Notae ad Iuliani Digestorum libros
Ex libro XVII
Dig. 39,6,13Iulianus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Si alienam rem mortis causa donavero eaque usucapta fuerit, verus dominus eam condicere non potest, sed ego, si convaluero. 1Marcellus notat: in mortis causa donationibus etiam facti quaestiones sunt. nam et sic potest donari, ut omnimodo ex ea valetudine donatore mortuo res non reddatur: et ut reddatur, etiamsi prior ex eadem valetudine donator decesserit, si tamen mutata voluntate restitui sibi voluerit. sed et sic donari potest, ut non aliter reddatur, quam si prior ille qui acceperit decesserit. sic quoque potest donari mortis causa, ut nullo casu sit eius repetitio, id est nec si convaluerit quidem donator.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVII. If I give property belonging to another as a donation mortis causa, and it should afterwards be acquired by usucaption, the true owner cannot recover it, but I can do so, if I regain my health. 1Marcellus says that questions of fact may arise with reference to donations mortis causa, for the donation may be made in such a way that if the donor should die of his illness, it shall not be returned; or that it shall be returned if the donor, having changed his mind, desires it to be restored to him, even if he should die of the same illness. A donation of this kind can also be made subject to the provision that it shall not be returned unless the person who is to receive it dies first. A donation mortis causa can be made in such a way that the property shall not be returned in any event; that is to say, not even if the donor should recover his health.