Notae ad Iuliani Digestorum libros
Ex libro XXVII
Dig. 35,1,20Marcellus apud Iulianum libro vicesimo septimo digestorum notat. Non dubitamus, quin turpes condiciones remittendae sunt: quo in numero plerumque sunt etiam iurisiurandi.
Marcellus remarks as follows on Julianus, Digest, Book XXVII. We have no doubt that dishonorable conditions should be referred back to those who imposed them. Among these are, generally speaking, such as require an oath.
Dig. 39,6,15Idem libro vicensimo septimo digestorum. Marcellus notat: cum testamento relinquendi, cui velint, adepti sint filii familias milites liberam facultatem, credi potest ea etiam remissa, quae donationes mortis causa fieri prohibent. Paulus notat: hoc et constitutum est et ad exemplum legatorum mortis causa donationes revocatae sunt.
The Same, Digest, Book XXVII. Marcellus says that where sons under paternal control, who are serving in the army, have obtained the unrestricted right to dispose of their property by will to anyone whom they may select, it may be held that they are also released from the observance of the ordinary formalities required in the case of donations mortis causa. Paulus says, with reference to this, that it is established by the Imperial Constitutions that donations mortis causa can be revoked in the same way as legacies.