Notae ad Iuliani Digestorum libros
Ex libro XXI
Dig. 26,8,12Iulianus libro vicesimo primo digestorum. Si servus communis tuus et Titii a pupilla tua te auctore aliquam rem per traditionem acceperit, tota ad Titium pertinebit. Marcellus notat: nam quodcumque ad omnes dominos non potest pertinere, id pro solido ad eum, cui adquiri potest, pertinere veteres comprobaverunt.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXI. If a slave owned in common by you and Titius should receive any property by delivery from your ward with your consent, Marcellus states that its ownership will vest solely in Titius; for where anything cannot be acquired by all the owners of a slave, the ancient authorities have held that it will belong in its entirety to the one by whom it can be acquired.