Notae ad Iuliani Digestorum libros
Ex libro XVI
Dig. 23,3,44Iulianus libro sexto decimo digestorum. Si pater filiae nomine dotem promisisset et eam ante nuptias emancipasset, non resolvitur promissio: nam et cum ante nuptias pater moreretur, nihilo minus heredes eius ex promissione obligati manebunt. 1Quae debitorem filium familias habet, si patri eius ita dotem promiserit: ‘quod mihi debes vel quod mihi filius tuus debet, doti tibi erunt’, non obligatur, sed efficit, ut id, quod actione de peculio servari a patre poterat, in dote sit. Marcellus. Sive igitur cum filio post hac sive cum patre agere instituerit, exceptione pacti conventi summovebitur: actione autem de dote si experietur, consequetur quod in peculio fuisse apparuerit eo tempore quo dos promittebatur: utique si post nuptias promissa dos est. nam dote ante nuptias promissa eius temporis peculium aestimari debet, quo nuptiae fierent.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVI. If a father should promise a dowry for his daughter, and emancipates her before the marriage takes place, he will not be released from his promise; for even if the father should die before the celebration of the marriage, his heirs will still remain liable on account of his promise. 1Where a woman has a son under paternal control as her debtor, and she promises a dowry to his father as follows: “What you owe me, or what your son owes me, shall be yours as my dowry,” she is not bound; but the result will be that anything that she can recover from the father in an action De Peculio will be included in her dowry. Marcellus says that if, after this, she wishes to bring an action either against the son or the father, she will be barred by an exception on the ground of a contract entered into; but if she should bring an action on dowry, she can recover whatever was found to be in the peculium when the dowry was promised, and if it was promised after the marriage took place, the appraisement of the peculium must be made at the time that the nuptials were celebrated.