex testamento vel sibi vel aliis adquirere possunt. 1Marcellus notat: furiosus quoque testamenti factionem habet, licet testamentum facere non potest: ideo autem habet testamenti factionem, quia potest sibi adquirere legatum vel fideicommissum: nam etiam compotibus mentis personales actiones etiam ignorantibus adquiruntur.
Pomponius, Rules. It is held that a son under paternal control, the slave of another, a posthumous child, and a deaf person, have the right to take under a will; for, although they cannot execute one, still they can acquire property by a will, either for themselves or for others. 1Marcellus observes that an insane person also has the right to take under a will although he cannot execute one; hence a party is understood to possess this right, because he can acquire for himself either a legacy or a trust, for the right to bring a personal action is also acquired by parties that are not aware of the fact, but who are of sound mind.