Notae ad Iuliani Digestorum libros
Ex libro XXXV
Dig. 4,6,41Iulianus libro trigensimo quinto digestorum. Si quis Titio legaverit, si mortis suae tempore in Italia esset, aut in annos singulos, quod in Italia esset, et ei succursum fuerit, quia ob id, quod rei publicae causa afuit, exclusus fuerit a legato: fideicommissum ab eo relictum praestare cogitur. Marcellus notat: quis enim dubitabit salva legatorum et fideicommissorum causa militi restitui hereditatem, quam ob id perdidit, quod rei publicae causa afuit?
Julianus, Digest, Book XXXV. Where a person bequeathed a legacy to Titius, provided that, at the time of the testator’s death, the former should be in Italy, or he leaves it payable each year, as long as he remains in Italy; and the legatee obtains relief on the ground that he was excluded from the legacy because he was absent on public business, he is compelled to carry out any trust with which he was charged. Marcellus asks in a note, where an estate is restored to a soldier which he had lost because he was absent in the service of the State, whether any one can doubt that the right to legacies and trusts will not be impaired?